
Profitable business: how to open a sawmill. Sawmill business plan: necessary equipment and its cost

Sawmill business planBuilding materials have always been in high demand, and timber is no exception. Therefore, a correctly prepared business plan for the sawmill will allow you to receive a small but stable income.

Given that there is now a slight rise in the construction industry, that is, there are more and more new facilities for various purposes, the idea of ​​organizing your own sawmill looks very attractive. For the implementation of the initial processing of wood does not need any significant costs, however, there are certain features that you should know about before you start organizing your enterprise.

The business plan of the sawmill will allow you to take into account all the important points, and if you make additions to it in time, then you will not only adjust your actions, but also be able to avoid a number of significant errors.

Job prospects

Sawmills are becoming more popular due to the fact that recently they began to build more and more wooden houses, saunas and more. This is due to falling land prices.

As a result of its work, a modern sawmill produces boards, often called lining. Production technology has such a characteristic feature - the volume of finished products is always half of the raw materials that came to the sawmill. And the cost of a unit of finished goods in this case is several times higher than the cost of a unit of raw materials.

Production, producing about 500 cubic meters of wood per month, can already be considered profitable. And with the increase of this indicator to 700 units, it can already be called profitable. If you have a business plan for a sawmill, you may well find ways to increase profitability. For example, you can save salary fund by transferring workers to piece-rate pay, depending on the number of cubes of raw materials sawn by each of them.

Sawmill site

To get started, you will need to equip a production site, which usually consists of a hangar with an area of ​​approximately 600 square meters, a flyover, a canopy, a warehouse for logs and finished products, as well as a courtyard where loading and unloading operations will be carried out. In addition, a high-quality and powerful energy supply will be required - at least 300-400 kilowatts.

Sawmill equipment

To open a private enterprise in this area, you will need to purchase sawmills and machine tools: a multisaw and circular saw machine, a tape sawmill. A novice entrepreneur can only give one recommendation - to buy equipment for sawmills exclusively of domestic production, because it is much more affordable than imported in terms of cost.

If possible, it is worth buying two sawmills - a coal saw and a tape saw, so you can create a sawmill with a very high productivity. It is generally accepted that imported equipment is much better and more productive. There is a lot of truth to this. The equipment of Finnish companies, which has already proved itself at many sawmills, has proven itself especially well.

It is perfectly acceptable to buy used machines and sawmills, which very often sell for almost nothing. However, in this case it is necessary to be careful, attentive and vigilant, and it is better to consult with specialists in order not to get into a difficult situation, buying equipment on which you can’t finally produce anything other than defective products, because of which your business will only lead to losses.

How to open a sawmill

Types of equipment

There are several types of machines that can be used at a sawmill. Due to some technological characteristics, it is appropriate to use certain types in small business.Band sawmills are inexpensive and economical, characterized by a low level of waste, but here it is necessary to change the sawing band every three hours.

Greater productivity can be provided by a frame machine, but its installation is possible only in a building with a solid foundation. Such a device gives a lot of waste in the form of chips. Another type of sawmill - disk, it is very mobile and economical, can be used on a small sawmill. Such equipment has the drawback that it requires the use of many nozzles that are not purchased separately.

About quality

It should be understood that the products obtained at the sawmill are used for subsequent production, so bad goods will never be in demand here. A poor-quality board is absolutely not suitable for the production of furniture or windows, which means that it will still lie in the warehouse with a note of illiquidity.

Therefore, the better and more skillfully processed the board, the more expensive it can be sold on the market, and poorly made products will not differ much from the forest in value. Before you purchase equipment, it is important to determine what features it has.

Source of materials

If you have compiled a business plan for a sawmill and are planning to implement it, then you should know as a budding entrepreneur that in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, logging has been completely and long ago prohibited. The best option for organizing such a business is the Russian outback. This will also significantly reduce the cost of raw materials, connection to capacities, wages and transportation costs.

If we talk about logging, then for a small-sized enterprise it would be more correct to purchase finished wood in the form of round timber, which is explained quite simply. The acquisition of a forest plot will not end here, it will take a lot of investments in labor and specialized equipment, and you will not be able to recoup such costs in a small private sawmill. In order to purchase a finished round timber for your enterprise, you can conclude a contract for the supply of raw materials with the nearest forestry.

Working staff

So, if we talk about how to open a sawmill, it is worth noting that it will be difficult for you to cope with all the duties yourself. For full-fledged work, you will need certain personnel: a rammer, a ruler drank and a manager. The remaining employees are usually recruited as needed. It is quite possible to hire an accountant part-time, it is not necessary that he work exclusively for you. Very often, the entrepreneur himself or one of the family members takes on the tasks of accounting. Usually a mini sawmill employs no more than 10-15 workers.

Your entry to the market

If we talk about what is needed to open a sawmill, it is important to decide what range of products it will create. So, the best option to get started is the following list: raw board, whetstone, beam, cable reels, container board, various pallets. Coils and pallets are considered to be related products, which are cut and waste sawmill remaining after the production of bars and boards.

How beneficial is it?

A correctly drawn up business plan of a sawmill (taking into account all the nuances) makes it possible to understand whether this business will be profitable. Investments in such an enterprise with the acquisition of domestic equipment and the initial purchase of timber will amount to approximately three million rubles. For a small sawmill, the annual design capacity can be 2-4.5 thousand cubic meters, which indicates a financial turnover of about 11.2 million rubles.

Forced production will ensure maximum productivity for the sawmill, and this is possible only when working in three shifts. Such a pace of work will help pay back the sawmill in a year, less intensive - in 1.5 years.

What you need to open a sawmill

In the process, sawdust is obtained, which can be used to organize the by-product of wood-fuel capsules, or for heating in raw form. And this point is also worth considering before opening a sawmill.

It is worth noting such a moment as a significant drop in timber exports from Russia abroad, as state duties have increased significantly. That is why a small sawmill at the moment can be called the most relevant option, as it focuses on the internal needs of construction.

It turns out that a small sawmill is able to bring a small, but quite predictable and constant income. The main points of sale are usually construction markets and fairs, where the entire marketing strategy should be based on high quality and affordable cost of the finished product.

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