
Top 10 online scams. What is a scam on the Internet? Earnings on the Internet is a scam?

Many Internet users dream of a stable, high income that you can get without leaving your home. But finding a source of income on the Web is not as easy as it seems at first glance. And confirmation of this is the numerous scam on the Internet, aimed at pumping money or finding free labor. In this article you will learn about the most famous fraudulent schemes, through which you can never reach a serious income.

Earnings on file hosting

On the Web you can find many articles about the benefits of earning on file hosting. However, if you dig deeper, it becomes clear that this is a very unprofitable and thankless task. For downloading one file, the system will pay a maximum of 3-4 cents, regardless of its size and information value. In order for any user to follow the link and download the uploaded file, you will have to spend more than one day of free time. Distribution of download links is perceived by most sites as regular spam and, as a rule, they are quickly deleted by the moderator.

Finding a resource where you can freely leave your links is not so simple, because you need to not only distribute the link on the Web, but also get other people to click on it to download the material. Needless to say, such a scam on the Internet is not able to bring serious income even with the diligent unwinding of the downloaded materials?

You can earn money on a file hosting service only in one case - create your own website, which will be filled with interesting content for its visitors and unique files for downloading, which are no longer found anywhere on the Web. Such earnings on the Internet is a scam, and you should not do this.

Magic wallets

This fraudulent scheme has been known for many years, but all the same, there are those who are conducting this scam on the Internet. The essence of magic wallets is extremely simple. Anyone who wants to leave information on the Web that there is a kind of miracle wallet, transferring money to which, you can get a much larger amount in return. In place of the so-called magic wallet, the user simply enters the number of his WMR or Qiwi account.

Links to such scams on the Internet are distributed on forums about earnings or on social networks. Those who are not familiar with this scheme still believe in fraudsters and transfer money. Of course, after this it is impossible not only to receive a reward, but also to return your money back.

Magic wallets do not exist. But there are many scammers who are happy to cash in on naive newcomers who are in search of easy money on the Web. Remember that easy money does not happen either in life or on the Internet.

scam on the internet

Partnership programs

Earnings on affiliate programs can bring good dividends to webmasters who actively promote their sites on the Web and have optimization skills. However, it is extremely difficult for an ordinary man to make money on an affiliate program.

The essence of the affiliate program is that the author of an information product (training course, e-book or video tutorials) offers cooperation to everyone on a mutually beneficial basis. In other words, you need to promote the information product on the Web, receiving a percentage of its sales.

For example, a content management course costs 1000 rubles, and for each sale a virtual manager will receive 100 rubles. It would seem a very profitable and promising job. But finding customers willing to pay for a dubious product is actually not so simple. As a result, the newly-minted manager has no choice but to distribute a link to buy a course. This is more reminiscent of scam on the Internet.

The list of real affiliate programs for making money is not that great, therefore, before you start working with the author, you must definitely study the reviews on the Web. You can only start work if you are confident in your abilities for active sales. Otherwise, it is a waste of valuable time.

In addition to distributing information products on the Internet, there are affiliate programs aimed at the sale of certain goods. One of the most striking examples is bedding. On social networks you can find numerous ads for the sale of inexpensive linen at the lowest prices. At the same time, it is proposed to place an order through the manager, indicating his individual code. From each sale, the manager receives a certain percentage, and from each person invited to the team - additional bonuses. However, there are many unscrupulous online stores that do not pay money for the work done and do not send paid goods by mail. All the blame for the failed transaction goes to the defrauded manager, who just wanted to make money. Such cases are often transferred to courtrooms, where it is very difficult to prove their innocence with fraudsters.

scam on the internet

Financial pyramids

Back in the distant 90s, a phenomenon such as MMM arose in our country. This structure has helped a huge number of people to both get rich and lose all their money. Of course, the number of the latter was much larger, and only the founders of the project remained in the black. The legends of the wealth of Sergei Mavrodi still excite the minds of those who want to earn millions.

With the development of Internet technologies, the MMM scheme has moved into a virtual plane, and today a huge number of sites that work on the principle of financial pyramids have appeared. Such a scam on the Internet is one of the most dangerous, as people invest in it not only their time, but also money.

