
Act on identified defects in equipment. Description and rules for compiling a document

All actions carried out at the enterprise must be accompanied by appropriate documentation. This rule is the basis of the Law on Accounting. Along with a huge number of other primary documents, the act of identified equipment defects is of no small importance. What is it and when does it become necessary to compile it? All this needs to be discussed in more detail.

Document Purpose

To begin with, it is worth recalling that by its nature any act is a document with the help of which a group of persons can attest to a fact or fix a specific event. In this case, the act of identified defects in the equipment concerns malfunctions that were noticed by specialists during the installation of production lines, operation or assembly of individual components. According to the rules, before starting such systems, they need a thorough inspection and inspection.

equipment defect report

If some malfunctions are noticed in the finished design, then this fact must be documented. It is then that an act is drawn up on identified equipment defects. Otherwise, if unexpected emergency the blame will fall on the managers responsible for the installation. To prevent this from happening, a commission is created that accordingly draws up the fact of detecting specific malfunctions. The act of identified equipment defects is recorded by the accounting department and attached to the remaining primary documents. It does not require any explanation or investigation. Such a paper simply states a fact.

Act Form

Most of the documents used in enterprises should have a certain type. Some of them are compiled arbitrarily, and for others, special forms are developed. This refers to a document called the “Hardware Defectiveness Report”. OS-16 is a special unified form that is legalized by a separate resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia No. 7 in January 2003. Its use is permitted from 03.22.2003. What is it and what can be done with its help? First you need to dwell on the form.

act on identified defects in equipment OS 16

A similar act begins with the name of the organization. Next are the details of the document itself. After that, there is information about the companies with which this equipment turned out to be at this enterprise. A table below consists of seven columns, which contains all the information about the detected defects. And after it, a decision is made, made by experts on how to eliminate such problems. The document ends with signatures of the parties.

Filling Rules

After detecting a malfunction and creating a commission, it becomes necessary to fill out an act on identified equipment defects. A sample of filling out a standard form can be considered with a specific example.

certificate of equipment defects detected sample filling

Suppose that a defect is detected after mounting the mechanisms purchased the day before. After filling out the “heading” with the name of the enterprise and the main details, you need to specify data on all organizations that were engaged in the manufacture, supply, transportation and installation of this equipment. Further, the table must contain information about each mechanism in which a malfunction is detected. After that, experts decide what to do with them. There may be two options:

  • repair the problem on your own,
  • send the equipment to the manufacturer for replacement.

In the first case, additional repairs are required. And in the second, it will be necessary to make a claim and send the defective car, issuing a separate invoice as an accompanying document. The act form ends with the signatures of representatives of three parties: the customer, the manufacturer and the organization that performed the installation work.

Download the certificate of equipment defects

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