
How to open a real estate agency

How to open a real estate agencyEach person who made a sale of real estate after seeing the profit from the transaction, wondered: how to open a real estate agency? Usually, former agents with extensive work experience are involved in this business, sometimes having a customer database.

At first glance, everything is simple, I found a seller, brought it to the buyer, took my percentage, in reality, not everything is so easy. Starting such a business, you will encounter a number of problems:

- The company is young and not familiar in the city, they will treat you with great caution and distrust, the fault of the fraud of real estate scammers.

- Because of the small threshold of entry into the business, a lot of competition has created.

- When a person buys an apartment for further residence in it, he tries to carry out the transaction through a trusted company. This is the best kind of customer.

“A young company may be“ raided ”by scammers, a good lawyer can prevent undesired loss of money, but it does not always help.

How to open a real estate agency

From the very beginning of the company’s existence, it’s necessary to work on fame, spend money on advertising in newspapers, on advertising leaflets, put up ads on pillars and near the doorways of entrances, and also make a sign with the name of the company and a description of the services concisely and attractively.

It is necessary to choose a specific direction and work only in it and not to disperse, it is very difficult for a young company to compete with a large one. You have often noticed how beautiful big ads are published in the newspaper and immediately below them are small on the same subject, so this is the ratio of the size of the advertising company.

Customer service work implies constant and close contact with them, agents must be sociable, attentive and restrained. The ability to listen to other people helps a lot, the agent becomes a psychoanalyst, listening to the client’s problems. Where to get these agents? They need to be educated, a good agent will not go to work in a small, start-up company. There are special courses for training agents worth from 2500 rubles.

When selecting people for work, Moscow agencies hold a competition to recruit employees; getting a real estate agency is not so easy. In the regions the situation is different, there are “unique ones” who manage to work in 8-10 agencies for a month and simultaneously keep their bases for themselves. There is also a risk of buying and selling operations bypassing the company. These risks must be considered when delimiting access to the database.

How a real estate agency works

A customer database is the key to successful work and the company's survival in the market with it and it is worth starting. Having pasted up ads "type by hand" on the purchase of housing is going to base owners. The owner, having called in most cases, will leave his data, because he understands that this can accelerate the sale, while the commission is still not taken from him.

Buyers are “caught” on phantom ads with a very advantageous offer, after a call and an agreement on the client’s arrival, the manager calls other companies and collects similar options, the client is told that this offer is no longer relevant, as it has just been sold, but it’s possible See other options. After the sale, the percentage is divided equally between firms.

Now you understand how to open a real estate agency and carry out work on its development, the most popular products are guest rooms and one-room apartments. The commission is 5-6% of the transaction value and is taken from the buyer. How a real estate agency works depends only on the organization of the business. To study the main costs, I advise you to read this business plan.


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Olga Kannunikova
A real estate agency is really a good business that generates good income. Of course, it requires investment. Thank you for the article. Useful
Although it seems not so difficult, but there will be a lot of hemorrhoids with this later. I know from the experience of friends


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