
My business: grave care. Grave Care Services

It has long been customary to bury the deceased in Russia. Business in funeral services brings good money. Despite the fact that funeral homes confidently and firmly occupied their niches in this market, you can enter the mourning business. It will take the organization of a new type of service. This is the care of the graves.


grave care businessIs this grave care business in demand? Yes. This service is used by busy people. The lack of free time does not allow them to take care of the burial places of their deceased relatives on their own.

Usually these are large executives or entrepreneurs. At work, they spend a lot of time. Grave care is also required for residents of distant areas. Clients can become people who emigrated to another country.

They simply do not have the opportunity to visit the cemetery, where the burial places of their loved ones are located. There is another category of customers. These are people who prefer to pay specialists, rather than do the work on their own.

Burial search

So, grave care as a business is a promising business. Demand for this service is available. What is the list of services that will be provided by the newly organized company?

grave care

Often in cemeteries located on a large territory, it is required to find a burial place. Moreover, it happens that its exact location is unknown. The cost of such work is from two hundred rubles to two thousand. The price will depend on the complexity of the search.

Initial clean-up work

It happens that for a long time no care was taken. In this case, you will need to conduct a whole range of activities. It includes weeding weeds, painting or complete replacement of the fence, updating the inscription on the monument or cross, etc. The cost of such a service can range from one to five thousand rubles.

grave care service

The price will depend on the volume and cost of the work performed. In the process of restoring order at the burial site, it is recommended to conduct digital video recording of all works. Subsequently, it must be provided to the customer as a report on the work performed.

The conclusion of long-term contracts. Business development

Caring for graves implies the possibility of obtaining quality services throughout the calendar year. For this, a long-term contract is concluded with the client. The cost of such work can be set in the range of two to five thousand rubles.

Systematic cleaning is carried out during the entire period for which the contract is concluded. The regularity of visiting the burial place is stipulated. As a rule, the price of services, ranging from two to five thousand rubles, is set for three visits during the year. If the frequency of visits at the request of the customer should be greater, then the cost of the contract, respectively, increases.

how to care for the grave in winter

How to care for the grave in winter? It is enough to clean the aisles from snow and lay flowers or a wreath at the request of the customer by a certain date.

Other services

Organized business - grave care - may include:

- replacement of portraits or photographs;
- installation of monuments;
- laying flowers at various dates and church holidays.

The cost of such services is determined independently, based on the amount of expenses incurred.

The work that relates to the care of the graves may include clearing the area from branches and small debris, washing the monument with special tools, minor repairs to the fence, replacing land in the flower garden, planting shrubs, trees,weeding and watering flowers, ordering a prayer service, preparing the burial for the winter period. The amount of the order with such an extensive list of services will cost the client fifteen to twenty thousand rubles.

In addition, cleaning of rust and painting of the table and bench, restoration of tombstones and installation of fences, etc. can be carried out separately.

Customer search

It is advisable to immediately start your own website. This will give a detailed description of your services and easily contact customers on the World Wide Web. It is advisable to place advertisements in local newspapers. Similar companies can be held on television and radio. Advertisements and stickers will provide a good effect if they are in regular buses, the routes of which are located in cemetery directions.

grave care as a business

Your business - care for the graves - will gain good momentum only if a certain number of regular customers are attracted. That is why an important point is the provision of quality services to those customers who pay well for work.

Payment for services

The customer can transfer money by bank transfer or using an electronic payment system. Settlement is made according to the agreement specified in the agreement signed by both parties. This may be a partial prepayment with final payment, etc. To confirm the performance of services, the contractor must provide the client with photos of the burial before and after cleaning.

Organizational moments

Before starting your own grave care business, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code 93.03 corresponds to this type of activity. Business does not require start-up investments. Only a vehicle for movement, as well as tools for painting, repairing graves and planting plants, will be needed. You can start a business alone.

Opening a grave care business is advisable only if the ritual bureau does not provide such services. Otherwise, dealing with such a competitor, and even on its territory, will be very difficult.

Grave care work is usually seasonal. In winter, this service is in demand only by those customers who have concluded long-term contracts. That is why we must strive to sell as many season tickets as possible in order to make a profit in the cold season.

It is worth saying that the business in the field of funeral services at all times was quite profitable. If you have regular customers, the income will be stable. You just have to work hard, conscientiously, and success will certainly come to you.

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Thanks for the article! Very cool, everything is clear.
But such a question, but how to put the City Administration on the stream?
For example, abandoned restore graves, and so on.


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