
Business at weddings: how to organize a wedding agency? How to organize a wedding business from A to Z

how to organize a wedding agency

Today, it is not easy for a novice entrepreneur to find a niche free from competition suitable for creating their own business. All more or less worthy and profitable ideas have long been implemented. What to do in this case?

Do you have to abandon the planned enterprise? Perhaps not worth it. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create your own bank, but you can pay attention to fairly recent business ideas that have recently come to life. And try to "win back" a piece of space under the sun.

Wedding business

For example, some entrepreneurs have already made a pretty solid capital by creating their own business at weddings. This type of activity has long been practiced abroad, while in our country it is just beginning to get on its feet. So, according to statistics, in America, more than ninety percent of newlyweds turn to the agency with a request to help organize a wedding celebration.

In our country, so far, no more than ten percent of couples use this service. The rest, on the other hand, traditionally celebrate the happiest day of their lives: a restaurant, a banquet, a toastmaster with a button accordion, dances and endless toasts shouting: "Bitter!"

And therefore, how to organize a wedding agency is quite simple and, by and large, not so expensive, why not try to help people make one of the most significant days in their life really happy and memorable. For a certain fee, of course.

Therefore, let's talk about how to open a wedding organization agency, what documents will be required for this, how much money will be needed, where and how to look for clients and what services to offer them. That is, speaking the business language, we will make a competent commercial project of the future enterprise. Which for the time being we shall call “How to organize a wedding agency”. So, let's get started.

Future business concept

What needs to be done to imagine what, in fact, should be the activities of a wedding agency? The best way is to remember your own marriage. Or, if there was none, try to put yourself in the shoes of the newlyweds. So, what needs to be done before the wedding to the bride and groom? Forget about romantic dates, going to the movies and partying.

Durable and durable. For all the time left from work will need to be devoted to running around various clothing salons, car rental offices, restaurants, and shops. Moreover, the two together will definitely not be able to cope with this. Therefore, you will have to involve parents, friends and acquaintances. Total?

On a happy wedding day, only a joyful thought will beat in the head of the newly-married husband and wife: "Is it all almost over?" Although, in theory, the happy couple should just begin at this moment.

Now imagine that all these chores will be undertaken by a specialist who is a dock in organizing such events. A knowledgeable and confident person, a professional, taking into account not only all the nuances of the upcoming celebration, but also yours, not just wishes, but even whims.

And you should become such a specialist if you suddenly one day decide that the most suitable business for you is organizing weddings. Now, when the concept of future activities is clear, it will be necessary to determine the range of services provided.


Ideally, you should become for the newlyweds the kind fairy for Cinderella: to serve them from A to Z. That is, to provide them with absolutely everything - from dresses and a carriage to a ball (in our interpretation, a banquet). Therefore, you should not think that it will be enough for you to fit a couple of cars with a baby doll on the hood to the house of the bride and groom and order a room in the restaurant.

It will be necessary to think over and develop the overall style of the upcoming event. You must choose a venue for the celebration, a travel route, coordinate all the main stages of the celebration, control the delivery of the goods ordered by you.

Thinking about how to organize a wedding agency, you should be prepared for what you have to:

  • to arrange a place or hall where a celebration is planned;
  • provide and decorate wedding vehicles;
  • Design and send out wedding invitations
  • to arrange wedding bouquets, buttonholes and other accessories;
  • organize a wedding;
  • to conduct video and photography of the process of marriage and the subsequent celebration;
  • provide services of professional seamstresses, stylists, makeup artists and other specialists;
  • select the appropriate restaurant or cafe, order dishes, arrange a table;
  • organize musical accompaniment;
  • provide leaders;
  • choose a wedding cake, organize its manufacture, delivery:
  • pick up and develop the route of the upcoming honeymoon.

how to open a wedding organization agency

And that's not all. Today, the ideas for the wedding business are so diverse that, who knows, perhaps in the main list you will have to include more and more new services that will be in demand by the client in the near future.

By the way, it is necessary to say a few words about the latter.

Potential clientele

How to organize a wedding business correctly? So, in order to really get the desired income, and not stay with nothing but a few months after opening your own business? First of all, one important thing to remember. For a beginner and, to be honest, a businessman still inexperienced in this field of activity does not need to try to jump above his head.

