
Stickers with an online address

Stickers with an online addressTweeter is more popular than ever. Three hundred thousand users visit this Internet resource daily. Hundreds of thousands of messages are sent every minute. It has become very popular to advertise your product on Twitter, thus reaching a large audience. Very quickly you can post information about a new product or service. If it is high-quality or creative, then already an hour later thousands of users will know about it.

Twitter has created its own communication culture, which is based on short messages. Also, various communities and communication between its users are very common on Twitter. But advertising of pages on Twitter before was now only on the Internet on other news or entertainment resources. One Australian marketer came up with a great idea for a business - these are stickers with an online page address.

On the sticker you can place a small advertisement and add an address on the Internet or on a social network. Such a sticker can be glued anywhere and people will see it. This is precisely the idea of ​​its creator. This inventor created small flyers with the address of his page on Twitter, which would bring fame and add new visitors. He was guided by the fact that in public places you can stick these leaflets and people will constantly see his address, sooner or later someone will go there.

Entrepreneurs from Australia have adapted this business idea to advertise any Internet resources. Now they make stickers in sets. The set includes 15 small (14.5 x 2.5 cm) and 15 large (29.5 x 5 cm) stickers. Stickers are painted in different colors and correspond to the time of year. Stickers with online addresses sell for $ 15. Such stickers can be ordered on the company's website. Delivery in Australia within seven days, and in the world within fourteen days.

Such a business can be developed in any city. We have exactly the same situation with advertising online resources. It is located only on the Internet itself, and nobody can take it out into the living world. By creating a company that will create stickers with online addresses, in addition to profit, you can also make good contacts in the advertising field.

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The idea of ​​stickers with online addresses is very good, thanks. that you brought it to us. It’s not clear to me yet where to place these stickers. They are so small. Who will see them?


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