
Where to get the goods for the online store? Best Online Store Ideas

So, you are a novice businessman who is seriously thinking about opening his online store? Fine! This article will tell you where to start, answer many questions, including the question of how to create an online store yourself.

Where to start?

Suppose you decide to open your online store. Perhaps you need to start by determining what this area of ​​activity is for you, for what purpose the resource will be open, in which direction it will work, that is, what kind of product or service will you offer to consumers on the market and where to get the product for online store. Have you decided?

Go ahead. It is worth analyzing which consumers the product will be oriented to, that is, who wants and who can consume it. Next, we analyze the competition in this market, that is, how many online stores offer the same service (product) as you do. It is foolish to hope for huge profits (especially at the very beginning of work) with a lot of competition.

No, of course, you will occupy your niche in this market, especially since there is always a buyer for each seller, but this will require more time and effort than if the online store started offering a service (product) that is not as popular on the Internet . In general, do not forget about such an important document as a business plan, do not rush into the pool with your head.

Even when opening online store you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. This is the same business that will make a profit with the right strategy. Reason, speak to yourself, wake up and fall asleep with the thought of your business, and new ideas will not keep you waiting.

The technical side of the project

For the functioning of the online store you need hosting, an “engine”, a domain name.

Hosting is the place where the resource files will be stored. Most often it is a computer hard drive in a special data center. The hosting owner provides this place on a paid and free basis. Free hosting differs from paid hosting by the presence of advertising and the absence of any guarantees.

online store ideas"Engine" is a program for creating, editing and managing site content, as well as external design. As well as hosting, there are paid and free engines.

Well, the domain name is the name of the future site (in our case, the online store).

It is recommended not to save on these things (especially since it costs not so much). There are companies that offer favorable conditions: for example, when buying a hosting, a domain name as a gift, or when buying a hosting "engine" as a gift.

Social networks can increase the popularity of the project

At the very beginning of the implementation of some idea of ​​an online store, free social networks can be used as a platform for development. As statistics show, many people earn decent money a month, creating some kind of group for the sale of goods or services. The group is created without material investments, but makes a profit, since the number of visitors to such social networks reaches millions or more.

Important question

Perhaps the most important question that concerns all future managers of the resource is the question of where to buy goods for the online store. The products for the future store will be supplied by suppliers whom you will need to find. In general, this is not an easy matter. In today's world, people are chasing money, so to find decent suppliers, you will need to spend some time.

Important criteria

Choose a supplier according to the following criteria:

  • Cost of goods. A very important criterion on which the profit of the online store will depend. That is, you will buy at the wholesale price, sell at the retail. The lower the wholesale price, the greater the profit from retail sales.
  • The period for which the goods will be delivered. The faster the better. Agree that if the delivery time, for example, is a month, then at some point the operation of the online store may stall.
  • Product Certificate. You must be sure that the product is safe for consumers and does not harm.
  • Settlement with the supplier. Here you need to choose which payment method will be convenient: for some it is cash, and for someone it is the most convenient non-cash payment.
  • Shelf life. The longer the shelf life of the product, the better. The product will not go bad until sold.
  • Admissibility of exchange or return of the product is one of the main criteria. It is advisable to write this clause in the contract. If the goods did not suit you - wrinkled boxes, dirty things, expired shelf life - there should always be an opportunity to exchange or return it.
  • The minimum purchase price. For beginners, a small amount is desirable. Here you need to find the right supplier. Not all suppliers work with small amounts, so sometimes you have to deal with resellers. But again, if both parties are satisfied with the working conditions, then you can not worry about it.
  • Delivery. Usually, large suppliers have free delivery.
  • Providing the supplier with product descriptions and photos will make life easier for the owner of the online store. You won’t have to come up with something yourself.
  • Spin off. That is: free advertising, booklets, business cards, training on certain types of goods, company clothes, etc.

These are very important criteria that together will facilitate your life, and the work of the online store will be uninterrupted. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the supplier as close as possible to the possession of these criteria.

After we have decided on the supplier, we call the office, request offer and accurate information on cooperation, if both parties are satisfied with each other - we conclude an agreement. It will be great if there are several suppliers. If one supplier has run out of a product, then another supplier can quickly order this product.

These criteria are not basic, you must highlight what is important for you as a store owner.

Work with providers

online clothing store Once again: it’s not easy to find a good supplier, therefore, starting to work with someone, ask for documents proving registration as a legal entity, TIN, extract from the register, that is, the main documents of the company.

This move will help to fence off one-day firms that disappear a week after the start of cooperation.

Vendors generally view online stores as being second-rate. Therefore, with cooperation, some will try to sell non-marketable products (wrinkled, dirty, etc.), delay deliveries, and not talk about discounts.

That is, in your relationship, the period will begin when your business will need to be defended and require the supplier to comply with all clauses of the contract. Therefore, for this reason, take the contract seriously, consult with a lawyer. Speaking of discounts.

Since each person is trying to earn as much as possible, and the supplier is the same person, most likely no one will inform about lower prices, discounts, promotions. Based on this, we conclude: periodically start a conversation about a more attractive price. Experience shows that suppliers immediately have a price list with a lower price.

The fastest way to find suppliers is at all kinds of exhibitions, seminars, and trainings.

Once you decide on the scope of activity of the online store and the supplier, the question of where to get the goods for the online store will disappear by itself.

Popular ideas

By the way, let's talk about the scope of the resource. Successful ideas of an online store can bring tangible profits and satisfaction to the owner.

There are many ideas for opening a chain store - it all depends on the imagination and the area that is interesting. It can be both sale and provision of services.

The most popular is the online clothing store: selling children's and adult clothes, shoes, as well as cosmetics and household chemicals, jewelry, jewelry, household goods, products, and medicines. Selling souvenirs, designer items, handmade goods, telephones and household appliances is gaining popularity.

That is, you need to choose a specific niche, your place. You can see what most people ask in the search engine, in which area there is considerable demand. If you have a successful business, then the online store will complement it.

Pay attention to your hobby!

The fruitful ideas of an online store often come from life. That is, everyone has their own circle of friends, their own hobbies, personal experience. For example, if a person knits well, sews, skates perfectly on snowboards and skates and is well versed in this - why not offer this product or service in his network project.

The same story with where to get the goods for the online store. Watching some kind of advertising, a friend (acquaintance) who is engaged in direct delivery of goods (services), a favorite business - all these factors can lead to a supplier.


In general, we hope this article answered the question of how to make your online store. Modern society is consumers. And online shopping is gaining momentum. Confidence in online shopping is in the process of growing. A person wants something new, fast, high-quality, if this is taken into account, business is doomed to success.

Remember that an online store, like a regular one, is a showcase. Behind the window should be a business with delivery, packaging, hard work. Where to get goods for an online store is your business, but remember that this is a responsible business, and if you can’t deal with this issue, the store will not work.

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