
Packaging business: manufacturing food packaging. Necessary equipment for food production and costing

Coming to the store, you first of all pay attention to the quality of food packaging, its appearance and convenience. If the buyer sees high-quality and beautiful packaging, then his confidence in the manufacturer automatically becomes higher. In addition, hermetic and convenient packaging guarantees the safety of products, which is important in our conditions.

food packaging manufacturing

And therefore, the production of food packaging will always be relevant, giving you the opportunity to earn great money. The main idea of ​​the business may be the production of containers from food plastic, as well as from traditional cardboard and paper. If you make beautiful and recognizable products, then manufacturers of products will quickly make a path to you.

This occupation is especially attractive in that it does not require large cash and labor costs. The domestic packaging industry, although at a stage of relatively rapid growth, is still not able to cover the ever-increasing demand.

So, in recent years, fast-food items have become extremely common, feeding their visitors salads and other first courses. In addition, the packaging of bulk products in bags, which is especially typical for domestic producers of cereals, also requires large quantities of consumables.

Product types this class

bulk packaging

To date, two types of packaging materials have spread in the world: paper and plastic. Plastic is good for its low price and functionality.

Without investing a lot of money in the production, you can even produce packaging for liquid products. Of course, the packing of bulk products is much more common, but there is an increased demand for the production of the same dairy products.

But it has one huge drawback: plastic practically does not decompose, and therefore needs industrial processing. Paper is much more promising in this role, but in our country its processing (from waste paper) is at a low level.

It is extremely expensive to make packaging from first-class raw materials, this sharply increases the cost of the final product and makes the production of packaging for food products not too cost-effective.

Therefore, in the future we will talk mainly about plastic containers, since the organization of its production requires less cost.

Where else packaging is required

You should not think that the manufacture of food packaging limits you in finding profitable markets. At the moment, you can count on a profitable sale of products from the following consumers:

  • as we have said, food manufacturers are willing to buy packaging;
  • companies producing cosmetic products (tubes for creams, packaging for soaps);
  • household chemistry production;
  • pharmaceuticals.

It should be mentioned about agricultural companies: feed and fertilizers, premixes and technical additives ... As the packaging of bulk products is becoming more popular, there is no reason to be afraid of a decrease in demand.

Let's talk about ecology

We have already said that polymer packaging poses a serious threat to the environment.Until now, in many countries, plastic packaging that has expired has simply been transported to landfills, which represented a real local environmental disaster. Now all over the world the closest attention is paid to recycling plastic waste.

By the way, their burning becomes more promising, since the heat transfer of two tons of plastic is equivalent to that of a ton of oil. As soon as the technologies for purification of gases emitted into the atmosphere are brought to perfection, many TPPs around the world can be converted to this fuel.

packaging business


By correctly setting prices for your products, you contribute to the success of your own business. This will not only determine the amount of your profits, but will also help expand the market.

The following factors influence the formation of value:

  • production costs, including taxes and utility bills;
  • the presence or absence of strong competitors;
  • packaged goods;
  • company recognition.

Of course, the origin of raw materials for its production has a great influence on this indicator. If such a large quantity and in acceptable quality were produced in our country, then the cost would have amounted to a penny.

The problem is that granular plastic most often has to be purchased in South Korea: there is more choice, better quality. Accordingly, customs duties and other bureaucracy contribute to the increase in the cost of containers.

How to promote your products?

To help distribute your packaging, stimulate consumer demand for it. Of course, for this it is most justified to use advertising, to conclude contracts with well-known and recognizable food producers.

Choose equipment

When planning the production of food packaging, be sure to consider the cost and availability of equipment. The fact is that today there are a huge number of models, each of which requires different raw materials and qualifications of workers.

Please note that the manufacturing process for packaging should be designed to work around the clock. Accordingly, only high-quality equipment can be used rationally. When choosing it, consider the following factors:

  • Cost. Traditionally, domestic equipment is much cheaper.
  • Productivity, the number of products produced per production cycle.
  • Sizes of cars. The dimensions (and cost) of the premises leased for the workshop depend on this parameter.
  • Functionality of equipment: is it possible to produce several types of products on it at once.
  • Availability of quality warranty service.
  • The presence of additional services from the manufacturer (installation, commissioning and consultation).

Cost of equipment

To organize a business on packaging, it is absolutely necessary to foresee all of the expenses listed below at the planning stage, since otherwise you may find yourself in a situation where you simply don’t have the money to buy all the necessary equipment.

food packaging

Main machines

  • Apparatus for thermoforming products - 135 thousand rubles.
  • A compressor will need to spend at least 26 thousand rubles.
  • Molds for molding pallets and covers cost from 43 thousand rubles.

Support costs

  • On shelves for storage of finished products will need to spend something about 3-5 thousand rubles.
  • For transportation costs it is better to lay at least 100 thousand rubles.
  • Computer hardware and software for it will take about 35 thousand.

What are the requirements for production facilities?

Please note that even the weakest equipment for packaging bulk products requires a 380 V outlet, so that it can no longer be placed in residential premises. Consequently, it will be necessary to place production in separate industrial buildings.

The room must have a place for the equipment itself, a warehouse for the raw materials used in the process, rooms for finished products, changing rooms, administrative rooms, rest rooms and toilets.

Specialists say a minimum of 80 square meters will be required. Among other things, the workshop must have plumbing and sewage to ensure that production and employees have everything necessary.

Raw materials used

Typically, packaging for bulk products is a production that uses conventional food polystyrene. Note! For the manufacture of containers in which food products will be packaged, the use of polystyrene after its secondary processing is strictly prohibited!

Such raw materials are used only for the manufacture of technical products and garbage bags.

How to hire staff

A huge role in the final success of the enterprise is played by properly selected staff. Of course, the wages of qualified employees takes a considerable part of the profit, but you cannot do without it.

You will need a director for relations with food manufacturers, an experienced accountant, at least nine people to organize continuous production in three shifts, a driver and staff for cleaning the premises.

How to start everything?

bulk packaging equipment

So we found out what production costs will require packaging products. Now you need to devote some time to information about the start of the enterprise.

First, lease agreements are concluded, documents are prepared for repair and finishing works and the purchase of all necessary equipment.

It is better to plan the delivery of equipment a couple of days before the end of the repair work, so as not to pay money in vain. It is most convenient when the delivery and commissioning of equipment is carried out by one company.

After this, you need to get permission from the SES and the fire inspection. First, buy raw materials for at least 10 days of work, simultaneously starting an advertising campaign and finding buyers. If everything is done correctly, then you can pay back the project in just one year.

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