
Business plan of a household appliance store. How to open a commission store of household appliances: suppliers, costing, necessary equipment to start

home appliance business planShould I invest in a hardware store? Judge for yourself. The Russian home appliance market, valued at $ 40 billion, shows growth dynamics over the past year.

It is predicted, clearly formed and takes the fourth position among European countries, letting Germany, France, England pass ahead. An entrepreneur can enter this huge market at the micro level by linking his business plan with a home appliance store to the real world market.

The forecast for its further development in 2014 is favorable, which reflects the positive macroeconomic situation in the country, the tendency inherent in the population - not to concentrate on savings, further development of the consumer credit market.

Statistics of the Russian market of household appliances and electronics in 2013

household appliance warehouseThe assortment of household appliances on the Russian market has a steady upward trend. Consider the statistics of 2013. Among the segments of this market, sales of smartphones and mobile phones show the best dynamics - more than 19.8 million units.

Moreover, within this segment, the proportion of smartphones is increasing, which is expected to reach 90% of total mobile phone sales in 2016. Among the leading companies Samsung stands out - 30.4%, then Apple - more than 13%.

Last year, a good growth was seen in the segment of household appliances: washing machines - 9.1%, refrigerators - 8%. There are also leaders in the segment of kitchen appliances: sales of bread machines and pressure cookers grew by 6.7%. Surprised by the relatively small segment “beauty and health”, last year he suddenly went uphill: the sale of hair dryers and razors increased by 18.8%.

However, the dynamics of different segments are still different: for example, sales of photographic equipment in 2013 decreased compared to the previous one by 22%. Has worked substitution effect due to the improved performance of cameras built into smartphones.

Should the business plan of a home appliance store take into account prevailing proportions and market dynamics? Of course.

The competition for traditional stores on the part of Internet commerce in the Russian market is still less than in Germany and France. The reason, obviously, is in the traditional tastes of the population, who prefers to see a “product face” before selling. And this despite the lower retail prices of online stores. However, as entrepreneurs themselves say, in the future, online and offline prices will become the same, as traditional and online trading will merge into a single - integrated.

Market entry

Of course, entering this segment of the market, it is necessary to have a well-balanced business plan, a studied market, and established business relations. After all, an unsuccessful attempt to enter leads to a major loss. And then the inventory of the bankrupt store sold through the household appliance sales store is only able to pay 60% of the costs incurred for their purchase.

What can be said about the entrepreneur who is trying to enter the market of household appliances now? Perhaps he is a courageous person. It’s not even his readiness to “shell out” considerable funds for initial investments of $ 200-500 thousand. The problem is that 25% of this market is already occupied by federal retail chains MediaMarket, M.video, and Eldorado.

The point is not even in percentages, but in key places "captured" by networkers for successful sales.Be that as it may, the entrepreneur will have to spend about 3 weeks on the legal registration of the new store, as well as about $ 3 thousand on the installation of conventional and fire alarms.

Two alternatives: rent or profitability

Entrepreneurs, when compiling a business plan for a home appliance store, often try to save on rent. Is it worth it? Shops located in the city center are “doomed” to be sales leaders. As evidenced by the experience of chain stores, if in the urban network there are, for example, 10 pcs. then 2-3, located in the center, give 50-60% of trading revenue.

Profit from a relatively small store (with trading area a hall of 250 square meters) is $ 40-60 thousand per month. Supermarkets of household appliances with an area of ​​500-1000 square meters are more profitable. If the average store is not in the very center, but close to it, then its profit will decrease by one and a half times. “Non-zero” also looks like the option of opening a store in a newly built quarter. However, the profit in this case will be 50% of the profit of the same institution in the city center, and in addition, in the process of “settling in” of new buildings, revenue is gradually reduced.

According to the logistics, the warehouse of household appliances serving the store should not be at a considerable distance.

In all cases, one should not lose sight of the circumstances so that there was a busy traffic intersection nearby. Ideal when a busy street leads to the store. For the convenience of customers, the presence of a public transport stop near the store is significant. And of course, for efficient delivery of goods, parking should be provided for both official transport of the store and transport for visitors to the store.

According to experts, from the above options, a household appliance store near the center looks preferable because of the often practiced overpriced rent in the city center.

Repair and trade equipment

thrift store of household appliancesDecorating a home appliance and electronics store is quite expensive. Often, entrepreneurs put in the business plan of a home appliance store an amount for repairs, based on the cost level of $ 200-400 per square meter.

