
Collection is ... Collection services

Collection is a process during which money is collected, as well as bills or payment documents, settlement papers left by customers who have applied to a credit institution or bank. Money is withdrawn from the cashier by people in the group of collectors. We learn more about this service and the various nuances associated with it in more detail later in the article.

What is this service like?

Collection services should ensure the safety of transported things. This is the withdrawal and delivery of cash to the cash desk, intended to be added to settlement accounts opened by customers. According to article 5 of the law "On Banks and Banking Activities of the Russian Federation", it is established that the collection of currency, bills, payments and accounts is one of the main operations carried out by special organizations.

collection is

Collection is a process that cannot be carried out by a legal entity if it does not work under a license issued by the Central Commerce Management Body, in accordance with the same paragraph of the bill.

Authorized Organizations

There is a fairly narrow circle of companies that can provide such services. The organization of collection provides the handling of rubles and cash, in which they will remain in good condition, as well as securities and everything else that may have an increased cost. All of these items are owned by a credit institution, company or customers. With them is the collection of money.

The service conducting this process (it may be a department for the seizure or delivery of valuables) is a structural part that is part of a single whole, which is a security system. Collection is an operation over which the head of the department, as well as senior specialists, are in charge. It can be foremen, collectors, as well as drivers.

collector car

What is included in the list of services?

Collection is a process that includes the following tasks:

  • to bring the proceeds of organizations engaged in trade to the bank;
  • cash must be delivered from points of sale owned by commercial institutions to the head office, from which it will already be deposited;
  • valuables are delivered to company buildings directly from the banking complex. Often such an operation is performed when you need to pay employees wages;
  • values ​​are also delivered from the place of their storage to the points where the goods are purchased. Such actions are associated with a loan when a large amount of money is taken at a time;
  • in addition, securities and currencies are transferred to the exchange office from the bank’s walls and in the opposite direction;
  • branches are serviced, from which withdrawals are made in favor of the central office;
  • ATM collection is a responsible and risky process, therefore, during this operation, employees of customer organizations want to be present directly. It is affordable, they are accompanied by specialists.

collection services

Qualities that a service specialist should possess

The cash collection machine may be run by a person who has a number of properties and qualities suitable for this crucial task. To begin with, this is experience as a security guard. There should be a license that gives the right to conduct private activities to monitor various points, which is valid for more than six months. The minimum qualification level is sixth.

From past jobs, there should be good feedback from executives.The collection vehicle is trusted by those people who have completed an internship of one to three months and successfully passed the examination tests. Also, a person should have business qualities and character traits conducive to the successful fulfillment of duties, to show law-abiding behavior. Despite the seriousness of the actions taken, a creative attitude to work will only be a plus.

collection of money

Training and improvement

The world does not stand still, so a person should constantly strive to improve his skills and qualifications. Of course, in the price such qualities as reliability, the ability to be vigilant, to show courage, to act smartly in unforeseen situations, to pull oneself together, to communicate safely with colleagues and clients.

To determine how suitable a person is for this position, they are sent for psychology testing. After successfully completing a trial period of 1-3 months under the watchful supervision of a mentor, the specialist is ready for independent work.

Why are these services so needed?

The work of such companies is considered important, because the statistics of attacks and thefts by criminals are by no means happy. Additional protection against such incidents, special methods and means of control are required.

organization of collection

At the time of the robbery, collectors who are properly trained and vigilant can fight back or discover in advance that the attack is in preparation. Act in such situations you need to quickly and quickly. Criminals very often encroach on funds that are in the process of transportation, because significant amounts of money and currency, documents and metals, which are of particular value, are transferred. It is extremely difficult to cope with such a risk on your own, so it’s easier to trust professionals.

Collection services still provide a guarantee of security. Much here depends on the selection of the crew, which should be well trained, have the proper qualifications, and have psychological stamina. Also, work is carried out using special vehicles that ensure greater safety of material assets.

What is the responsibility of the service?

The employees of organizations engaged in collection are entrusted with administrative as well as material liability. In addition, disciplinary and criminal fines may be imposed on them in case of improper performance of their duties.

This procedure is enshrined in law. It is also necessary to reimburse the value of material assets if they were stolen or the bank was damaged. Then all the members of the group involved in the transfer of values, make their contribution jointly and severally.

cash collection

Each member of the group must sign a contract stating obligations. If one of the employees became a violator of the rules and procedures that were established earlier, he will be held accountable before the law and the concluded documents. They make either a comment or a reprimand. They can also be transferred to work paid lower, or completely removed to a worse position for a period not exceeding 3 months. An extreme measure is dismissal.

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