
How to open a private kindergarten in your city

Until now, Russia does not have enough places in preschool institutions, in particular, in kindergartens. A lot of parents have found a good way for themselves - they arrange their children in a private kindergarten. To some, this service may seem quite expensive, however, no matter what, there are more and more non-governmental pre-school institutions every day, and at the same time they are becoming more and more relevant and in demand.

After all, to send a child to a good kindergarten, where professional, highly qualified teachers and specialists will deal with him, means to provide the basis for the future of high-quality and high-grade education. Opening a private preschool is not a bad idea for a business. However, you should not think that this event will pay off in the first year. Before you start to make a profit, you need to invest significant material resources. So how to open a private kindergarten?

Stages of building a business

First of all, you need to register your NDOU (Non-State Preschool Educational Institution) in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The application for registration is usually considered within one month, however, it should be noted that some delays may occur and the registration may be somewhat delayed. Then, the registered kindergarten must be registered with the tax service, the compulsory health insurance fund and the pension fund. Without the OGRN and TIN issued by the tax service in the future, you will not receive a license for the activities of a preschool institution.

Secondly, your private kindergarten should be located in a building. For this, the building can be bought, rented or built. The best option, and not only with economic How to open a private kindergartenpoint of view, it will be if you rent the premises of a former departmental or municipal kindergarten. Such a building already meets all the basic norms and requirements of the SES and fire safety services, there are necessary facilities for the kitchen, music and physical education classes, and bathrooms. In addition, the area and the location itself will already be known to nearby houses, and this can play a very important role in the operation of the kindergarten. If you are lucky and managed to rent such a room, then you will not have to spend money on building a new building or refurbishing a non-specialized room. It remains only to make a decent repair and install a fire alarm.

Thirdly, since opening a private kindergarten means conducting educational and educational activities, it is necessary to obtain a license for its implementation, otherwise you will be brought not only to administrative, but also to criminal liability. You can get a license in the department or committee on education of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to submit a package of documents: the organization’s charter, documents from the tax authorities, a lease agreement for the premises for kindergarten, permission from the SES and fire departments, present an educational program, documents that you have the material, technical and educational base , information on the pedagogical composition and the number of places for children (the presence of cubicles, cribs, toys, pots or children's toilets, office, etc.). The selection of qualified specialists using various modern teaching methods is one of the most important stages.

The popularity of the kindergarten in the future depends primarily on how well and professionally they deal with children.Here we are talking not only about educators, but also teachers of music, a foreign language, speech therapists and even nannies. How to open a kindergarten so that it pays off faster and starts to make a profit is worth considering from the very opening. It is necessary to attract the maximum number of children, for example, to open at least two groups of 12 to 15 children in the first couple. Getting started is better with the nursery group. Do not forget about the initial one-time entrance fee and monthly payment.

Tips for building a business

In order to increase the level of work of your kindergarten, you should pay attention to the creation of additional part-time groups or the creation of a center for the early development of babies. Parents can be offered some additional paid services, such as classes with a psychologist, speech therapist or choreography classes, writing and reading classes. The profitability of a private kindergarten will depend on a variety of additional classes of their content and quality. In kindergarten, you can organize various holidays.

Thus, if you are going to open a kindergarten, but do not have pedagogical experience, it is better to help people who know how to open a kindergarten and have practice in organizational and pedagogical events.

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