
Souvenir business: how to open an online store of original things. Business Plan: Gift Shop

business plan gift shopHistorically, man has always been very greedy for everything new and unusual.

Who among us, having traveled to distant and hot lands, was not tempted by the opportunity to bring some unusual souvenir from there? We assume that there are few of them.

In addition, in recent years, the tendency for people to like all-natural things made by their own hands has become increasingly apparent. Very many begin to decorate their apartments in some kind of national colors, abundantly using ornaments and crafts of folk artists.

Why are we all saying this? It's time to draw up a business plan! Gift shop - a great opportunity to make money on their sale.

Business development prospects

If you already have your favorite hobby, just think about how much joy it will bring to you, if, thanks to your passion, you can provide yourself!

On the Internet, there are more and more stores that distribute handmade goods, but in shopping centers in real life such retail outlets are still considered exotic. This is very strange, since the sale of such products can bring not only real, but very good money.

Core costs

Options for renting retail space are practically unlimited: even a small store of five square meters will do. If you are just starting to draw up a business plan, a souvenir shop in which is the main activity, then for a start you should not consider the retail space of large shopping centers. The rental cost is too high there, and in the first months it is critical.

In principle, at first you can do even easier. Try negotiating with gift shop owners or flower stalls. For a relatively small amount, they will probably allow you to exhibit your own display stands with goods. If it goes, you can think about renting your own store.

Initial cost

If we talk about the legal form of ownership, it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. About 20 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of a cash register, its registration in tax and other bureaucratic procedures.

Do not forget about the salary of the seller, drawing up your business plan. Gift shop must have its own logo. In principle, it can be developed independently, but it’s better to turn to a professional designer.

Product selection

But still, the most difficult thing will be the direct selection of goods for your store. We advise you to actively use the capabilities of the Internet, as on the forums you can find a lot of craft enthusiasts, whose products will be in great demand. Many such craftsmen are happy to conclude contracts for the sale of products for a percentage of sales.

handmade goods

In the case when the product is not for some time sold, it is returned to the author. This is how handmade products are sold. The online store provides much more freedom in this regard, as it allows you to pre-order products that will be made by the master.

Adequately evaluate the cost of work!

Keep in mind that manual labor is usually valued many times more expensive than factory production. But buyers often focus on workmanship and a neat appearance, and therefore do not always throw themselves at Hand Made.Therefore, when choosing goods, it is still better to give preference to simple, but beautiful and functional things.

Not too clear? Then we explain with a specific example. Suppose that the master makes a shirt decorated with hand embroidery. At best, this case will take at least three to four weeks, not to mention the fact that the cost of materials and the labor costs themselves will make the cost of the shirt simply indecently high. And modern machines can do this embroidery in a couple of minutes, and the layman’s eyes will not reveal any special differences between the two things.

Thus, the main criterion for the selection of goods in any case will be the professionalism of manufacture, as well as the imprint of artistic originality, which attracts buyers. Of course, no one argues that the handmade product is different in that the craftsman put his craftsmanship and his soul into its manufacture, but you should not focus on this issue.

What souvenirs are most in demand?

Handcrafted postcards and simple toys from antique textiles are in great demand today. For a lot of money, designer dolls, toys of the peoples of the North from felt, handmade wooden souvenirs, as well as homemade soap with natural ingredients sometimes go away.

Focus on the wishes of customers!

A very profitable area of ​​activity can be the manufacture of souvenirs for the design of specific interiors to order. Since the masters themselves in this case work on a piece-rate wage basis, some additional conditions are not required.

Making a store is the way to success!

online store of original thingsThis business assumes that buyers will feel the atmosphere of celebration and miracles. And to create such an atmosphere can only with love and attention selected interior details. We do not recommend approaching the design of the store "at random".

Domestic buyers, who in many respects do not have particularly tender feelings for customer service in the late USSR, are blown away by the wind at the sight of sloppy hand-written price tags or goods, in an “artistic” mess scattered around the counter.

In addition, the beautiful design of your store will not require any additional costs. Moreover, it is it that will be able to several times increase your profits, making the business of souvenirs more profitable.

Even simple wooden shelves can become independent works of art if they are properly decorated. Even price tags should be decorated in some unusual and special style. For example, the price tag can imitate a leaf of a tree.

Once again about national motives

Recently, a tendency towards the return of traditional values ​​has become quite clear. This is especially noticeable in the example of the fact that people began to willingly use household items and souvenirs decorated with national patterns.

handmade shops

In addition, in our country there are many people who gravitate towards Slavic culture. Selling souvenirs, traditional crafts and similar products can bring you a lot of money. In a word, you should not forget about it.

In particular, we recommend that you pay attention to the production of traditional wooden utensils, baskets and household items. Demand for such products is growing every year.

How to make a store more recognizable?

One way to make your store more recognizable is with branded packaging bags. Moreover, the cost of their manufacture in specialized companies will be quite low. As a rule, appropriately decorated packaging material will cost no more than 10 rubles / piece for bulk purchases.

In no case do not forget about business cards. With mass printing, they cost no more than 3 rubles / piece, and with the original design they immediately make you remember your store.

Advertising on the Internet is very effective. If you have such an opportunity, without fail create a store website.Its cost is unlikely to be high: for 15-20 thousand it is quite possible to acquire a resource of acceptable quality.

How to arrange product displays on the site?

We really do not recommend saving on photos of the goods you are selling, organizing an online store of original things. In any case, definitely do not take photos against a white sheet. Be sure to repost your publications in regional forums: this is guaranteed to draw attention to your store.


Thus, a small souvenir shop will require about 70 thousand rubles for its opening. The markup on the goods sold may be from 100% and higher. If you yourself are fond of making homemade products, do not miss the opportunity to conduct small master classes. This approach will not only attract additional buyers, but also serve as an additional source of income.

As a rule, well-organized handmade shops may well pay off in six months. If you make plans for the holidays, then all the costs will be repelled in a couple of months.

Do not be greedy in the first months after opening. Arrange promotions more often or just make nice gifts to your first customers. Here is a business plan. Gift shop - a great investment!

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Reason for complaint
The muse came to me much later, already when I worked as a bank economist for about 2 years. At first, I even managed to combine a hobby and work. I didn’t even think about selling then, purely for myself, on gifts, on trifles, in general. The emphasis was on knitted toys. When they became too much, I decided to sell. Put on Avito announcements and social networks. There were 20 pieces and within two weeks I sold them! Somehow it started))
The idea to sell souvenir products arose as a student. I have many “artisan” friends who have cast hobbies and found a prestigious job. In the same way, at first I became a top manager. But the love of creativity took its toll) He returned to wood carving and was happy. I mainly sold products on Avito. Over time, and friends pulled themselves together. Founded a furniture factory. So always listen to yourself.


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