
Profitable business: how to open a private cemetery. Cemetery business plan: necessary documents and equipment

Organization of your own business will allow you to get not only financial freedom. There will be no dependence on the authorities. Any person, becoming an entrepreneur, is responsible to himself. One has only to think about what is best to do.

Private cemeteries in world practice

how to open a private cemetery

On the one hand, the idea of ​​creating a business to provide the last refuge is very logical. However, world practice shows that the solution to this issue is ambiguous.

Even in the New World and in Europe a hundred years ago, the existence of private cemeteries was common.

At present, such an idea is clearly not welcomed by the authorities. Why is this happening? The fact is that many years of experience in running such a business have shown that privatization inevitably entails many problems related to landscaping, as well as ownership rights to graves located in this territory.

Private cemeteries in Russia

Currently, the places where the last shelters are located are in the department of the municipality. How to open a private cemetery? Today in Russia such a business is contrary to the current legislation. However, the Antimonopoly Federal Service has already made a proposal to amend regulatory acts.

There is a possibility that a number of legislative acts will nevertheless be amended and private graveyards will appear on the territory of the Russian Federation. Assume that they will be allocated land leased for forty-nine years. According to experts, this will reduce the cost of funeral procedures. After the lease expires, the cemetery will not be demolished. The authorities will conclude a new agreement on the use of land for another forty-nine years.

Burial of pets

How to open a private cemetery until amendments to existing legislation are adopted? At present, Russia implements the business idea of ​​the burial of pets. This problem is relevant not only for urban residents. It worries the population of the countryside.

monuments in the cemetery

Today, an increasing number of people contain animals in urban apartments. Pets often become almost family members. However, their life expectancy is much shorter than that of humans. The death of an animal is a tragic event for the owner. In addition, the burial of the animal becomes a big problem. It is impossible to do this within the city, and hardly anyone will dare to throw in the trash a deceased pet.

Idea for business

Currently, private cemeteries for pets exist near the capital. However, in the regions there are still many free niches for such activities. Take advantage of this idea is not difficult. At the same time, you can get good dividends.

The first steps

In order to organize your own business for the burial of pets, you will need to draw up a business plan for the cemetery. This document should develop guidelines for the provision of such services. First of all, the business plan of the cemetery is a document in which it is necessary to reflect the criteria for choosing a land plot.

This should be a territory located either within the city or on its outskirts, but away from residential buildings. This stage is the most difficult, because it is necessary to choose a site that is not of special value to the city authorities.After that, you will need to conclude a lease.


business pet cemetery

The business plan of the cemetery should include the tidying up of the leased land. Landscaping will consist in marking the area for buildings. For advertising purposes, you will need to equip four to five graves.
The cemetery where the burial of pets will be carried out should have the following:

- a wall for cremated pets, which will be a brick structure with a division into square meters;
- “Walk of Fame” for especially distinguished animals that during life were rescuers, circus performers, etc .;
- economy and VIP class plots for clients with various financial capabilities;
- a service center for those owners who want to order a coffin, a photo medallion, monuments in a cemetery and other ritual accessories for their deceased pets.

Initial investment

How to open a cemetery? It will take a certain amount of seed capital. Cash investments are needed to pay for the leased land. The value of this amount directly depends on the region in whose territory there is a private churchyard. There will be expenses associated with landscaping. Their size can range from one hundred fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. Advertising will be needed to promote a business (prepare about ten thousand rubles).

What documents will be needed?

The pet graveyard business plan should include all preparatory paper work. A license to conduct this activity is not required. Nevertheless, before starting work, it is necessary to conclude a series of agreements with environmental services, with sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, and also with a station for combating animal diseases.

how to open a cemetery

A deceased pet is subject to a mandatory examination by a veterinarian. In addition, all services must be provided in compliance with existing anti-epizootic measures. Special reference number three requires even transportation carried out in special vehicles.

A prerequisite for this business is the daily disinfection of vehicles providing animal care services. Once a month, a specialist of a vetstation should be invited. He will carry out a complete disinfection of vehicles.

List of services provided

Foreign experience shows that a good income can be obtained by opening a venture business. A pet cemetery should bring a good profit. Its specific size will depend on the list of services provided. The main income of such cemeteries is formed from the amounts paid for the rented cemetery place. A considerable share will be paid for the funeral services provided.

Prices for a cemetery in Moscow for one grave start at five thousand rubles a year. Owners whose pet's ashes are placed in the wall contribute a little less. The annual fee for a place is three thousand rubles. The grave located on the alley of glory is much more expensive. Here, one place will need to pay fifteen thousand rubles a year.

If your company will deliver corpses of animals to the cemetery, you will need special transport equipped with a refrigerator. The fare for transportation will vary depending on the mileage.

In the cemetery, you can build a building by equipping it with a cremation furnace. In the absence of financial capacity, a veterinary clinic can do this, with which an appropriate contract must be concluded. The cost of the services provided by the crematorium will be about eight thousand rubles. This rate is set for individual burning of dust.

The profitability of your business will also depend on the range of services of the service center, which can produce monuments and portraits of your favorite pets by order of the owners.

It is advisable to open an animal shelter near the cemetery.In it, the owners will be able to find a new friend. A veterinary clinic can also be built at the cemetery, which will provide services for euthanizing old and sick animals.

cemetery prices

Now you can calculate the profitability of zooritual business. Due to the lease of burial places from every hundred customers, an amount from three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles a year will be received. The provision of funeral services will bring income from 0.5 to 1.5 million rubles. The services of the service center will allow you to take from customers from two hundred to seven hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Thus, the annual income will be from 1 to 2.75 million rubles.

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