
Business plan for a children's hairdresser. What does a hairdresser need, how much does it cost to open a hairdresser?

business plan for a children's hairdresserEach successful business idea turned out to be such for the reason that its author saw the need of a certain group of people and made up for this need.

In the vast modern market there is enough space for new business ideas.

And one of the promising activities for beginning entrepreneurs is a children's hairdresser.

The hairdresser is an important link in this business.

What do you need for a hairdresser in the first place? Not all hairdressing salons are able to cut their children stylishly, and even so that they feel comfortable at the same time. Many children are afraid of haircuts or simply too mobile, which complicates the process.

Therefore, children's hairdressers should be, first of all, psychologists, and only then professionals in haircuts. But if hairdressers manage to cope with the child, and the parent really likes the result, then such a salon is guaranteed success.

Important nuance

However, it is worth considering the fact that parents often lead their children to have their hair cut on weekends, as there are too many worries for a separate trip on weekdays. Therefore, there is a risk that the daily workload of the hairdresser may not be, and this will inevitably affect the income level.

To eliminate this potential problem, you can make a hairdresser in which not only children but also adolescents will be cut. Such a maneuver can significantly increase the level of attendance. A kind of children's beauty salon, which can turn out in the future from a small children's hairdresser, is also able to bring satisfaction to the owner and significant profit.

Where to begin?

So, how to open a children's hairdresser from scratch? The first thing to do is to register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company (LLC). There is a reason to consider the option with LLC only if cooperation with legal entities is planned, otherwise it is not necessary.

Especially considering the fact that opening an LLC requires a statutory fund and entails higher tax payments and strict reporting. To make it easier for a future businessman to understand all aspects of a new business, as well as not to miss the slightest detail, it is recommended to draw up a business plan for a children's hairdresser.

Choice of premises

When the issue of documents has been resolved, it's time to think about a room suitable for the children's salon. There are several successful options: open a salon in the territory of a large children's store, in a shopping and entertainment complex or find a separate room.

In a shopping and entertainment complex it is worth choosing a place where there will be a minimum of noise and eye-catching movement that can upset and scare the child.
It makes sense to open a separate room not in the central areas of the city only if the level of craftsmen in the cabin is quite high.

In fact, the goal of this business (children's hairdressers) is to get in the way of parents and offer them a decent level of service. The area of ​​the room should be calculated based on 5 square meters. m. per one workplace, which is desirable to organize at least 3.

It should be borne in mind that you still need to allocate an area for the bathroom and organize a waiting area for children. On average, the room for the salon should be at least 25 sq.m.

Design and create a suitable atmosphere

The premises of a children's hairdresser, first of all, should be interesting for children. Based on this principle, it is worth making repairs and decorating the room. Children, as you know, do not like to sit still, so while waiting for them toys and other distracting elements should be available to them. In some kindergartens there are even parrots that immediately attract the attention of children. Young customers begin to get acquainted with a bright bird, and this captures their attention.

business baby hairdressers

You can use calming tools such as sweets, cartoons, and all this should happen with the active participation of staff.

It’s not enough to put candy, you need to go up to the child, smile, talk with him and offer a sweetness that he should want to take.

Children are children, and without a special, complete positive approach, one cannot cope with them. Therefore, staff must be selected, taking into account not only their professional qualities as hairdressers, but also the love of children.

It is also important to talk with the children, explain to them what and how the hairdresser will do. In this case, a warm, trusting atmosphere is created in which it is easier for the child’s consciousness to relax.

Thus, you can’t save on the interior, and you can’t do this, since the interior is the key to success in this business. In fact, the design of the premises and the purchase of the necessary equipment constitute the main expense item.

Cost calculation

The business plan of a children's hairdresser is also useful for calculating expenses. To understand how much money you have to invest in opening a children's hairdresser, you need to make a list of expenses. It’s worth starting with renting or acquiring a salon. It is difficult to indicate exact numbers in this paragraph, since real estate prices may vary significantly in different regions and cities.

The situation is the same with advertising: prices in different parts of the country are very different, so this item will have to be set without specific numbers.
The only place where prices are the same for everyone is the Internet. By the way, therefore, if you are wondering, for example, how much it costs to open a hairdresser in Moscow, then it is worth noting that advertising on the Internet is more than affordable and at the same time shows good results.

The advertising resources of Yandex, Google, and various social networks will allow for a small amount of money to conduct an action aimed exclusively at the target audience, that is, at young parents living in the right city.

Necessary equipment

The business plan of the children's hairdresser must necessarily contain the item “Equipment costs”. As for equipment, the average chair for a children's hairdresser costs between 150-450 dollars. But if possible, it is better to purchase a chair in the form of a car, for which you will have to give as much as 2000 cu, and this despite the fact that it can accommodate a maximum of 4-year-old child.

However, this will be a justifiable investment. A children's hairdresser can not do without a plasma TV (400-900 dollars), which will show cartoons, a sofa for parents will also have to buy (at least 300 dollars).

Do not forget about the washing chair, whose price fluctuates around $ 400. For the work of designers who will be involved in the project of a hairdressing salon, and repairs will have to be paid on average from 4 to 10 thousand dollars. To these costs, it is still worth adding the funds necessary for the supply of water, electricity and other necessary communications ($ 1,000).

As a result, the opening of a children's hairdresser, without taking into account the acquisition or rental of premises, as well as advertising costs, will require approximately 15 to 20 thousand dollars. The amount is rather big, but considering the possible prospects (payback within 10-15 months) - the game is worth the candle.

“Right” staff

What do you need for a hairdresser, in addition to the skills of working with children and having a sufficient level of professionalism? Strong nerves and love for your work! The following employees will also be needed in this business:

- The administrator, on whose shoulders lies the obligation to meet parents with children, take them up, advise, follow the order in the queue and solve other organizational issues.

- Accountant. Without this person, business will not work. After all, you need to constantly monitor the documentation, submit all the necessary reports on time, etc. But it’s not necessary to hire a full-time accountant. You can contact a specialist who leads several individual entrepreneurs and offer him part-time employment in a new business.

- A cleaning lady. In this case, there is no difficulty in finding, since there are quite a few responsible women in retirement who are ready to clean the premises at strictly defined hours.

In this way

how much does it cost to open a hairdresser in MoscowOne can make a confident conclusion: to open a children's hairdresser is a step that can bring decent income, and this business has virtually no competition.

Therefore, those who have long dreamed of their own business should definitely pay attention to this prospect.

And one more thing: consider a plan for developing your business, because with a skilled leader, a children's hairdresser can grow into a children's beauty salon.

In addition, if you organize this type of business at a decent level, you can eventually convert it to a franchise format, which will significantly increase income and become the owner of a large network of children's hairdressers.

Do not forget that the business plan of the children's hairdresser is the main document of your business.

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