
Business plan cleaning company. How to open a cleaning company from scratch, a list of necessary equipment

cleaning company business planBeginning entrepreneurs are increasingly interested in the idea of ​​creating such a business as a cleaning company.

The main purpose of the company is to provide its customers with all kinds of cleaning and maintenance services both in offices and in residential premises. The main reasons for the great popularity of this type of business are the following circumstances:

1. High income at a relatively low cost.

2. The business plan of a cleaning company is quick and easy to execute.

3. No need to obtain any permits.

Where to start?

In order to open a cleaning company, it is necessary to pay special attention to the construction of the main stages of preliminary work, which consists in the following:

- competent selection of professional staff who will ensure the quality of the services provided;

- The choice of reliable and modern technology;

- the search for chemicals that can cope with absolutely any kind of pollution;

- familiarization with GOST R 51870-2002 “services for cleaning buildings and structures” that regulates this activity and clearly explains what a cleaning company is and what tasks it performs.

Performing these steps will allow you to return the invested funds in less than one year. That is why it is worth considering in detail each of the points presented above.

Staff recruitment

It is at this point that it is quite realistic to save money, since it is possible to open a cleaning company from scratch without hiring the following employees:

1. The manager who is responsible for working with consumers.

2. Office manager.

3. Personnel worker.

All these positions are successfully held by the owner of the company. But as the company develops, it is still worthwhile to look for qualified personnel, especially considering that in this area there is a large turnover of staff and fierce competition.

On what it is not worth saving money for cleaning companies, it is on the hiring of cleaners and their training. Since it is they who determine the quality of the services provided. In this case, you must carefully monitor:

- knowledge of various cleaning technologies;

- the presence of skills to choose the right tools and equipment to eliminate various types of pollution;

- the ability to properly use equipment for cleaning companies, which will help to avoid unnecessary breakdowns;

- the skills to properly obtain the necessary concentration of chemical compounds in order to prevent the unjustified and excessive use of these funds.

The number of specialists in this field that should be included in the business plan of a cleaning company is calculated from the following considerations.

Type of premises Serviced Area Number of employees used
Office 500 square meters one specialist
Trading floors 800 square meters one specialist

Special equipment

One of the main success factors is professional equipment for cleaning companies. It should be purchased according to the following list.

Name Application area approximate cost
a vacuum cleaner dry and wet cleaning 1000 cu
flat mop replacement of household broom and dustpan 50 cu
disk machine thorough cleaning of carpets 2500 cu
spinning trolley wet floor cleaning, storage of cleaning solutions, garbage layout 200 cu
scrubber drier acquires relevance when servicing large facilities, as it can significantly increase the speed and quality of floor cleaning from 2500 cu

Cleaning products

Do not underestimate the role of modern chemicals for cleaning and disinfection, since today there is a fairly large selection of such detergents and cleaners that greatly facilitate the work and give an excellent final result. Properly selected funds perform the most important tasks, including:

- providing gentle cleaning of various surfaces, including expensive furniture, which requires special care;

- the destruction of microbes and other microorganisms, including allergens, as well as the creation of a protective barrier that prevents the spread of these pests;

- Preservation of a fresh and natural smell throughout the room for a long time.

And it is not surprising that the modern market offers a huge assortment of all kinds of cleaning products from various manufacturers, and in order not to be mistaken and not to waste extra money in vain, you need to take care about the right choice. You need to know the main types of chemistry, since the use of certain types of funds will require the purchase of additional equipment:

1. A neutral environment that does not contain hazardous substances. It can be used without special protective equipment.

2. Alkaline environment. It contains substances that require a little hand skin protection.

3. Substances containing acids in their composition, for which it is necessary to acquire special protective equipment, and the process of use itself should be especially accurate.

how to open a cleaning company from scratch

Supplier Selection

Given the importance and role of professional tools in the success of any cleaning company, it is important to take care of the selection and establishment of long-term relationships with the company that will provide this product. Changing the supplier will cause serious losses, as a revision of the technology for the provision of services and the replacement of equipment will be required. To avoid such costs, it is first necessary to focus on the following details:

- availability of official permission to represent the interests of the manufacturer in Russia (accreditation);

- the presence of certificates for the proposed product;

- compliance with standards in the production of goods (checked by special environmental and technical safety cards);

- mandatory availability of detailed instructions;

- the presence of such services as customer information support, staff training in the effective use of products.

Customer base

The client base is a separate and important item that is included in the business plan of a cleaning company. It is worth taking care of attracting potential consumers of services in advance, which include the following objects:

- all kinds of shopping, entertainment and business centers;

- restaurants, cafes, bars and other similar places;

- various offices;

- various enterprises.

It should be borne in mind that regularly opening new facilities that require these services. Therefore, even before you open a cleaning company from scratch, you need to seriously monitor your potential customer base and negotiate with your future customers.

Opening Cost Calculation

Summing up, it is impossible not to mention the cost of successful implementation of such an enterprise. A cleaning company’s business plan should include a detailed calculation of expenses.

Disposable cash injections

Name approximate cost
purchase of equipment 4000 cu
furniture and office equipment 2300 cu
a uniform 250 cu
provision of telephone line and Internet 300 cu

Fixed costs

Name approximate cost
rental of premises 650 cu
salary payments to employees 2500 cu
pay for telephone and internet 30 cu
all kinds of supplies 150 cu
contingencies 150 cu

The total amount can increase up to 30,000 cu when working with large companies or centers, which must be taken into account when opening such a business.


funds for cleaning companies

Having calculated all the expenses, you need to know the conditions, those factors that will directly affect the cleaning company’s income. The main one is the type of services provided:

1. Daily cleaning, which brings a net profit of between ten and fifteen percent.

2. Special works, including plumbing and other types of maintenance, will increase profits up to 40%.

So, it's time to start ...

Given all the information that was provided above, you can understand what a cleaning company is, how to open this type of business, and finally determine the need to create this organization. And, according to experts, with a competent approach, this type of business in the first month of its existence gives excellent results. Therefore, do not put off the idea of ​​your own business in a long box. Its time to begin!

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