A very striking example of a virtual financial pyramid is the Zevs.in online business school, which has gained tremendous popularity over the past year. Each participant must pay 500 rubles for entering the project and bring three more new users, each of which, accordingly, must also pay and bring more people. For each involved participant, users get back their 300 rubles, and the remaining 200 allegedly go to the development of the project.

Statistics show that over the several years of the existence of the Zevs.in project, its founders earned tens of millions of rubles without investing a dime in its advertising and promotion. At the same time, each project participant can hardly return his invested 500 rubles. That is why it is impossible to regard financial pyramids as making money on the Internet. A scam always gives itself away by requiring investment in a project, promising dubious profits.

Surprisingly, there are still those who believe in well-known fraudulent schemes. Such people can be advised only one thing - to include the mind and understand that any serious earnings require labor and perseverance. And the desire to get easy money, as a rule, does not turn out to be anything good, except to empty your own wallet.

Internet polls scam

Scams on the Internet, reviews of which are very popular on the Web, can hide behind bright names like an online business school or a charitable foundation. But in fact, these are ordinary financial pyramids, in which you should not invest your hard-earned savings.Putting a certain amount at a percentage in the bank is much safer and more effective in terms of useful investments. Yes, the profit will not be as tangible as the founders of the financial pyramids promise. But there is a guarantee of the return of their funds, backed up by the contract and obligations of the bank. By the way, no online organization signs any papers with its depositors. In the event of the closure of the project, all money is automatically transferred to the site owners, leaving their customers with empty pockets.

Online Games

Many people like to spend their free time playing online games, which is what the founders of the Igrun resource took advantage of. The site offers not only to relax and have fun, but also to make good money. However, not everything is so simple here, and the next scammers on the Internet are waiting for the user. To play and get paid for it is a fantastic fantasy, which is unprofitable to realize from a financial point of view.

When registering on the Igrun website, the user is provided with an account with a gift bonus of 50 rubles. You cannot withdraw this money to your electronic wallet, but you can spend it on participating in any of the online games. The site offers a wide range of different puzzles, strategies and gambling, such as online casinos. The scam is that the participant is required to place bets. Earnings depend on whether he loses or wins. In other words, if you bet 20-50-100 rubles at stake, you can either increase them or lose them irretrievably.

The founders of the Igrun project took into account the psychological factor of excitement, which is inherent in the vast majority of users who came to the project. After losing the bonus 50 rubles, most players begin to invest their money in the project, hoping to still try their luck. Obviously, only a few win. Most lose everything money invested never having received your income on the Internet. Scam on online games occupies a leading position among fraudulent schemes to deceive users. Proof of this are numerous casinos and slot machines, which daily earn millions of dollars on human weaknesses.

scam in the online store

Earnings on the currency exchange

Financial speculation is capable of generating high income when a person has a good economic education and the ability to make predictions about changes in exchange rates. In any other case, failure is ensured.

In order to earn a more or less decent amount on currency exchange, you need to invest at least several thousand dollars, which during the exchange can give a difference of 100-200 dollars. Of course, investing only 10-20 dollars, you can earn only a few cents. Therefore, you should not believe articles that state how to easily and easily exchange electronic currencies, receiving serious money from this business. In addition, you do not need to enter into cooperation with those who promise joint earnings.

On the Web, you can find reviews about how scammers offer to deposit a certain amount into their electronic wallet for currency speculation. At the same time, the fraudster assures that he will return all the invested funds with a large percentage of the proceeds from successful transactions. Of course, after transferring money to the fraudster’s account, communication with him is lost, and it becomes impossible to prove anything. If you receive a similar offer, do not doubt that this is another scam.

Paid Surveys

Social surveys can really make money. In large cities, there are special centers that invite everyone to participate in testing. As a rule, it is required to express an opinion on such a brand or product on such projects. For each test passed, participants receive from 1000 to 3000 rubles. The only condition for participating in the project is that you cannot take the survey more than once every six months.

