
Sawmill business plan: calculation of profitability and a list of necessary equipment

Today, many are engaged in the construction of private wooden houses and cottages, and this requires a large amount of relevant material. business plan sawmills

In this regard, there is a need for sawmills. They almost completely provide the market with wood materials. Finished finished boards will save a lot of time during construction. As a result, many people ask the question of how to properly draw up a sawmill business plan. The answer to this question will be considered in more detail below.

Seat selection

First of all, before you begin to draw up a business plan for the sawmill, you need to choose a place for its placement in remote areas of the city. In this case, you have to rent land. It is advisable to choose a place under the sawmill away from municipal organizations and the private sector, closer to the forest. This is important. This location will allow you to buy standing timber. This is very beneficial. Since such a forest is half the price of a regular one. The territory of the sawmill should be divided into several sections:

  • a place for storing raw materials;
  • place for storage of finished products;
  • place under the sawmill itself.

It is desirable that there was a pond nearby - for summing up cold water. All this is very important for the organization of this project.

Drawing up a business plan

This action must be taken responsibly. The business plan of the sawmill must be carefully considered. It should include provisions such as the purchase of equipment, the hiring of workers, registration, etc.

Before organizing this case, you should conduct marketing analysis market conditions in the region. It is advisable to draw up a sawmill business plan with the help of specialists. It is necessary to include the following sections:

- identification of potential customers;

- price of products;

- A review of business competitors.


At an enterprise such as a sawmill, there must be: a warehouse for raw materials and finished products, production and repair shops, a shower room and a toilet, a rest room for staff and a dressing room, as well as rooms for management and engineering workers.

Selection of raw materials and technology

There is a classic technology in the manufacture of molded products - this is the manufacture of products from dry edged boards. This includes the following operations:

- unloading of feedstock;

- material processing on quadrilateral machines;

- laying of finished products in warehouses;

- shipment of products to the customer.

home sawmill

The advantage of this technology is that in this case, a large number of equipment, employees and investments are not required. But in this case, the cost of raw material is high.

To save money, you need to switch to using an ugly board with natural humidity, which costs 2-3 times cheaper. Then the technological process will look different, that is, with the inclusion of such operations:

- Carrying out the unloading of raw materials, their packing in stock and sending them to production.

- Getting on two-saw machines edged boards.

- Implementation of the processing of received products.

- Drying lumber.

- Processing on four-sided machines.

- Receiving finished products, as well as their laying in the warehouse.

- Implementation of shipment to the buyer.

Equipment for the sawmill

In this case, everything depends on the individual desire and on the size of the budget of the organizer of the enterprise.The business plan of the sawmill includes the purchase of the necessary equipment, namely the purchase of machine tools. There are several types.

  • The first includes tape. This equipment for the sawmill is not very expensive and quite simple to use, in addition, after its operation there is little waste (about 17%). However, for their operation, approximately every 3 hours, nozzles must be changed.
  • The second type is equipment with disk and mini-machines. They are economical and easy to use. They can be used at home. They also need nozzles. With this equipment, a home sawmill can be arranged.
  • And the third type is frame machines. From such equipment a lot of waste - chips. With their help, it is possible to process large volumes of raw materials.

sawmill as a business

In addition to the machines, it is necessary to equip the sawmill with a canopy, as well as equip the staff room with a warm bathroom. In the cold season, workers should have room for heating.

Recruitment of required staff

Like any organization, a sawmill needs a certain number of employees. It all depends on its size. The important thing is that you can save on staff. For this, wages should not be hourly, but piece-rate, that is, pay should be for the amount of work done. To make the sawmill business profitable, you need to give more than 500 cubic meters of products per month.

The staff should include a supervisor, a security guard, woodworking personnel and a cleaner.

Basic expenses and income

On average, the purchase of the necessary saw tool will cost about $ 3,000. Costs will require the lease of a land plot - for a small enterprise, about 30 acres of land may be needed. The annual payment for this site will be approximately in the amount of several hundred thousand rubles. The following costs will be spent on the purchase of raw materials.

In this case, it is not necessary to buy chopped wood, as you can make a deal to purchase your own piece of wood or buy it standing. This is done with the permission of the relevant authorities. The organization of communications and the provision of electricity will require considerable costs. As a result, all this will cost about a million rubles.

In order for buyers to be in demand, it is necessary to give well-processed raw materials. If one cube of wood costs 4,000 rubles, then after processing it will cost about 8,000-9,000 rubles.

Registration and collection of necessary documentation

Sawmill as a business should be lawful and honest. To open this project, you must first register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the tax office. The first option is simple, it will require less paperwork and money. However, in this case, the purchase and sale transaction can only be done with individuals. And when registering an LLC, you can make transactions with legal entities, that is, with various organizations. Also, in this case, you need to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor for the construction of the sawmill, and for the purchase of raw materials you will need permission from the environmental authorities.

Financial savings

This question arises from almost every entrepreneur. When you open a sawmill business, you can also save money.

  • Firstly, this can result in the use of optimal equipment, which is inexpensively purchased, and in the process of its operation there is little waste, namely shavings. This is important in this case. At the same time, the waste from wood processing does not need to be disposed of, it can be used as fuel for stoves and for other purposes. Saving is practically possible at all.
  • Secondly, the payment of salaries is best organized in piecework, that is, depending on the amount of work performed.
  • Thirdly, the procurement of raw materials must be done on their own. For this, it will be advantageous to use not already cut trees, but which are standing.Thus, it becomes possible to reduce cash costs, and the quality of the sawmill will remain the same.

Of great importance is that the opening of any business should be aimed not only at obtaining net profit, but also at a minimum of production costs. For this business, this is quite feasible.


what is a sawmill

Every responsible entrepreneur knows that the success of the sawmill depends on the productivity of the staff. The more workers and machines on which they work, the more successful the business will be. Therefore, do not save money on equipment.

It is recommended to hire young or middle-aged men, without bad habits, the level of education does not matter. In order for the staff to be able to work normally, it is necessary to organize good conditions for this: to allocate special work clothes, to organize rest in a room with heating and a warm bathroom, as people will work in difficult conditions, especially in winter.

Thus, if there is money and the desire to increase it, then the sawmill is a good deal for their investment. The money spent can pay off in 1-2 years. It depends on the volume of production. The profitability of the sawmill will be high, but only if you produce about 500 cubic meters of wood per month. This should be considered when drawing up a business plan.


Based on the foregoing, it is clear what a sawmill is. We can also conclude that for this project it is not necessary to use large initial capital. This business can be organized by any citizen who wants to open his own business. Just start by choosing a place for the future sawmill. The most profitable and simple is the business plan of the band sawmill.

However, for its proper compilation it is advisable to turn to professionals in this field. The most crucial moment is to buy the necessary equipment for the sawmill. An individual approach is required here. In this case, these are saws with nozzles and machine tools. They can be both Russian and foreign production; Although the latter are more expensive, you can buy used ones. Most of the money will be spent on equipment and land rental. But this should not scare a self-confident and persistent entrepreneur.

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