
How to open a thrift store. Commission store business plan: equipment, costing and necessary documents

Probably, every person at least once in his life thought about starting his own business. Of course, starting a business from scratch is a troublesome business, but with the right approach, you can always reduce costs and protect risk. For example, opening a store or a fashion boutique will require significant start-up capital. And if you create a commission, then the costs will be significantly lower. And today, many people are interested in questions about how to open a thrift store.

What is a thrift store?

In the former Soviet Union, such stores were very popular. After all, it was here that one could get scarce goods at a very reasonable price. Similar points of sale exist in almost every city in every developed country. And if you are interested in the question of how to open a commission, it is worth exploring the scheme of its work.

how to open a thrift store

In fact, the essence is quite simple - you just need to take goods for sale. With a well-conducted advertising campaign, problems with the receipt of goods are unlikely to be, because in almost every house there are some things that are no longer needed, but it is a pity to throw them away. It is them that you can sell, receiving a commission on each product sold.

Thrift store as a business - how much is it profitable?

Naturally, the opening of its own commission has pitfalls. Nevertheless, creating such a store is much easier, and sometimes more profitable. To begin with, it is worth noting that you do not have to make long trips in search of goods, as well as spend money on their purchase - people themselves will bring it to you. Thus, to open a outlet, you will need a relatively small starting capital.

Thrift stores practically do not suffer from economic crises. In difficult times, people have to sell something to replenish the family budget, so you will not have a shortage of goods. Many are looking for any acceptable way to save on purchases, so you will not have a shortage of regular customers.

Along with this, you are responsible for the normal, uninterrupted operation of the store, quality service, bookkeeping, etc.

How to open a thrift store? The legal side of the issue

thrift store business planYou decided to open a commission - where to start? The business plan of a thrift store should begin, of course, with the legal registration of your business - otherwise, you will definitely have problems with the tax office. How to create a store? What documents need to be prepared?

First you need to register in the tax either IP or LLC. Registration of an individual entrepreneur is suitable if you are going to work exclusively with individuals.

If your plans include cooperation with any organizations (for example, those enterprises that will sell illiquid goods to you), then it is better to design a store as an LLC.

If you are interested in the question of how to open a thrift store, then you need to know what to get trade permit can be in the city administration. You will also need permission from firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station (if you sell clothes, they must undergo appropriate processing).

What do you plan to sell?

Yes, the business plan of a thrift store must necessarily include a clause on what exactly you are going to sell, since the choice of premises, the design of the sales area, etc. will depend on this. Today, the most popular is the commission of children's goods, as well as a store selling used clothes and accessories. Such products will help you stay afloat even in difficult times.

commission of children's goods

On the other hand, you can sell almost everything: mobile phones, small and large household appliances, second-hand furniture, jewelry and jewelry.

Choose a room for the store

The choice of premises for trade is an important issue, as the flow of customers will depend on this. Most experienced businessmen recommend opening a store in a residential area. After all, your customers and suppliers of goods at the same time will be ordinary people who will be convenient to visit the store on the way to work.

A separate issue is the area of ​​the room. It all depends on what kind of products you are going to sell. If your store will sell mobile phones or used jewelry, then, naturally, a large hall is useless to you. But if you are going to trade in furniture, household appliances or cars, then you should think about a large warehouse.

How to equip the hall?

Before opening a store, you should familiarize yourself with your competitors. Surely there are similar outlets in your city that sell used goods. And if you want to make your business more profitable, you should pay special attention to the design of the hall and customer service. Let every visitor to your store feel comfortable and comfortable.

how to open a commission

Buy the necessary furniture, hangers and display cases. Remember that the goods must be laid out so that the highest quality things are immediately evident. Customers should not waste time rummaging in a heap of goods - let them have a good overview.

Today, a thrift store of elite clothes is becoming more and more popular. After all, every woman wants to look dignified, but not everyone has the means to dress in branded stores. If you are selling branded items, then it is advisable to design a store as a fashion boutique - so customers will feel more comfortable.

Do not forget to observe sanitary standards: the room must be kept in perfect cleanliness. And, of course, customers will need fitting rooms and mirrors.

Where to get the goods from? Terms of an agreement

Since you are going to receive goods for sale, you (the commission agent) will need to conclude agreements with all suppliers of goods (committees). That is why it is advisable to immediately draw up a general form of the contract. What is worth paying attention to in the document?

To begin with, the principal should indicate his passport data - this is a small precaution that will help you avoid selling stolen goods, etc. The contract should also indicate the main criteria for evaluating the goods, in particular: condition, degree of wear, defects, etc. .

The price is set by the principal, and the commission agent (store owner) determines his percentage (in most cases, it is from 5 to 30% of the value of the goods). It is also necessary to clearly determine the term of the contract: after its expiration, either the client takes the goods, paying the store a percentage for storage (most often it is 5%), or the goods are discounted by 10-20%.

The document must indicate the reasons why the contract can be terminated by either party ahead of time.

There is another important point. For example, if you have a commission of children's goods or clothing, then the principal should provide you with a dry cleaning receipt, which confirms that the goods have been cleaned and processed in accordance with sanitary standards.

By the way, the success of such a trade largely depends on how the product will be priced, so an experienced person can be hired for this work. Before opening the store, be sure to stock up on a sufficient amount of goods - do not meet the first buyers with half-empty windows. Try to accept only high-quality things for implementation, and do not let the client set too high prices.

thrift store

It is best either to equip a separate small room for the reception and evaluation of goods, or to allocate 1-2 days a week, when the store will deal exclusively with the reception and execution of contracts.

Ideally, your store should have a computer with the appropriate software. So it will be easier for you to lead accounting of goods register new contracts, conduct sales and monitor bookkeeping.

We advertise the store, increase the flow of customers

The first months of work will be the most difficult, but also the most important. It is at this time that you will build your reputation and get regular customers, so it is important to ensure a constant flow of customers in the first weeks.

Thrift store advertising is crucial. Naturally, a quality advertising campaign requires some investment, but not too much. For example, reviews of businessmen indicate that commercials on television and radio are ineffective. But you can place ads in newspapers or on the Internet resources of your city.

You can arrange the distribution of leaflets. Yes, 90% of them are almost immediately in the trash. But if you offer a discount to each flyer owner, then people's interest may increase. If you want your store to become more and more popular, do not forget to arrange promotions or holiday sales from time to time.

How much can you earn?

thrift store as a business

Probably every person who is interested in how to open a thrift store is trying to predict its payback.

To begin with, it should be noted that the monthly or annual income directly depends on many factors, including the goods sold, the location of the trading floor, the price policy of the enterprise, etc.

Most experienced businessmen who deal with commissioners say that the initial investment pays off after 1–2 years. On average, daily earnings make up 15% of the total turnover. And remember that your income will directly depend on the quality of work and advertising.

Online sale

If you have your own trading company, then it is quite realistic to create a commission online store. Finding a specialist who will create a website for you is not a problem. Here you can upload store news, additional information, rules of cooperation. You will also have the opportunity to exhibit photos and product specifications, which will give customers the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the range, without leaving home.

In addition, you can sell and deliver goods to anywhere in the country using the services of mail or private delivery companies. But before creating an online store, it is worth considering that you will have to devote a lot of time to this resource, constantly updating the photo gallery and advising potential buyers.

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