Yes, large wedding agencies do not know the end of customers. They are able to please both poor students and wealthy couples. They have everything been debugged for a long time and, as they say, “on the ointment”, and the budget, as you know, is much higher than yours. Therefore, a novice in this business is best to start small. Say, to develop one or two scenarios of a wedding celebration, designed for a middle-income client.

For example, to propose a wedding in any one style, let's say - which is very fashionable today - Eastern. And at first, work only in this direction, gradually gaining experience, accumulating capital and gaining a reputation. But, of course, one cannot do without PR here. How to organize a wedding agency and ensure the influx of customers without advertising? No way!

how to organize a wedding business

Help trade engine

You need to declare yourself everywhere, everywhere and with all your voice! Where to vote? In all small and large newspapers that print ads. Hang flyers on the appropriate stands, hand out business cards and posters near the registry offices, submit your radio advertising and television. An indispensable and indispensable condition is the creation of your own website. On it you can not only talk about your services, but also show them: show videos, place a portfolio.

By the way, think carefully about what to call a wedding agency. Its name should be beautiful, sonorous, easy to remember. And match the type of activity. An intelligent and topic-specific title will certainly attract the attention of those who are in search of a specialist who can facilitate preparation for the upcoming wedding.

The main thing - do not forget that advertising is by no means necessary to save. Promote your agency on all possible resources.And do not forget about the growing popularity of social networks every day. Use them as platforms for promoting and advertising your business.


Naturally, one person can not cope and organize such a large-scale event. You will need to establish contacts with car rental points, beauty salons, ateliers, restaurants, flower shops, hosts of wedding parties, photographers, artists and many other organizations and people who can not do without.

Of course, at first it will be difficult to navigate this sea of ​​services; you will also have to deal with unscrupulous contractors, and even scammers. But gradually everything will work out. And in order to fill as few cones as possible at the beginning, try to contact people with an already proven reputation and experience. Inquire about them first. And then conclude a contract.


Naturally, you will need an office. And it is desirable that it is located as close as possible to the business center of the city. It is quite clear that at the stage of “promotion” of a new business, there is no need to rent a huge office. A small room with an area of ​​twenty to thirty square meters is enough.

But it must be carefully repaired and beautifully designed in order to demonstrate to the potential client the excellent taste of the agency owner. And equipped with all necessary office equipment and good furniture.

 open a wedding agency


Naturally, a long-legged secretary meeting a client at the entrance with a smile of thirty-two teeth would not hurt. But at first it’s better to spend more money on salaries for more needed workers. So, you just will need a professional and experienced manager, as well as an accountant. You can still be a director yourself. Agree, not the last post.


As a matter of fact, this type of business is also good because it does not require a huge package of permits and licensing. In principle, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), pay a single flat tax on a monthly basis and calmly organize wedding parties. But if - at least even in your dreams - you plan to expand your business, it is better to choose a type of registration, such as LLC, which will save you from many problems in the future and will allow you to officially hire employees, and not pay them salaries in envelopes (which is not welcomed by law )

 wedding business

We turn to the calculations

As we said above, in order to open a wedding agency, you must have an initial capital. The exact amount that will need to be spent at the initial stage of the business is, of course, difficult to name, since it all depends on the place where you decided to start your own business. It is clear that in Moscow it will take a lot more money even if only to pay for renting an office, rather than, say, in a regional or district center. Therefore, the sums below will be considered a certain average value.

Get ready for the following upfront costs:

  • repair, purchase of furniture, office equipment - 150,000 rubles;
  • registration of documents (for individual entrepreneurs) - 20,000 rubles;
  • website creation - 35 000 rubles.

In total - 205,000 rubles.

Agree, there is not so much for opening a profitable (which you can not doubt) business. As for the monthly costs, they will be as follows:

  • rent - 20,000 rubles;
  • salaries to staff - from 50,000 to 60,000 rubles;
  • advertising costs - 30,000 rubles.


It is also impossible to name a specific amount, since it will depend on the range of services provided and their cost. However, experts argue that the profitability of a successful and well-established wedding business is about thirty to forty percent. In conversations about monthly revenue, an amount of half a million rubles usually appears.

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