
Binary auctions, binary options trading: reviews, tips for novice traders

Earnings on the Internet is one of the most interesting and sought-after topics on which just a huge amount of materials (texts and articles) have been created. And this is not surprising, because every Internet user wants to know how to get access to what he believes is simple and affordable income, for which you would not even have to leave your room.

That is why we see so many different specialized sites, techniques on this subject and even entire areas in which millions of people are engaged. For example, one of such areas can be called binary auctions. This is a relatively new technique, widely known not so long ago. Nevertheless, she has already managed to interest a huge number of people.

In this article, we will talk about just such earnings. How realistic is it to earn income by working in this area? Is it possible to say that binary auctions are a divorce or not? Finally, what is needed in order to really receive a stable and constantly growing income? We will talk about this and not only today.

“Magic” of the financial sector

trading floor

Let's start with a general idea of ​​how tempting the topic of finance is for many users. We all know that there are various exchanges where stocks and currencies are traded. It is no secret that millions can earn in the course of such activities, and for this, it seems to many, nothing is needed: just have time to follow the quotation, buy or sell, and very soon you will find yourself on the islands with a millionth bank account. For some reason, we, being far from the topic of exchanges and finances, are convinced that this is exactly what is happening. Many people think that for anyone who starts to trade on Forex or mastered binary auctions, earnings will simply increase hundreds of times, making such a person a millionaire.

What is the problem then? Why, in fact, thousands of those who constantly see ads from many trading brokers do not become rich? After all, at first it seems that binary auctions are really simple.

Let's figure out what's wrong. And we will start with a general theory, reinforcing it in the future with reviews of real people.

The meaning of trade

binary auctions

So, what is trade characterized binary options? First of all, it is presented as work with a financial instrument - the very options that are an indicator of quotations on a real currency or stock exchange. It looks like this: you are “buying” an option for further growth or fall of quotations of a particular currency, thus making a kind of forecast. Subsequently, if your guesses are correct, you will receive income from such an operation. Otherwise, if the forecast turns out to be erroneous, you will lose your money.

All novice traders who only enter the options market for the first time should immediately make one important note. You do not buy or sell anything while working with option platforms. In fact, you have no influence on the market, since you really do not have a mechanism for interacting with the exchange. The site on which your trading platform is located is actually a bookmaker, and you appear to be a gambler on it. You take a bet on exactly what the course of a particular currency pair will be after a certain period of time for a certain fixed coefficient. If you guess, you get a win (and vice versa).

Difference from Forex

binary auctions divorce or not

Based on this information, you can immediately notice the difference between what binary auctions are and, in fact, the Forex market. In the first case, you participate in a bet about how quotes will change. In the Forex market, you are an independent trader who is entitled to make the purchase of certain assets himself, receiving profit or loss from this. The timing of the transaction can also be called an important difference: in the first case, you have to make a forecast for a clearly fixed period of time (say, 60 minutes), and in the second you yourself can decide when to conduct this or that operation.

Here is the conclusion: the earnings offered by binary auctions are fundamentally different from how Forex and the trading of currency values ​​in general work. What is presented as trading in financial markets is a simple guess. There is probably no need to explain why this is so attractive for a large number of people: if “Forex” seems to many to be too complicated a mechanism for making money, then binary strategies come down to a banal “higher / lower”, in which the user's task is to guess how he will behave lead the market. Of course, it seems to beginners that the chances of winning here are quite high: 50% that quotes will creep up, and the same amount that they will fall. However, the profit earned from each operation exceeds 75-80% (depending on the conditions dictated by the broker).

Broad advertising support

signals for binary options [2]

Using these numbers, as well as the fact that the user only needs to indicate whether quotes of currency pairs or other traded assets will move up or down, many sites use advertising as a tool to attract new customers. They convince potential traders that by pressing one of the two buttons, you can earn thousands of dollars per hour. Also, brokers constantly illustrate new stories about how a person (often even a novice) was able to independently earn a house / apartment / car (there is essentially no difference) using trading using some kind of “automated” signals for binary options. It creates such a picture that every person can start earning as much as he wants, without much effort. Of course, all this is done for a reason.

Interest in a new client has several people at once. Firstly, these are binary brokers themselves. Obviously, companies that directly accept your forecasts (with which you work directly) are interested in maximally accepting your funds. You replenish your account on such a platform, thereby actually giving them your money. In the future, trading is conducted, and you (with a higher probability, of course, since it is very difficult to make forecasts in such conditions that are installed on the platforms) “merge” your balance. This is the direct profit of such companies.

Secondly, the partners of the broker company are interested in you. Often they are the same users as you, who use their referral link and bring you as their “invitee”. Such partners are charged a commission, which establishes a trading platform.

Almost always, the interests of these parties coincide, so you are forced to go through registration and replenish your balance, start trading in all sorts of ways. Various commercials, websites, forums and blogs are used, which assure the simplicity and affordability of such earnings - everything is done so that at least a person tries. Of course, making and withdrawing money will be much more difficult for you.

Thousands of fake reviews

binary options trading

Another powerful and very powerful tool with which new traders are recruited is to create comments. This is a simple, but very effective technique, which probably is not disdained by most trading floors.It consists in the fact that under the guise of real users leave information about their fictional experience in trading on various Internet resources. This is done in order to form among the novice users who still do not have an established understanding of what binary options trading is, the opinion that this is an extremely profitable and very simple task that can make everyone rich.