However, modern building materials can significantly reduce such costs.

For the optimal location of goods on the trading floor, it is important to install special equipment for various groups of goods. To install bulk household appliances, the costs are limited to the purchase of 15-30 linear meters of podiums, the price of which is $ 25-40 per square meter.

Oversized equipment will require shelving. It is economically feasible to use inexpensive shelving 2000 * 1000 * 500 mm with an average price of $ 190 per piece. They are in demand for the sale of irons, kettles, coffee makers, hair dryers, electric razors, tricks, epilators, etc. However, larger appliances, such as computer equipment, juicers, vacuum cleaners, bread machines, multicookers, require more racks - 2350 * 1250 * 500 mm and more expensive - for $ 300.

For the departments of smartphones and mobile phones, cameras, glass racks with a lock are provided. Their typical sizes are 2200 * 1000 * 500 mm, as well as 2200 * 1200 * 600 mm, the price of one piece ranges from $ 300 to $ 400.

Of course, directly on the trading floor are only samples of goods. A small proportion of inventory will be located in office premises, occupying 10-15% of the entire store. A household appliance warehouse should have a full range of goods and their stock for several days of sale (depending on the policy of the store).

With dynamic store purchases, deliveries to the warehouse should also be done dynamically. Its area, as a rule, is two times less than the area of ​​the store itself. It is desirable that this be a dry, heated, ventilated structure.

Assortment Monitoring

The range of household goods offered by the store can be divided into the following categories: Hi-Fi equipment (including smartphones and mobile phones), automotive equipment, accessories and related products, audio and video equipment, household appliances, kitchen appliances, telephones and faxes, and photographic equipment. A justified strategy for entrepreneurs is a policy pursued by supermarkets of household appliances with suppliers that maximizes the benefits of sales for implementation.

Many entrepreneurs before buying a model are seriously familiar with the reviews of its users on the Internet. This makes it possible to consider in advance the bottlenecks. It is advisable to purchase household appliances in all major categories, focusing on top models. Presentations of their publications are not uncommon on the Internet. We recommend that entrepreneurs pay close attention to published reviews of the best household appliances in the past year.

Some patterns of procurement

On the one hand, when purchasing, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign of a household appliance manufacturer on its promotion is traditionally taken into account. However, it is even more important that an entrepreneur, before opening a household appliance store, maximizes the convenience of both warranty and current repairs for each category of goods.

And this is possible when the manufacturer organizes a service network in the field. Even if the goods are good, but their service is not developed, then their purchases should be limited.

In addition, the purchase of household appliances, of course, cannot be spontaneous, and in order to prevent such a negative phenomenon as overstock, it is necessary to obey certain appropriate proportions and patterns.

For example, the supply of photographic equipment and audio players should be increased closer to the holiday season. Gas and electric stoves should be supplied in the ratio of 70% to 30%. It is justified to buy refrigerators in the following way (35% - economy class manufactured in the CIS countries, 25% - imported economy class, 20% - two-compartment refrigerators equipped with two compressors, the specific gravity of VIP-class units, as well as mini-refrigerators, - ten%.

How does a store advertise household appliances?

Do I need my own home appliance advertising for stores? Indeed, manufacturing companies that promote their goods on the market provide all kinds of advertising for household appliances even before they arrive at the store. Nevertheless, stores also carry out their advertising campaign, which lasts, as a rule, for about three months, which is included in the cost estimate and ranges from $ 5 to $ 15 thousand for supermarkets.

Sales consultants, for their part, inform customers about the technical characteristics of their supermarket section, skillfully and unobtrusively alternating it with verbal advertising.

Well-established and used by trade enterprises such a simple way of advertising, as the periodic distribution in public places of leaflets informing about promotions and top models of goods.

And finally, the store’s hallmark is its signboard - a peculiar way of presentation, which includes the artistic mark of the name and logo. The most popular signs are backlit, as well as diode ones.

Advertising of household appliances is now increasingly using luminous information LED-panels. Their elements are backlighting using diode lamps, according to an algorithm defined by software. An artist, an advertising wizard, using special markers creates unique advertising graphics that are not affected by temperature, rain or snow. If the entrepreneur changes the emphasis of his advertising, the old pattern is erased with special napkins, and a new one is applied in its place.

