
Converting Juice to an Alcoholic Beverage

Converting Juice to an Alcoholic BeverageThe set with which you can create an alcoholic beverage from juice is already a reality. It will be something like wine, but it is quite simple to make. You can treat and surprise your friends with such a unique home-made drink.

The story of creating a kit for turning juice into an alcoholic drink

This invention was created by several Europeans who moved to California. Where in the near future they really missed you for the popular in Europe drink from grape juice, which fermented a little, which is made after the grape harvest, it is autumn. And they created their own drink, which they called Spike York Juice.

This product is quite simple in content; it is a mixture of yeast and cane sugar. A mixture of these ingredients can turn a simple juice into an alcoholic drink. They decided to sell their invention in small sets.

One kit for turning juice into an alcoholic drink costs about $ 10. This set includes: six bags of powder, which starts the whole process, labels, for the removal of gas that accumulates, the set has a rubber tube and a rubber stopper.

One package is designed for two liters of approximately two liters of juice. Manufacturers recommend using pomegranate or grape juice; you can also use cranberry juice. The procedure for making a wine drink is simple. The contents of the powder should be poured into the juice and the container tightly closed with a special stopper for two days and left to roam in a warm room. Some buyers (the most impatient) say that one day is enough. By strength such a drink can reach 14 degrees. The resulting drink preserves the fruity taste of the juice, on the basis of which the drink is made and looks like homemade wine.

Homemade wine in our country is very popular. But if earlier the inhabitants of private houses had the opportunity to do it, now now with the appearance of such a product on the market, residents of apartments will also be able to make homemade wine.

This is a great idea for a business because it takes only 24 to 48 hours to turn juice into an alcoholic drink, and as a result, 2 liters of wine. Benefit on the face.

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