
Production and sale of inflatable attractions. How to sell an inflatable attraction?

inflatable ride

Every aspiring entrepreneur wants to create his own business with the lowest cost. As the saying goes, "invest a penny, and get a ruble." One of the options for such a business can be considered an inflatable attraction.

Fateful accident

The idea of ​​air entertainment appeared in the second half of the last century. Several people may consider themselves the ancestors of this miracle, but John Scarlock was the first. It happened in 1959. At that time, tennis courts were built with an inflatable pavement.

John, who led the installation, accidentally drew attention to workers who fun, like children, jumped on inflatable blanks. That is what prompted him to create his own company for the production and sale of entertainment for children. The first inflatable attraction consisted only of a mattress. By 1967, the structures already had walls.

The idea brought Scarlock not only fame, but also a good income. The essence of the invention was simple. Air is constantly pumped into the stationary structure from a durable and flexible material using a powerful pump. This makes the surface of the object quite elastic and makes it possible to use it as a spring trampoline. The inflatable attraction was very fond of children and began to be in high demand.

Joy for every taste

So timely noticed fact became the reason for a new invention. Over time, many companies appeared that began to engage in the production and sale of installations for unusual entertainment. The inflatable attraction has undergone a number of changes over the years. From a simple mattress, he turned into funny slides, labyrinths and even a whole fairy-tale city.

Manufacturers can now order models for every taste. The offered range is striking in its diversity. Nowadays, in any city you can meet one or another version of air installations for children. Toddlers are offered simpler and safer installations, while older children are offered entire game entertainment complexes.

These can be ordinary slides combined with trampolines and a peculiar obstacle course. There are also models designed for use in water. The fantasy of designers is able to satisfy the needs of any, even the most capricious child. Such attractions can be installed in central parks, in recreation areas or on beaches.

Fantasy flight

homemade ridesPeople tend to invent something. This desire makes many especially proactive craftsmen try to create with their own hands what experts have spent years on.

Sometimes they succeed. They make homemade rides to the envy of amazed neighbors. And it is simply amazing how they succeed.

For example, having the necessary knowledge in physics, you can easily build your own roller coaster in your own area or create a real halloween fear room.

But besides theoretical knowledge, suitable materials are needed here, as well as a share of imagination. Not everyone can handle it. As a result, all efforts often end with funny figures on a personal plot or light show. Of course, at home without the necessary instruments and equipment it is difficult to realize what is desired. But even the simplest design, made without assistance, is worthy of attention and respect.

Easy to earn

The provision of services is a fertile field for smart people. Usually the true cost of the service itself is several times less than the fee that the consumer pays for it.That is why the owner will never be in the loser.

By organizing the work properly, he will always be able to get the expected profit. For those who decided to create their own business on this, inflatable attractions can become a truly gold mine. It is necessary to start work sequentially, performing the necessary steps step by step:

1. Decide on the intended audience and purchase the necessary equipment. There are options that, in addition to the smallest visitors, can attract adults.

2. Obtain permission to work in the appropriate authority.

3. Choose a site for the attraction and conclude a contract for its rental or purchase. This should be a place of mass gathering of people, maximally suited for recreation.

4. Pick up staff.

5. Conduct an advertising campaign in newspapers, on television or through advertising posters. This step is not worth saving. On the contrary, it is necessary to comprehensively, in bright colors, outline to visitors their future resting place with all the advantages.

After that, we can confidently count on the expected reimbursement of the costs incurred and the desired profit.

Whose product is better?

inflatable trampolines from chinaExperience shows that children in this kind of entertainment like jumping most of all. A trampoline is perfect for these purposes.

It enables the child to throw out all the unspent energy that has accumulated over the past week. Here, the entrepreneur should think carefully about the manufacturer of the attraction.

The most famous are inflatable trampolines from China, Russia, the USA and Europe. Which one is better? What to choose from an abundance of offers? Is it more expensive or cheaper? Everyone knows that Chinese products sometimes cost an order of magnitude less than the same product made in Europe or the United States. Why?

First of all, it is worth remembering one important thing. The most important thing for a trampoline is not a brand and not a country of manufacture, but the material from which it is made. Any good attraction must be made of PVC.

This fabric is specially made at one of the largest Chinese enterprises and is sold to specialized factories around the world. Therefore, in order to make a simple trampoline in America, you must first bring material from China.

Transporting to such a distance, of course, is expensive. Hence the high price. In addition, everyone knows that it is in China that the cheapest labor. This must also be taken into account. Perhaps that is why Chinese models cost less, although many of them are not inferior in quality to European models.

The dependence of the quality of the goods on the scope of its application

The fabrics from which the inflatable models are made differ from each other depending on the area of ​​application of the object. This is necessarily taken into account by companies whose main activity is the production of inflatable attractions. There are a number of characteristics and basic indicators of the material that must be observed in order to produce a product of good quality. These include:

1) density;

2) thickness;

3) strength indicators:

  • stretching;
  • gap;
  • adhesion;
  • elongation.

These indicators differ significantly for each type of material. Take, for example, the thickness. For ordinary slides and trampolines, it should be at least 0.563 millimeters. If the object is intended for use in water, then the value of the indicator rises to 0.9 mm.

Sometimes models are made from translucent materials - for example, TPU (thermopolyurethane). This is rubber that can be used even at low temperatures (in winter). Plus, it is very flexible, which greatly facilitates the transportation and movement of the object from place to place. Manufacturers are sure to consider all these nuances when developing and manufacturing new models.

production of inflatable attractions

If the product is in demand, then it is worth releasing. This is the basic rule of manufacturers.Here a logical chain is triggered: demand from the population - interest of entrepreneurs - increase in the number of orders - increase in sales - increase in profits. Everything is interconnected.

The more people are interested in inflatable entertainment, the more they visit. As a result, the number of people who want to become owners of such a profitable and uncomplicated business for the provision of entertainment services is increasing. This leads to an increase in sales from attraction producers, and this fact necessarily affects profit growth. Selling becomes profitable.

Manufacturers are trying to expand the range of services offered and give customers what they want. Such well-known companies as “Aerobatut”, “Super PiaR”, “X-Forward”, “Bagikap” and many others produce and sell not only the rides themselves, but also special equipment for their operation and maintenance, as well as spare parts for organizing smooth operation.

The marketing services of these companies study the ever-growing demand, formulate commercial offers and work closely with customers. The media contains advertising information with the latest innovations and a proposal for cooperation. Sellers often make concessions by offering customers the goods according to their wishes and at a better price.

This well-known trick makes the novice entrepreneur the next time contact the same company again and advise it to their business associates. So the company-seller formed a customer base. This provides her with guaranteed sales of manufactured products and allows counting on planned profits.

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