
What is an apartment card? Detailed description and rules for the preparation of the document.

Many Russians in life had to come across a document called an apartment card. What does such a paper say? Who and for what purposes is it? Each of these questions requires a separate answer.

Description of the document

The first apartment card appeared in Soviet times. From 1973 to 1976, it began to be introduced in many cities instead of house books. The innovation affected most residential buildings and hostels. This document was supposed to contain detailed information about a specific real estate (apartment or room), as well as citizens who reside in it or were legally present until now.

apartment card

The place of storage of such documents was assigned to house administrations or other organizations that are authorized to resolve issues of registration and passport regime of citizens. Since then, nothing has changed. Now, for example, any commandant of the hostel can tell how many people live in a single room, and name them by name. If necessary, he can give information about who and when lived there before them. In fact, an apartment card is a kind of population accounting system. From it you can determine how many people currently live in a particular isolated room, as well as find out which of them is its owner. This is especially important when it comes to real estate.

Significant differences

Some believe that the home book is still being kept exclusively for private houses, and an apartment card should be issued for all other residential premises. This statement is erroneous. The Government of Russia in its resolution No. 713 in March 2015 once again determined the rules for conducting office work in this regard. In accordance with it, cards must be obtained if the real estate is a municipal, state or private housing fund.

In addition, this includes cooperatives, housing cooperatives, various commercial organizations, joint-stock companies, boarding schools, as well as other institutions for the disabled, veterans and the elderly. In all other cases, the house book is still maintained. These documents should be kept by persons who are responsible for providing accounting information to the appropriate authorities. If necessary, they can make an extract or, for example, hand over a book to a citizen upon his personal application to resolve issues related to real estate.

What does the card look like?

In September 2012, the Federal Migration Service of Russia issued an order which approved the Administrative Regulation on the registration of Russian citizens. Attachment No. 7 was added to it, containing a sample apartment card.

sample apartment card

When drafting this document, an authorized person must enter the following data into it:

  1. Detailed address of the dwelling (room, apartment).
  2. His number, as well as the area in square meters.
  3. Information about the owner (surname, name and patronymic). If citizens occupy the premises on a rental basis, then the data of the tenant must be indicated.
  4. Information about the organization serving this dwelling.
  5. List of all resident citizens with date of birth. Separately indicated when each of them was registered at the specified address or deregistered.

These data are constantly changing, and information is periodically provided in the form of reports to the migration service.

Card Fill

Typically, an apartment card form 10 is a standard form placed on a sheet of A5 format.

flat card form 10

In the upper part in the center is the name of the document. All data are collected in tables of the approved sample. Information is entered upon receipt and is recorded in free columns. No corrections are allowed in this document. This is considered a gross violation of the rules and is punished accordingly. This form is a kind of document for an individual living space. It should contain only reliable information. Errors in the design can lead to quite serious negative consequences. For example, when considering legal claims, inaccuracies in the instructions of the owner can completely change the decision on the case under consideration. Service organizations usually order card forms at a print shop. But the law does not prohibit making them yourself. The main thing is that the mandatory form is followed, and the content is consistent with the approved application.

How to get card data?

Many believe that the card is only used to record the number of registered citizens and is needed exclusively for reporting. But it is not so. This document may be needed by someone who is going to carry out the privatization of housing or other real estate transactions (sale or registration of privileges for the exposed utilities). In some cases, these cards are asked for upon receipt of a passport. But the person in charge does not have the right to hand over the only form (except in those situations when the state organization needs the original to confirm the information). So how do you get an apartment card?

how to get an apartment card

Usually an extract (reference) is used for such purposes. Only the owner can get it. One has only to write a statement, and the result should be ready on the same day. In case of refusal, the responsible employee is obliged to argue his decision, based on a specific article of the law or other provision. If the information is needed by someone from the rest of the residents, then the application must indicate the purpose of the provision and the name of the organization (court, school and others).

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Sofia Seagull
Hello. Can I use a card if it is from last year?


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