
Group 1 disabled person: benefits, pension, benefits

Disability benefits are granted to citizens who are recognized as such as a result of mutilations, professional illness, or as a result of birth with pathological abnormalities. In accordance with the decree of the Russian Federation, a person may be assigned the first, second or third group. A special category is occupied by a citizen who has been given the status of "disabled person of group 1".Group 1 disabled person

Features of the appointment of a pension

By law, a disabled person of group 1 has the full right to receive a cash payment. However, in each case, a certain type of allowance is assigned. For those who have been injured during work or if an occupational disease has been identified, benefits are assigned regardless of the length of service only provided that the injury was received before 2002. That is, before this period, citizens are assigned a labor pension. Since 2002, a disabled person of group 1 can count on an insurance pension.

In the presence of a common disease, a pension is also prescribed, but only on the condition that the pathology was detected before the age of 20 years. If the disability is received after this, the allowance is assigned only if there is work experience established by law.

Pension Formation

The pension of a disabled person of group 1 depends on the group, and not on the degree of restriction of labor abilities, as it was before. Such a transition is caused by the fact that the degree of loss of working capacity sometimes does not correspond to the disability group. For this reason, it was decided to change the size of the pension and the conditions for accruing it. These changes did not affect the disabled of the first group. Their insurance pension has remained unchanged and is calculated on the basis of the group.

A person with a disability of group 1 can count on benefits, even if at the time of establishing the status a citizen was not engaged in any labor activity. If at the time of receipt of the group he did not have work experience, the pension is assigned social disability.Benefits for disabled people of group 1

Insurance part

Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 born before 1967 can receive a pension consisting of a funded and an insurance part. The first part began to accrue only in 2013. If disability has occurred before this point, the benefit will be calculated only on the insurance part. If the category was confirmed after 2013, the pension may consist of two parts.

The size of the insurance pension is calculated taking into account the age, length of service paid by the employer of insurance premiums. Calculations are carried out according to the following formula:

MF = PC / (TkhK), where MF - insurance share, PC - the amount of contributions by the employer; T - the time during which the allowance will be paid to persons with disabilities; K is the pension coefficient.


According to the law, for pensioners with disabilities, fixed premiums of 1200 rubles are applied. This allowance is calculated so that a disabled person can pay for the services of an unemployed able-bodied citizen who will look after him.Group 1 disabled pension

Care for a disabled person of group 1 can be performed by both relatives and unauthorized persons who do not work. To do this, you must submit an application to the PF. From the month in which the documents are submitted, the pensioner will receive a pension supplement in the amount of the fixed amount.

The right to benefits is lost if the caregiver begins to receive a pension or goes to work. Within a week from the occurrence of such an event, the caregiver agrees to notify the PF to remove the allowance.

Provided benefits

According to federal law, benefits are provided for persons with disabilities of group 1, namely:

  • provision of medicines;
  • getting tickets to the sanatorium;
  • train travel;
  • tax incentives.

The law provides benefits to people with disabilities of the 1st group who own real estate. This category of citizens is exempt from paying property taxes. Also, people with disabilities are reduced land tax in the amount of up to ten thousand rubles.

Amount of cash payments

Citizens with disabilities have the right to receive a benefit of 3538 rubles.

The insurance pension for disabled people who do not have dependents is 9610 rubles. If there is one disabled or minor in care, the allowance will be paid in the amount of 11211 rubles. If the disabled person maintains two dependents, the amount of the allowance will be 12,813 rubles, and with three - more than fourteen thousand. The social pension in the first group is 12082 rubles per month.

Each year, the size of the payment increases with the indexation of the pension. This year, the pension grew by 1.5%.Disabled people 1 and 2 groups

Disabled Rights

Every citizen who is recognized as disabled has the right to:

  1. To receive free medical care.
  2. To receive housing. Government agencies are working to improve the living conditions of all people who are recognized as legally incompetent.
  3. Education. There are a number of pathologies in which home training is provided.
  4. Disabled people of the first group have the right to work, but for them the length of the working day is reduced. Disabled people should not work more than 35 hours per week.
  5. Social services. It consists in the acquisition of food, the provision of clothing, necessities.
  6. Getting free legal assistance.
  7. The provision of medical and psychological assistance.

Group 1 disabled person careEach person with disabilities can count not only on receiving a monthly monetary allowance. Also, various benefits are provided for them: housing, partial or full tax exemption. To draw up the required benefits, you must contact the PF at the place of registration and provide all the necessary documents. After their consideration, a citizen is assigned a pension and benefits are established which he has the right to use.

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