
Business plan “Husband for an hour”: advertising, website development and paperwork

husband business plan for an hour

The ideas of the “Husband for an Hour” business for a fairly short period of time managed to gain great popularity and occupy a worthy niche in their services sector. On the one hand, such a business cannot bring big income - about 50 thousand rubles in one month. On the other hand, this amount can be considered good. Especially when you consider the moment that for the organization of such a case does not require any superknowledge.

Ease of implementing the idea of ​​“husband for an hour”

What are the main benefits a business plan will have? “Husband for an hour” is a service that does not require a huge initial investment.

We can safely say that the initial contributions will fully pay off in two months of active work. Although you can recoup all expenses in a shorter period of time. It is necessary to understand in more detail how such an entrepreneurial idea works.

The main advantage of entrepreneurial ideas

Regardless of small orders, the main advantage of such a business is the uniformity of tasks. In other words, the need for such things as nailing nails and wallpapering can occur daily. Basically, similar problems can occur in every person, and more than once. This should be considered when designing a business plan. “Husband for an hour” is a service that includes a set of tasks that any man must cope with.

Why has the service become so popular?

The service that will be provided by your company, namely “husband for an hour”, is quite popular in the modern world. The following reasons contribute to this:

  1. The area of ​​activity in which the services will be provided is currently underdeveloped. Based on this, we can say that there is practically no competition in it.
  2. With each new day, the number of wealthy people who do not know how or simply do not want to do anything in the house with their own hands is growing rapidly.

Why a business idea can start to bring high profits?

Many companies that operate in this service sector, basically, form very high prices. However, they do not provide the necessary assortment of work performed. Some entrepreneurs believe that there are no analogues to their firms. Therefore, they work, as they say, through the sleeves. In many cases, customers simply have nowhere to go. Therefore, they are satisfied with the services that are already available on the market.

This is probably a rather important reason that provokes companies, in particular, not to finish some small work to the end. Usually moving furniture or repairing a faucet that drips slightly is simply not part of the range of services provided. For such organizations, these are too small tasks for which you do not need to spend your free time.

This should be considered when drawing up a business plan. “Husband for an hour” provided by your company, thanks to this approach, can bring quite high profits. You just need to understand that in order to gain popularity with customers you need to work with pleasure and a smile. In addition, to increase the reputation of the company, it will be necessary to perform absolutely all types of work, regardless of their complexity. After all, for someone, even changing a light bulb is an impossible task.

Acquisition of basic tools

What is required in order to draw up a quality business plan? "Husband for an hour" can not do anything in the allotted time without appropriate tools. It should be understood that it is very important to undertake any work without disdain. Otherwise, it will be difficult to earn a positive reputation and achieve due popularity.

In addition to a set of keys, you must purchase the following tools:

  1. Hammer.
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Pliers.
  4. Hammer drill.
  5. Drill.

All these tools will come in handy, since not all people have them. Such additional devices as a grinding machine and glass cutter will also not be superfluous. And if there is such an opportunity, then you should take them with you. A suitcase with tools must always be carried with you, as it is a mandatory attribute for organizing an entrepreneurial idea.

Additional tools can be purchased over time or leased

Most likely, every man has a set of basic tools in stock. Only some devices that can be bought after receiving the first profit are missing. Their set should constantly increase in connection with the growth of the company.

husband site for an hour

Some tools are best rented. With this move, you can save on initial capital and get more income from the work performed, which is very important at the very beginning of the formation of the business. In the modern world, a service that involves restoring parquet has gained special popularity. If you received such an order, you must immediately determine the volume of the order and make a choice in favor of a particular tool.

It is necessary to undertake work of any type

Husband business ideas for an hourAs in any other business sector, an organization called Husband for an Hour should provide various types of services: repair of plumbing equipment, assembly or disassembly of furniture, installation of equipment and electrical wiring, not too much repair work, etc.

To earn the first profit of such services is enough. Basically, many companies working in this area started with this. Pricing all types of work is not so difficult. And competitor monitoring can help with this procedure.

What expenses will you have to face when implementing the entrepreneurial idea “husband for an hour”, besides acquiring all necessary tools? The main ones are described below. It’s impossible to manage without such costs, since this is a business, and without investments it will be impossible to organize the company “Husband for an hour”. But income will not be long in coming.

Register your business

You must register an IP or LLC. The amount of cash expenses required for this procedure varies from 4 to 10 thousand rubles. It will all depend on whether you decide to register yourself or turn to any companies for help. No further documentation is required for the organization.

Advertising activity

business cards husband for an hour

Cost items are replenished with advertising, the acquisition of a form for workers, the organization of cellular communications and payment for the movement of employees. Naturally, do not forget about taxes.

This is such a part of any legal business that is mandatory. In addition, in order to successfully implement the business idea “Husband for an hour”, advertising is also necessary.

If you decide to organize a company in a not too big provincial city, then the ideal advertising company is placing ads in a newspaper. This method is the most popular among the population.

You can also stick ads on posts or boards, use word of mouth, and place advertising texts on the Internet. It is worth noting that promotion through the World Wide Web always brings a good enough effect. Therefore, it will be useful to create your own website “Husband for an hour”.

On the Internet you can find specialized resources, numerous posters and message boards. You can also go to the forum and advertise your activities through it. You should use as many advertising methods as possible, as this will increase the likelihood of an increase in the customer base.

In addition, you can give your customers business cards "Husband for an hour", which will indicate the contact details of the company. Then it is likely that this information will catch the eye of anyone else.

Entrepreneurial idea needs to be constantly developed

husband for an hour income

If you decide to organize your own business in a similar field of activity, you should immediately understand that at first you will have to work very hard.

You can not spend money on personnel at the very beginning of your entrepreneurial activity, and do all the work yourself. If there are no skills, then there is always the opportunity to cooperate with a master and begin to develop your business.

And only with time, when the client base is large enough, you can think about finding an office space and hiring all the necessary workers.

It will take an administrator who will take orders, and several employees who will quickly carry out the tasks. We hope that this review will help you if you have questions about your own business - how to implement, what to do, how to open it. “Husband for an hour” will be able to bring good profit with a competent approach.

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