
Do you know how long it takes to get a passport?

Traveling abroad in our time has become so commonplace that you won’t surprise anyone. Everyone knows that to cross the border an adult needs a passport that confirms your identity outside the Russian Federation. But what about children? Do they need the same document? Definitely needed. Currently, information about children is no longer included in the parents' passports, and therefore you need to take care of the preparation of the appropriate document for your child in advance.

Two types of international passports

I would like to note that at the moment they are issuing passports of both the new generation and the old model. What you choose for your child, decide for yourself. And we will help you figure out how they differ.

how long does a passport take

A newer and more modern option is a biometric passport. It contains a chip in itself, on which all information about a person is recorded. In case of loss or theft of a document, the data of its owner cannot be falsified. This is guaranteed by the presence of a large number of degrees of protection.

How long does a passport of a new sample for a child take?

Of course, a biometric passport takes longer to produce than a simple one. However, they did not begin to formalize this legislatively. Therefore, according to the current rules, the procedure takes about a month (or thirty calendar days), subject to the submission of documents at the place of registration. Then how long does the passport take in the presence of temporary registration? In this case, the terms of issue are extended to four months. how much time does a passport of a new sample for a child

When preparing a new sample document, it is important to correctly indicate all the necessary information. Apparently, this explains the popularity of the Unified portal, which allows you to file an application electronically and not to rewrite the same paper several times. By filling out the form on the site, you will receive a message about when your passport will be ready, and where you can get it.

Of course, a lot depends on how long the passport is made. Nowadays, various last-minute tours are very popular. You can relax inexpensively and in good conditions, but for this you need to have the whole package of documents. As a rule, there is a problem with the fact that there is no child passport. Parents begin to jerk frantically in search of options for how to quickly draw up all the necessary paper so as not to miss the opportunity to have a good rest. The first question that worries them: “How long does it take to get a passport? Will we manage to get it? ”But the rules are the same for everyone. Therefore, it is always easier to prepare documents in advance, if possible.

how much time is a new passport made

By the way, there are private organizations that provide services for registration of passports. But, when deciding whether to work with them, ask first how quickly they will make a children's passport and how much it will cost you. So that later you will not be disappointed in receiving the document in the same thirty days, only for a more substantial amount.

How long does an old-style passport take?

Many will be surprised, but the manufacture of an old-style passport will also take a month when submitting papers at the place of registration and four months - subject to temporary stay. In this regard, there are no differences between the new and old versions of the document. But where there is a difference, it’s in the validity period. The fact is that a biometric passport is valid for ten years, and a simple passport is only five. And the amount of state duty payable is different. A new passport is much more expensive.

how long does the old passport takeIn addition, when filling out an old-format document, you do not need to take a child with you.His presence is not necessary if he is less than fourteen years old. Parents simply provide photos of the children. But for a biometric passport, the presence of a child is required. He will be photographed on a document. Now this service is mandatory and is carried out in the FMS unit itself.

Special situations

Considering the question “how long does it take to get a passport”, I would like to mention that there is a list of special situations when documents can be drawn up faster than the law prescribes. Let's list them:

  • severe human illness;
  • the need for urgent treatment outside the country;
  • death of a loved one.

In these cases, the document is issued after three days.

Instead of an afterword

We discussed how long a passport for a new sample and the usual format is done. Dates are the same. The difference is only in the amount of state duty and validity. Therefore, before applying for registration, you must decide for yourself which type of passport is preferable for your child. You should remember the age of your child. It probably does not make sense to get a more expensive biometric passport for a very young son or daughter, because in a couple of years his / her appearance will change a lot and the document will have to be changed. In this case, it is easier to get a regular passport, and later redo it. But it's up to you, dear parents, to decide ...

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