
Own business: trampolines for children. Business plan: inflatable trampolines for children - equipment and necessary documents

Trampolines began to appear in parks and on the streets of Russian cities. This is hardly surprising to anyone, since everyone wants to at least briefly plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday, and inflatable attractions in this matter come in handy. That is why many entrepreneurs decide to turn entertainment into a business. Trampolines can bring joy to people, and money to you. A tempting prospect, isn't it?

business trampolines

The trampoline business is attractive primarily in the simplest possible way: you invest money once, and not a very large amount, and then get long-term and relatively stable profit, which is many times higher than the initial investment.

The first steps

First you need to purchase an inflatable trampoline. Most start-ups face the challenge of choice. What product should I prefer - made in Russia or abroad, for example, in China? It seems that the quality of Chinese products is not bad, and the price is attractive ... However, take into account the fact that not all foreign-made samples can be called reliable.

Low cost is determined primarily by the low quality of the material used in the manufacture of the product. So, raw materials of dubious origin weigh no more than 450 grams per square meter, while the mass of a reliable trampoline is at least 650 grams per square meter.

Be prepared for the fact that a cheap product will last no more than two seasons. In addition, poor quality air blowers operating from the network may turn out to be an unpleasant surprise.

The cost of a good domestic product starts from one hundred and ten thousand rubles. The most popular are closed trampolines, as children are very fond of climbing inside such a structure and crawling there.

Required Documentation

Are you planning to open your own business? Trampolines are not the only thing to worry about at the start. So, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. This type of activity is not subject to licensing, but it will still be necessary to collect some documents. Among them are the following:

- data sheet for each product purchased;

- certificates of compliance with GOST;

- sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on admission to contact with children;

- permission issued by Gostekhnadzor.

Features of the choice of place

Inflatable trampoline for business is most advantageous to place in crowded places. At the same time, do not neglect the following factors: attendance at the entertainment venue, level of well-being of potential customers, remoteness of transport lines, etc. It’s good if some other attractions will be located next to yours, as this will significantly save on advertising.

Experienced businessmen note that it is most profitable to place inflatable trampolines for children in parks. To do this, you must conclude an agreement on the placement of the attraction. Renting a site will cost you 500-2500 rubles a month. The low fee allows you to successfully develop your business.

Trampolines are installed on smooth and clean asphalt or lawn areas. It will not be superfluous to have so-called anchors - concrete blocks that protect the attraction from demolition by the wind. If the inflatable trampoline is operated on a contaminated surface or on sand, it is recommended to use a special litter, which will reduce wear on the bottom of the product.

Rent. Little tricks

The cost of renting must include the costs of storing the attraction, because not all trampolines can be taken with you. In addition, hiring a minibus for transportation each time is more than expensive. We recommend agreeing on the placement of attractions on the territory of the organization with which you entered into a rental agreement. In addition, for a small fee, local auxiliary workers or movers will help you assemble and dismantle the inflatable trampoline.

trampoline business

A business will require much less cost if you manage to reach an agreement with the administration of a recently opened shopping center or supermarket on the location of attractions in the surrounding area. With this development of events, your trampoline will become part of the process of promoting a new object.

A mutually beneficial offer to the owner of the territory to provide your attractions for advertising campaigns and promotions will also help to reduce the rent.

What income can this business bring?

Trampolines - a seasonal attraction. Nevertheless, they can become a source of considerable income, and starting investments will return in a year. So, let's get down to the calculations. The average duration of a session is five to ten minutes, and the average cost is fifty rubles. On holidays, the session time is reduced to three minutes, but the payment is doubled. Income on a weekday will be at the level of three to five thousand rubles, and on a holiday it will be two to three times higher.

Do not forget that part of the profits will go to pay for cashier services, rent and taxes. However, even if you take it to the maximum, the costs will not exceed fifty thousand. On average, you can count on income of 90-95 thousand rubles. per month.

Unusual move

If you can’t be called a notorious person, try yourself as a clown. With a positive attitude, children will reach for you. Stock up on foam noses, balls, lollipops and give these nice presents, for example, for the maximum time spent on the trampoline. Alternatively, you can entrust the role of a cute merry fellow to a hired actor.

inflatable trampoline for business

We rush under the roof

As already noted above, inflatable trampolines for children and adults are relevant in the warm season. But even in the summer, all the rain can confuse all the cards. In addition, during rainfall, the ride must be covered as a wet, slippery surface causes injuries. If the summer is rainy, this process will become more than tiring, especially if your trampoline is impressive in size.

The solution to the problem will be the placement of the attraction on the territory of the shopping center. However, not everything is so simple, because the smallest pneumatic inflatable trampoline, equipped with compressors, has dimensions of 3x5 meters, while it is not lower than two and a half to three meters. As you can see, at least 15 sq.m. free space.

Unfortunately, the administration of the shopping center in most cases prefers to occupy such a zone with stands selling small equipment or gadgets, since they have a much larger turnover. Nevertheless, do not rush to despair: the most persistent entrepreneurs note that they were able to agree on the placement of trampolines in the mall during the cold season. Much depends on the region in which you are developing your own business, and on the loyalty of the managers of the retail and retail center.

Movement is life

The agile trampoline owners drive their rides to nearby cities. They note that in a small village it is advantageous to stop for three to five days. With a favorable development of events, you can buy a mobile park complex, then the profit will be even higher.

inflatable trampoline business


If you want to develop a business in the field of “jumping” entertainment, do not save on quality, because once an injury received by a client will ruin your reputation for a long time.

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A good successful business is obtained when nothing prevents you from working. in our case, a quality attraction is the key to success. all a successful business!
Ivan, I don’t want to advertise anyone, since the success of your business only depends on you, try to build new mutually beneficial relations with our Russian producer of such attractions from Chita. do not be afraid of the distance - they will deliver everything to you, they just took it from many, but only here they are of good quality PVC, even the first time we went to get the attraction ourselves, to see and see first. successful business for you!
tell Inga, I don’t want to contact my former seller (I’m no longer satisfied with his service), where can I get such new sklizy - I would immediately update all trampolines, I hope that you can buy any size. I saw - the attraction immediately 50% as a new becomes.
Yes, bastards-competitors cut a trampoline every weekend behind - I couldn’t understand what was happening until I caught it on the hot, so I learned to glue them in a couple of minutes and anywhere, it’s good that at least the back walls are hardly visible!
a useful article, in principle, to understand whether it is beneficial or not - is it enough to observe any trampoline in your city for at least 1-2 hours? Well, choose one so that it does not go apart.
You know, the term "went to pieces" is very vague, firstly, the passability limit of children for 1 session is often not respected, secondly, nobody wants to attach the trampoline as it should, the consequence is that the bottom is wiped first, then all the other parts are torn apart. the most loaded parts - the letsa and the slide can now be separately replaced from the entire trampoline. therefore - just take care)): smile:: smile :: smile


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