
Notebook Advertising

Notebook AdvertisingAdvertising has captivated our lives, every day on TV we see hundreds of videos on the way to work dozens of billboards, while reading the newspaper, we also see advertisements. Advertising in our life is so common that we try to simply not notice it and do it on purpose. Advertising agents are constantly looking for someone who can advertise their product and talk about its benefits.An important concept in advertising is the concept of target audience. A lot of advertising and manufacturing companies build all their work on the target audience and earn billions.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to advertise a product, make it attractive and visible among other products. One Japanese came up with a very interesting way of advertising is advertising in notebooks. Rodrigo Namikawa built his business precisely on advertising in notebooks.

Such books are handed out free of charge near universities, libraries, scientific exhibitions and other places where students gather. Rodrigo has found many advertisers who are specifically targeted at young people and students. Thus, students receive free notebooks, and the company receives customers.

Anyone who has ever visited a doctor, and they prescribed medicine for you, you may have noticed that doctors write prescriptions on leaflets that contain an advertisement for the drug separately. Such notebooks are distributed by pharmaceutical companies for the purpose of advertising.

The cost of production of such notebooks is small and all costs are covered by advertisers. At Rodrigo, the cost of one advertising page is 4 cents, this covers all costs. Rodrigo does not think to stop there, he plans to expand his company and develop new niches in advertising. In Japan, advertising on pens, napkins, and other goods that cost a penny, but on which advertisements can be placed, is very popular.

Notebook advertising is a fairly simple business. In a city with a good printing house you can negotiate cheaper. Since our people love everything that’s free, it’s not difficult to give out notebooks. This is a great idea for a business in a metropolis where there are many students and office workers, you can place a variety of advertisements for a variety of readers.

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