
Types of financial control. Types, concept and forms of control

The set of necessary control actions for the formation of monetary funds and their use both in the state and regional entities, and in companies of various forms of ownership (state and commercial), is called financial control. This is a powerful compliance tool. principles of legality at production and financial activities country. Consider what types of financial control are. And also talk about the tasks and goals of its implementation and make sure the need for its competent conduct.

control species

Concept and types of control

Although the main object of financial control is monetary operations, nevertheless, the scope of controlling actions often includes a large circle of many economic relations due to the interconnection of absolutely all production processes. For example, checking the correctness of the formation of indicators such as profit, cost, capital productivity, you should analyze a whole block of different areas of production and supply and marketing activities of companies, using various control methods, types and techniques.types of control

Under financial control, it is necessary to understand the activities carried out by authorized bodies aimed at ensuring the legality, timeliness and reliability of financial transactions, giving an objective assessment of work efficiency and identifying reserves for its increase, as well as increasing revenues and maintaining state property.

Goals and objectives of control

The essence of control is reflected in the tasks assigned to it:

  • verification of the fulfillment of obligations to the state or regional authorities, or companies and individuals;
  • verification of the target orientation of funds used by organizations and resources owned or managed by the company;
  • audit of compliance with the established rules of financial policy and cash safety requirements;
  • revealing the hidden internal reserves of the company;
  • the establishment of violations of applicable law in matters of financial and legal activity, their suppression and elimination.

The effectiveness of control is based on the responsibility for violations established by inspections in the use of financial resources, which provides for various measures of influence: from disciplinary sanctions and redress to administrative-criminal prosecution. They achieve their goals by conducting inspections, which are various types of control. It can be state, internal or independent (audit). It all depends on the body that conducts the audit and on the grounds by which it is called.

Types and forms of control

types of quality control

Various reasons for the implementation of inspections divide the control into several types. According to the time, it can be:

  • preliminary (carried out prior to operations and having a warning of possible violations, nature);
  • current, i.e. operational (carried out in the course of operations, for example, when using funds for various purposes - in investment projects, acquisition / sale of property, fulfillment of state orders);
  • subsequent (carried out upon completion of financial transactions, for example, in the execution of the approved payment budget.

When implementing the latter, the actual state of affairs in the company is ascertained, the violations committed are revealed, and ways to eliminate them are outlined.

By the nature of the audit, the types of control are divided into mandatory and proactive. Mandatory control is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law. For example, any scheduled inspection affirms in the frequency established by the law and according to the agreed plan. Initiative control is called that way because the check begins by decision of the state authorities that initiate it.

Authorities authorized to exercise control

Classify the types of control depending on its bodies. Therefore, there is control:

  • the president;
  • representative bodies of state or regional authorities;
  • executive authorities;
  • departmental, on-farm;
  • the public;
  • audit

State control

The first three points of this transfer relate to the system of state control carried out by the legislative and executive authorities.

types of financial control

The competence of this system includes:

  • control of strict execution of budgets and extra-budgetary funds of all levels;
  • state reserves and the dynamics of internal and external debt;
  • organization of circulation of financial funds;
  • use of borrowed funds;
  • the provision of tax and financial or other benefits.

The powers of regulatory bodies under the current law are vested in the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other federal and executive authorities. The law recognized the obligatory annual conduct by the regulatory authorities of planned audits and inspections of the receipt, development and movement of budgetary resources not only in organizations of power structures, but also in companies working with budgetary funds.

On-farm control

The ministries' control over the activities of companies and organizations included in their system is similar to the checks carried out in the system of public organizations. Internal financial control is inextricably linked with the full cycle of production. Therefore, quality control is another component of the complex of controlling actions. Types of quality control are divided into:

  • Input (quality control of materials and equipment coming into production, as well as components and blanks).
  • Operational (periodic, sometimes permanent) - is carried out during the working process and always after each individual operation, for example, on an assembly line. In some cases, these types of controls are permanent. For example, when working in the space industry and manufacturing precision technologies.
  • Control of finished products is an effective type carried out in a continuous order of the total quantity of the produced product.
  • Qualification control of production personnel.

Volumes and methods of verification are indicated in the technological processes approved for each branch. All types of product quality control are a very essential part of the intra-system control.

concept and types of control


The audit is regulated by law. Independent auditors conduct extra-departmental audits of the status of financial statements, the accuracy of settlements and payment transactions and other obligations. Such types of financial control, such as audit, can also be both mandatory and proactive.

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