Such comments are used as, for example: “I traded yesterday, in 15 minutes I almost“ poured ”the entire deposit, but then I went out into a small plus and earned about 2.5 thousand dollars.” Or a similar wording is used: "Income is small - only about $ 1300 per hour of work." The writing style of such reviews is typical: it makes you think that, in fact, a large amount of earnings for even a novice trader is not something unusual, which undoubtedly causes the naive user even more interest in the topic of options.

Sometimes such reviews and comments are advertised on teaser networks and through contextual advertising. Sometimes they actually gain tens of thousands of views, after which some of these people, as an experiment, decide to discover the most attractive binary auction for them. Registration at all such sites takes several minutes, after which the system asks you to replenish your account.


auction registration

In order to get the user to start playing for real money, of course, believable reviews and wide advertising coverage are not enough. Not everyone will believe that making money here is really as simple as some outsiders describe it, if we are talking about the need to make an initial amount of $ 100-200. A much better persuasion strategy works if you make it clear to a person that earning income is real from their own experience. Various tricks are used.

Studying player reviews characterizing any binary auction, one can find such information that the result of trading on a demo account and live significantly differed among many traders. It looks something like this: if you start working with a free demo account, which you do not need to deposit your funds into, the system shows constant winnings. Users note that the platform seems to play along, giving you the opportunity to earn more and more.

Having tested his strategy on the demo version, the player often takes risks and replenishes the balance with the help of real money. This is where all the fun begins. It sharply turns out that the approach found earlier does not work, which is why the balance is melting just before our eyes.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: “Binary auctions - a divorce or not?”. I just want to say that there really are a number of platforms that use scam for their own purposes. Therefore, be careful if you see some kind of too tempting offer for options.


novice traders

Another interesting approach of many trading floors is to attract players using bonuses. Well, this technique was definitely borrowed from the field of online casinos. There, too, the user is offered to charge 50, 100 percent of the deposit additionally. They also use various rewards (for example, compensation for a 10% loss) in order to return a person to the game and rekindle the excitement in him. Absolutely all the same tricks we can see in the strategy of working platforms with options.

This only proves once again that the gambling component is here first of all. Well, of course, the emphasis is on simplicity. After all, the player is not offered to use sophisticated tools for analysis and monitoring: there are only enough quotes and two buttons “up” and “down” to display your choice.

Real Newbie Stories

Unlike fictional reviews, the real ones seem not so rosy. People write about how they lost their deposit of $ 100 per hour.Also, users mention the constant imposition of services by trading brokers. So, according to them, managers of trading platforms where they were registered often call them and offer to purchase additionally some signals for binary options. It seems that everything does not work for the benefit of the client, but solely in order to pump out as much money as possible from him. Moreover, as we see, in the process of working under such a scheme, companies simply “brainwash” their users, providing them with evidence of payments, promising to give bonuses, provide comprehensive support, and so on.

Can I make money?

After all that has been described above, a logical question arises as to whether it is possible to earn money here. Is the scope of options really “maximizing” to everyone who would like to receive money on the Web, or are they just tales for naive newcomers to the field of Internet commerce?

Let’s say right away, it’s possible to earn income here. As in any other field, there are people on the options market who have been able to probe for themselves some mechanisms and tools designed to profit from quotes forecasts. You can be sure that some of the screenshots with received payments are also real. But really, are there many such people?

Terms of cooperation with trading platforms are designed in such a way as to prevent a person from earning a lot. For example, the same time limits for which it is possible to predict a change in quotes do not allow us to make forecasts in advance, focusing on real events in the financial world. For this reason, we can only talk about guessing and betting at random, and not about real analytics.

be careful

Try trading options, of course, you can. There is a chance that you will be able to truly benefit from this activity. Perhaps this will become your permanent tool for earning and making profit in the future. But above all, don't be too naive. If predicting the rise or fall of currencies was really such an easy task, brokers would simply go bankrupt, because then everyone would win the same “wager”. However, so far we see the opposite. Brokers have huge advertising budgets that are spent on promoting the idea of ​​ideal earnings. We see how more companies are offering their conditions in the market. And this is clear evidence of the fact that options are not an area in which you can earn thousands of dollars in a few minutes (even using tools such as “advisers” and “robots”).


So, we conducted a short course on the topic of what binary options are. Considering the fact that the popularity of this tool for making money is overwhelming, and the Internet is constantly creating new companies for people who want to try it, we can conclude that one article will not change anything, and that those who wish will continue to register on various sites, leaving your money there. This, in turn, will replenish the pockets of the owners of such projects, which will lead to even more massive launch and development.

You have the right for yourself to determine initially whether you want to take risks. You should understand that the amount you deposit to your account may be lost very soon. Also, you should not forget that this is literally a lottery, and all brokers work according to a similar principle: to create an illusion for the client that the winnings are close, and to do everything possible in order to squeeze as much money out of it as possible. Therefore, here you will need to rely, rather, on your intuition or luck, than on knowledge of the market conditions and some logical tricks.

If you want to try yourself in the role of a real stock and currency trader, then you are welcome to Forex. Here, of course, everything is not so simple - but, having figured it out, you can also make good money. Good luck

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