
Expense report: postings, approval, inspection

It is unlikely that such a company exists in which there is never a need to purchase something in cash or send an employee on a business trip. It means that expense report postings on it, the procedure for working with documents - current issues. If it is important for you to understand them, read the article.

What is an expense report?

This is a document that contains information on what purpose the advance paid to an employee for official purposes was spent. As evidence, supporting documents are attached to the report: checks, tickets, waybills and other financial papers.

For the report there is an approved standard form No. AO-1. The document belongs to the primary group. An accountable person is involved in filling out the form, that is, the person who received the money to complete the task. The task of accounting is to check the expense report, reflect the entries in the accounting. The form contains two parts: the base, which remains in storage, and the receipt, transmitted to the employee.

posting expense report

How to reflect the report in the accounting program?

To reflect data on accountable persons is intended score 71, which belongs to the group of active-passive. Let's look at how to make an advance report, postings specific to this document in the database.

It all starts with the issuance of funds to an accountable person. An entry is made for debit 71 and credit 50 if the funds are issued from the cash desk of the enterprise. It happens that the advance is transferred from the current account to a bank card, then the record will be Dt 71 Kt 51. The document is either an expense cash order with a signature accountable person either banking payment order, account statement.

After the task is completed and supporting documents are provided, you need to close the amount of the advance. There may be different accounts in the debit, it depends on what the money was issued to. If for the purchase of materials, then account 10 is activated, if for goods, then 41. The advance report on a posting trip has the following: debit of accounts 20, 26, 44, depending on whether the trip is connected with the production activity of the enterprise or with the trading one. In general terms, the record will look like this: Dt 10 (41, 20, 26, 44) Kt 71.

It is rare that the amount is issued accurately. Usually more money than necessary or less. To return the unused amount, there is a posting of Dt 50 Kt 71, if there was an overspending on the expense report - posting of Dt 71 Kt 50 (51).

If the employee turned out to be dishonest, spent misappropriation or didn’t provide documents, then record Dt 94 Kt 71 is written off - write-off of the amount to shortages and losses of the enterprise. Then Dt70 Kt 94 - deduction from the employee's salary of money issued against the expense report. The main transactions end there.

approved advance reports posting

Reporting deadlines and liability

According to the law, an accountable person is obliged to submit supporting documents to the accounting department within three days after the completion of the job assignment.

If the employee did not do this, then the amount issued is regarded as a loan to the employee. The accountant must calculate the material benefits from the use of enterprise resources. In addition, it is necessary to accrue and transfer to the budget personal income tax from the amount of material benefits, in which case the rate is 35%.

The responsibility is quite serious, so it is better not to violate the deadlines for the provision of supporting documents.

How to fill out an expense report?

The form is usually issued in the accounting department of the enterprise. You can use special services on the Internet.

The serial number of the report will be put down by the accountant, the employee must indicate the date of completion. Then information is entered into the data block about the organization: name, OKPO, position and name of the head, name of the chief accountant and accountant who is directly involved in verifying the report.

Next, information about the accountable person is filled in: full name of the employee, position, unit name and code, personnel number.

Both of these blocks in the form issued by the accounting department are usually already filled.

In a special table you need to enter all the supporting documents with numbers, dates and names, indicate the amount for each. Calculate the total.

posting trip expense report

Control and approval

The submitted document is checked, accounting entries are made on advance reports. What is the control?

First of all, you need to make sure that the spending was targeted. Then the presence of all necessary documents is checked, the correctness of their execution. It is necessary to control and fill out the report, especially pay attention to the arithmetic part.

The expenditure of cash is confirmed by checks with a breakdown of positions or attached sales receipts, the roots of cash receipts, other forms of strict reporting.

expense overrun posting

If the employee paid by credit card, then there should be receipts of payment terminals, checks.

The accountable person needs to issue a receipt that all the necessary things were handed over and accepted for verification. The report is certified by the signatures of the head, chief accountant and responsible specialist. After the advance reports are checked and approved, the posting has been done, they are sent for storage.

Can I deduct VAT?

If checks serve as justifying documents, then it is impossible to accept VAT for deduction on them, even if it is highlighted in the document. The basis is only an invoice, if any, the deduction is legitimate.

Circle of accountable persons

Not every employee has the right to receive an advance. If the organization will give money to everyone, this will raise questions from regulatory authorities. Therefore, the circle of accountable persons should be limited. It includes only those employees who, by the nature of their duties, should actually perform tasks that require an advance payment.

In addition to limiting the circle of persons, a limit on the amount should be introduced. This is made out with the help of a special order, which prescribes who exactly has the right to receive an advance, for what purposes and to what extent. The order is stored in accounting.

accounting entries for advance reports

If the employee did not report on the amount issued to him in the subreport earlier, he is not entitled to receive an advance until justifying documentation is provided.

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