Name of shop

home appliance sales storeWhat does the current legislation say about the name of a household appliance store? The title should contain the legal form of the company.It should not deceive customers, insult their morality, religion, public interests. There should be a hint of the main activity.

Otherwise, the entrepreneur uses his imagination. Remember the words of Andrei Nekrasov that the ship is sailing according to its name, belonging to the well-known character - captain Vrungel?

Unfortunately, entrepreneurs are often guided by this “pearl” of the 1937 edition, solving a very modern question: “What should I call a home appliance store?” Oddly enough, the experience of Russian entrepreneurship does not recommend sonorous, exotic names of non-chain stores for a successful business. The statistics are stubborn. Either they aggravate competitors, or do they evoke incomprehensible reflexes in regulatory bodies? Who knows?

In a word, for the name of the store, the considerations set forth by Victor Pelevin in the novel "Numbers" are appropriate. Remember how the banker Stepan personally selected the name for his “pocket” bank, decisively rejecting the associative options and choosing “Sunbank”. Business partners soon appreciated how calm it is to carry out serious operations with a counterparty whose name is clumsy, “camouflaged” and causes association with Western business. Interestingly, for the same purpose, Stepan created the Bank logo by styling the logo of the Western company Sun Microsystems.

Commission sale of household appliances

Today, the development of household appliances is moving forward by leaps and bounds. The emphasis is on increasing complexity and appreciation. Since the 90s, almost all segments of this market have been developing so revolutionary that they have gone through 3-4 stages in their development, which are called “generations” by marketers.

Certain segments of the population cannot financially participate in such a dashing race for the latest innovative models. They minimize their costs by buying used equipment. Thrift store of household appliances is of great help to them. Entrepreneurial people open such a business. Initial investments in it are minimal: $ 5-7 thousand.

Often, at the start of such a business, the minimum space is chosen - about 10 square meters.

home appliance business planThe cost of opening it is minimal: registration of an individual entrepreneur, as well as rental of premises, customer acquisition. The quality of repair in it is not important. Cheap modern building materials are used.

Often this is the painting of the walls, sometimes their sheathing with drywall. However, almost always when doing this, racks, 2 counters, and used office furniture are installed. An important role belongs to advertising, inviting the townsfolk to hand over the goods to the commission.

Today the most dynamically developing area of ​​commission trading on the Internet. The role of virtual stores are sites tied to payment systems. On them, on behalf of individuals-sellers who pay a site administration commission, used-home appliances are offered.

The Internet today has brought together more than 65 million adults in the country. In 2013, the Russian retail Internet sales market reached the $ 500 billion milestone. Commission trade accounts for more than 20%. A commission store of household appliances on the Internet entails the registration of a small business (about $ 700), the purchase of a domain, hosting and the development of a store “engine” - (about $ 2500).


When opening a home appliance supermarket, an entrepreneur must act exclusively professionally both in the home appliance market itself and in the financial market. Such activity is impossible without a sound financial and production analysis of cash and commodity flows.

Important areas of financial analysis are determining financial stability indicators, analyzing profit dynamics, correlating the current market position of a store with its breakeven point. And of course, a home appliance business plan.

The most important condition for the commercial success of a household appliance store is the coordinated work of its staff. For the supermarket, it has approximately 50 people. Organizational sales consultants are distributed between sections. The section has a boss and 2-3 ordinary sellers. The average age of such personnel is 25-30 years.

As experience shows, small household and kitchen appliances are better sold by women. In sales of large household appliances, audio and video equipment, men are the leaders. However, in any case, in order to increase staff efficiency, it is important that a bonus mechanism be provided for a dynamic increase in revenue.

1 comment
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Reason for complaint
Now in the process of creating an online store of household appliances and electronics with a retail store / outlet. Many closed, many were afraid of competition. There is a friend who owned such a store about 2 years ago according to such a scheme, had a good income, but was closed due to debts to suppliers (he decided to purchase in large batches early).

Website development, optimization, advertising, product filling, design, etc. - not a problem.
Office warehouse - a small heated room.
The car - while Berlingo.
Accountant, reporting - everything is there.
There are connections with service centers
I myself worked for a long time in a similar store, I know the technique well.

And the scheme of work is as follows:
1) Call or basket processing on the site, consultation, ordering
2) Search and purchase of the ordered goods through the Bitprice system
3) Payment and receipt of goods from the supplier
4) Delivery of goods to the customer

What do you think? How do you like the idea?


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