
Business plan for a children's playroom. How to open a children's playroom. List of necessary equipment and its cost

It's no secret that for the sake of their children, parents are ready for anything. If material wealth allows, they fulfill almost all the whims of their child. That is why any entrepreneurial activity that in one way or another relates to children is very beneficial. One of the most promising types of such earnings can be considered entertainment for kids. Therefore, those who are interested in this issue should study the business plan of the children's playroom.

children's playroom business plan

Line of business

The first thing to do before you start the project is to decide what exactly you would like to see in the end result. There are several options:

  • A game room with many different toys (cubes, cars, dolls), labyrinths, slides, etc. If the room that you prepared for a children's corner is located in a shopping center, then this will be the most profitable option. Indeed, many parents, coming shopping, can safely leave the baby in your room and go shopping.
  • A children's corner in the form of a beauty salon or a simple hairdresser. Here, the target audience will be much smaller, since only girls will be interested in this.
  • A game club that will be divided into several zones - one for the smallest, the second for older children, the third for teenagers. When arranging such a room, you can reach a very large audience.

But it is worth considering that your business plan for a children's playroom should be designed specifically for the city in which you live. After all, each settlement has its own “quirks” and what makes good profit in one place can lead to complete ruin and collapse of the whole business in another.

Registration of a children's playroom as a type of business

Any profitable business must be taxed. Therefore, you must register your company with the tax office. But it should be noted: in order for you to be able to take advantage of some benefits in the future, you need to go through this procedure as an individual entrepreneur, and not as an LLC. Yes, and it costs less. By the way, in order to engage in this type of activity, the presence of a license for which general education is allowed is not required.

So, after registering the IP, you need to decide on the OKVED code. As a rule, for such organizations a code of entertainment and relaxation is required (92.7). Then, without fail, you need to go through the registration process in the PFR and several other extrabudgetary funds.

how to open a children's playroom

After we decide on how the profit accounting will be kept - according to strict reporting forms or through a cash register. If with the help of the latter, then we buy it.


With the choice of the location of the game room, you should have decided before starting to draw up a business plan. After all, the profitability of the project can depend on this. It should be borne in mind that if it is located indoors, it is rational to start your own business in the autumn period, since in the summer most of the kids walk in open areas.

So how to open a children's playroom? First you need to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements that the relevant authorities make to places where a large number of babies gather. For example:

  • the room should have good ventilation and lighting;
  • without fail there should be a bathroom nearby;
  • the area of ​​the room should be at least 30 square meters. meters;
  • the premises must meet all the requirements of the fire department and Rospotrebnadzor.furniture for a playroom

Also pay attention to the height of the ceilings, as a lot of equipment may simply not fit in the room. Make sure that there are no drafts on the playground.

Equipment for a children's playroom

Here you need to focus on the focus of the business, with which you should have decided. For example, if the project will focus on children from 1 year to 3 years old, then you need to make sure that there is a soft children's playroom, where everything is made of printed material.

For older children, you should organize a place for drawing and sculpting from plasticine, with tables, chairs and all the necessary tools for creating masterpieces. Many older children like to read, so a small shelf with a variety of books also does not hurt.

Active children are delighted with various multi-level labyrinths, bridges, slides, tunnels, trampolines, obstacle courses, dry pools, etc. For children, you can quietly arrange a place where they will spend time at board games.

Do not forget about the furniture for the children's playroom. Chairs, tables, cabinets where you can hang your kids' clothes in the winter time - all these items should harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

What the equipment for the children's playroom will be depends on your imagination and, of course, financial capabilities.

Important! All toys, stationery and sports equipment must comply with international standards and GOST, as well as be completely safe.

The appearance of the room

Since the age of the main number of kids, on which all such business projects are designed, is from a year to 7 years, the design of a children's playroom must comply with this condition. So, for example, such children perceive bright colors and spots very well. Therefore, if your target audience is just such kids, then try to make the design of children's playrooms more vivid, with many color spots that will attract their attention.

Staff recruitment

Thinking about how to open a children's playroom, you definitely need to decide where and how to find an employee (or several) who will look after the kids. It can be a young mother, a student, an early-age pensioner, and in general anyone, the main thing is that he knows how to communicate with children. In addition, the employee must:

  • monitor the cleanliness and order of the entire game room;
  • monitor the operation of existing equipment;
  • ensure the safety of children in the children's room;
  • to deal with kids and, if necessary, introduce them to toys and equipment in the children's room.

Losing about staff salaries. In addition to a simple salary, it is necessary that people involved with children receive a certain percentage of revenue (usually 3-5%). This is done so that they are interested in attracting new customers and actively offer them a variety of services available in the game room.

In addition to employees looking after children, it is necessary to hire a person who will take care of cleaning the premises. Here you need to think about who will implement this. You can either hire a cleaning lady, or arrange with a "babysitter" who, in addition to his duties, will also clean (of course, for an additional fee), or even contact the staff of the cleaning company.

Costs for starting a business and calculating its profitability

Approximately the following expense columns should be entered in a well-designed business plan for a children's playroom:

  • rental of premises - about 40,000 rubles;
  • purchase of necessary equipment, toys and everything else - 200,000 rubles;
  • salaries to employees - 15,000 rubles each;
  • minor cosmetic repairs - about 10,000 rubles;
  • IP registration - 15,000 rubles.

Costs will be 40-50 thousand rubles per month (not counting the initial purchase), and profit after several successful months of the existence of the children's room - 50 000-60 000 rubles each.playroom design

Rules that must be strictly observed:

  • The presence of one child in the playground for more than 4 hours is prohibited.
  • Sick children who may infect others should not be allowed into the playroom.
  • All data on children (name, surname, age) must be entered in a special journal.
  • Children can only visit the playroom if they have a passport with their parent.
  • All personnel must have medical records.
  • the room and all toys and equipment inside it must be wet-treated daily.
  • It is advisable to have a video surveillance system.

To summarize

If you correctly draw up a business plan for a children's playroom, beautifully present all the services it provides, give high-quality and good advertising, then in a few months you will be able to acquire regular customers who will bring you good and stable profit.

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Great article, very helpful, thanks to the author!


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