A similar scheme was actively used by scammers on the Web, offering to take online polls. The scam is that the founders of the resource receive useful information from users, but we are not talking about any rewards. In addition, such questionnaire sites are filled with advertising with referral links that are designed to attract users to other dubious projects such as bucks, mailers or captcha input resources.

One of the honest questionnaire sites is the Questionnaire project, which regularly pays money to all its participants. You can earn a maximum of 1000-1500 rubles on the “Questionnaire” for several months of irregular polls. This source of income is very difficult to call serious. However, many use this simple form of earnings to replenish their phone accounts or pay for purchases on the Web.

scam on the internet list

Charity funds

Sites that offer everyone who wants to become participants in a charity fund operate according to the already familiar principle of a financial pyramid. Hiding under good intentions, the resource founders are asking to invest money in the project, which can be returned if you invite several more users to similar scams on the Internet. The list of real charitable foundations is only a few items, for example, “Tradition” or “Give your child life.” But these funds are aimed at helping real people, and not at earning.

If you carefully study the site of such a fund, you can understand that it does not have any contact information and evidence that all funds really go to the development of orphanages or hospitals. Do not believe in what is written on the main page of the resource.

In addition, there are so-called discount scam. In the online store, for example, some kind of campaign is held. But you can get a real discount on the goods only if you force a few more people to make a purchase. Similarly, online stores not only quickly sell goods, but also provide themselves with free advertising.

scam internet reviews

Binary options

An interesting and incomprehensible name attracts those who seek income in the World Wide Web. However, such a scam on the Internet is somewhat reminiscent of earnings in the currency market. Anyone who wants to earn big money on binary options, also needs to be able to predict events in the foreign exchange market and have a considerable initial capital.

Real traders have been learning this craft for years. Therefore, you do not need to believe those who promise to teach currency trading in a few hours, because this is nothing like scam on the Internet. Binary options - a complex system in which every second there is a risk of losing all invested money.

Do not believe the spectacular success stories that simply flooded the World Wide Web. Earnings on binary options is a common replacement for the well-known Forex project, in which more than 90% of investors lost their money. In order to support the system, the developers simply came up with a new attractive name, the essence of which remained the same.

In addition, a completely elementary system of earnings is now offered, based on the choice of the growth of the exchange rate. In other words, the participant just needs to guess if the course will go up or go down. Agree, this is more like an online game than trading in the foreign exchange market. Developers are educated people, so they specifically set up the system for the prospect of failure for any investor, taking all the money invested in the project. Trading is an art, not speculation or intuition.

Course "Internet money"

Advertising about this course is very popular among beginners in the field of online business. On the Web you can find numerous reviews of deceived users about what is the course "Internet money".Scam in this case is the sale of information that can be found on the Internet in the public domain.

The cost of the course is almost 1000 rubles, having paid which, users hope to get a complete guide to making money on the Web. However, instead they acquire a plain text document with a huge number of referral links to various kinds of boxes, mailers and questionnaire sites. Obviously, this is just another scam. How to make money on the Internet and provide yourself with a stable source of income, such a course will never teach. Therefore, if you still met the course "Internet money", bypass it.

earnings on the Internet scam

Do not trust those who offer to make easy money, because these are just scams on the Internet. Reviews, verified and reliable that users publish on the Web, will help determine the authenticity of a resource created for the purpose of earning. The main thing is to approach everything wisely and not invest your money in dubious projects.

Nevertheless, it is possible to find high and stable earnings on the Web. Work on the Internet is not a scam, and in order to earn a lot, you need to devote time to it. To date, many people have left offices and relieved themselves of their responsibilities to superiors, preferring freelance. The web is very popular with webmasters, designers, content managers, copywriters, photographers and people from many other professions. If you have the appropriate skills, then finding a job on the Internet is not difficult. This is helped by special freelance exchanges created to meet customers and performers. On such exchanges, you can post your resume, quotes for services and even find a permanent employer who will generously pay honest distance work.

If you do not have special skills for remote work, there is always the opportunity to engage in self-education. For example, learn free lessons on the Internet about site administration or working in Photoshop. At the same time, it is not necessary to shell out paid educational materials, which are a common information product.

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