
Business plan - sushi delivery. How to open sushi delivery. How to organize home delivery of rolls

sushi delivery business plan

The main task that needs to be solved by a person who wants to start any business is to choose the right direction.

It is necessary first of all to focus on the needs of people. For example, recently, Japanese dishes, in particular sushi and rolls, have been especially popular among citizens of different countries, including Russia. Due to its relevance, the business of delivering them can be a great investment.

Business plan

Sushi delivery is quite a profitable business. Now we will analyze all the main aspects of this business. After reading the article, you can understand how to open sushi delivery (to your home or office). By the way, this type of activity does not require significant financial costs, such as, say, opening a restaurant.

In order for everything to go without a hitch, you need a well-designed business plan. Sushi delivery is not such a simple matter as it might seem, so we will take the matter seriously. The above document will reflect the main points, namely:

  • demand for a service such as sushi delivery;
  • action plan and costs;
  • possible delivery options;
  • components of success.

The need for Japanese dishes

So, we are making a business plan. Sushi delivery is a fairly new service in the market for such offers. Therefore, in order to correctly draw up a document, you need to know how necessary it is. In our modern world, people do not always have enough time to visit a restaurant or cafe, but the desire to enjoy delicious Japanese cuisine remains. In this case, the most suitable option is the delivery of rolls to your home or office.

The monthly payment of the courier, as well as the purchase and maintenance of vehicles are the main reasons because of which many bars exclude such a service. Since people do not order these dishes at home constantly, such costs are impractical.

To satisfy the desire of lovers of exoticism and to get additional profit, you can open home delivery. Typically, restaurants and bars gladly accept the offer of cooperation with a free courier. By the way, if desired, it is possible to organize roll production in parallel with delivery.

Business Options

It is important at the very initial stage of thinking out a business plan to decide on the implementation of your business. There can be two of them:

1. Delivery of Japanese dishes of own production. Of course, this option requires significant investment, but it is also a more stable source of profit.

In this case, the emphasis should be on the freshness and quality of cooking, as well as speed. After a while, you can even open your own network within the whole region. As you know, such an enterprise is even more profitable.

2. You will deliver from existing sushi bars and restaurants. This option is the most budget. To organize this business, you need to make an agreement with a sushi bar, as well as buy a portable refrigerator and a car. This business may well be the starting point if you plan to open a Japanese restaurant in the future.

Documentation Base

“What needs to be done first?” You ask. To issue all papers, including legal ones. The best option is to register in the tax as an individual entrepreneur. In addition, you can not do without visiting the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service. All agree, get permits.Do not want to run yourself? Ask for help from special agencies: their employees will take on all the chores for a fee.


You will need to do the following:

1. Rent a room (on average it will be 25 thousand rubles per month). Be sure to conclude a contract for a long period. Choosing a room for office and kitchen, take care of a good location. Although your customers will not go inside, the location is still of great importance. It is necessary that it is convenient to get from the office to any point in the city, even the most remote. A good option - the building is located near bypass roads and highways.

2. Equip the premises in accordance with all standards of the Ministry of Emergencies and SES (about ten thousand rubles).

3. Purchase all necessary equipment, including kitchen utensils and a refrigerator (50 thousand rubles). In addition, you will need thermoses and a rice cooker. Do not save on technology, it should serve you long and true. Do not forget to indicate in the business plan all the necessary equipment to carry out the work.

4. Buy a car (more than 100 thousand rubles). By the way, it is more advisable to hire a courier driver with personal transport.

5. It is imperative to buy a small portable refrigerator (it costs about seven thousand rubles), because the fish can go bad during delivery over long distances, especially in the heat.

6. Hire staff: cook, driver, operator. At first, if you do not have significant funds, you can independently work as an operator, as well as a courier.

On average, you will need to open such a business in a small city with low competitiveness about 250 thousand rubles, and for a metropolis - about 650 thousand rubles.

how to open sushi delivery

Monthly costs to consider when drawing up a business plan

Sushi delivery is a popular service, but you need to constantly spend money on supporting such a thing. In particular, finance should be spent on:

  • Salary to staff.
  • Gasoline and car maintenance. Without good transport, it is unlikely that it will be possible to provide such a service as home roll delivery.
  • Purchase of equipment. There is nothing eternal, everything breaks down, so sooner or later it will be necessary to change this or that device or inventory.
  • Payment for the rental of premises.
  • Procurement of products. It is necessary to monitor the freshness of food. Therefore, you need to buy all the necessary ingredients every day (at most every two to three days).
  • Additional expenses. Everything happens in life, so you need to prepare for everything.
  • Advertising. As you yourself understand, there is no way to do without this engine of trade.

Components of success

For sushi delivery to be profitable, the business plan must be drawn up correctly. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the development of their business. To do this, you need to know all the components of success. Which ones? Now we will tell. They must be included in the business plan.

Firstly, it’s an advertisement. It is very important to declare yourself correctly and loudly. This can be done, for example, via the Internet. An equally good option is to send SMS messages. Another way is to place bright banners on the city streets, on which incredibly delicious sushi and rolls will be displayed, as well as delivery phone numbers. All information should be recorded concisely, but catchy.

For example, the number you propose to call should be highlighted in bold. It’s good if it will be memorable (a good combination of numbers). By the way, such numbers can be bought. So you prove the solidity of your company. In addition, each client will have your number in the language, so you can get more customers, which means orders.

Secondly, the speed of delivery. Citizens do not like to wait, especially for a long time. If the order arrived later than the deadline, it is unlikely that a person will contact this company again.

Freshness of products. The cost of sushi on average is 8 rubles per piece, so do not save on products, make sure they are always fresh.If it comes to delivery from restaurants and bars, then, of course, give preference to those suppliers that are already verified.

The staff is of great importance in such a business. The courier should be neat and welcoming.

Promotions. This is a very good move. To attract customers, you can arrange different promotions. For example, every tenth order is free or involves receiving a pleasant presentation, albeit a purely symbolic one (pen, keychain) to any set.

how to open sushi delivery


Here is such a business idea. Sushi is a profitable industry for business. Therefore, with successful development, the delivery of Japanese dishes fully pays off in six months. Based on this, we conclude that you can try to invest your money in such a business.

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Andrey Kureev
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