
Woodworking: business plan, woodworking machines and necessary documents

woodworking business plan

Wood processing is one of the oldest crafts in the history of mankind. She provided sustainable earnings for many generations of those who professionally engaged in it. The simple fact that with modern technologies and rational organization of the business does not need proof is the woodworking workshop is capable of generating good and stable income.

Where to start

And you should start with a simple understanding of the fact that no business is possible without a well-thought-out plan for the near and more distant future. This applies, in general, to any business. Equally, both commercial and industrial. Woodworking is no exception. A business plan implies an enterprise development strategy for a specific period of time. It should indicate the economic and financial indicators that management is required to achieve, and ways to achieve these results.

How to plan a business

It is simply impossible to foresee everything in advance. Such a seemingly traditional process as woodworking, the business plan of which includes several important points, requires an obligatory level of qualification both from the management and the entire staff of the small enterprise. Without this crucial factor, any plans, even carefully calculated, are doomed to unrealizability.

When compiling a business plan for a woodworking enterprise, it is necessary to clearly state the situation on the regional market and the degree of demand for those products and services that you intend to offer to potential consumers of your products. A rational business plan includes organizational, production, marketing and financial components.

Woodworking, the business plan and rational marketing of which is correctly oriented to the needs of the regional construction market, is simply doomed to success. Demand for lumber is stable. In short, business planning comes down to correctly determining the market demand for products and finding a way how to produce these products.

woodworking technology

Required documents

Wood processing does not require state licensing in any of its specializations. However, it is best to complete some approvals before starting production. Woodworking, in fact, is associated with materials that burn well. Therefore, the entire production base must fully comply with technical fire safety standards.

Contact the fire inspectorate for a survey of production facilities and surrounding areas. Typically, the inspector compiles a list of detected non-compliance with the standards and issues an official order to correct them within a certain period. The same algorithm of actions applies to communication with representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological station. The production base must comply with environmental standards and labor safety conditions.

These are the prevailing realities. Without communication with administrative structures, not a single type of production business is possible, including such as woodworking. A business plan can be implemented only after passing some bureaucratic approvals.An attempt to optimize this process is quite possible, but you should be aware that the trump card in this game is by no means on the side of the entrepreneur.

Direction selection

The technology of woodworking differs mainly in the degree of impact on the processed material. Conventionally, wood processing can be divided into primary and deep. The primary cycle involves the production of building lumber, and subsequent cycles - the manufacture of carpentry of varying complexity from the resulting wood. Accordingly, woodworking enterprises usually specialize either in one direction or another. And much less often they combine the first with the second.

 woodworking waste

Round wood sawing

This is the easiest way to make money. Primary costs in this business can be recouped in one building season. The primary cycle woodworking technology is not particularly difficult. Sawing of round wood on a building beam of different sections and on boards is usually carried out using a band saw.

You can even do without a major room and mount the equipment only under a canopy, covering the production process from precipitation. But, when developing a similar business project, it should be borne in mind that usually a business ends with the construction season. In winter, the demand for lumber is minimal.

Joiner's production

This type of wood processing is incomparably more complex in technology and requires significant material investment. Machine tools for woodworking in the carpentry cycle are very diverse and have significant cost. But the successful functioning of a small woodworking enterprise is impossible without four basic machines. They are the basis of any carpentry.

This is a circular saw, jointer, planer and milling machines. In addition, carpentry is made only from wood of the appropriate condition. To do this, you need to create a separate drying cycle of the material or buy ready-made dry wood, which is very expensive. Joiner's production is capable of generating steady income throughout the year, regardless of the construction season. But significant material investments in the production building will be required. It must be heated.

 woodworking production

How to use woodworking waste

Technological processes of wood processing are always associated with the formation of a large amount of waste. They negatively affect the production process, if their timely disposal and disposal are not rationally organized. But the peculiarity of this type of production is that almost all the waste generated during the processing of wood can be successfully sold and bring tangible profits.

From shavings and sawdust to cut and croaker inclusive. Particularly active is the demand for bulk fractions of wood waste in the autumn season, when there is a need for insulation and insulation materials before the onset of cold weather. It should be noted that the timeliness of the disposal of wood waste is loved by fire and sanitary inspectors supervising the subordinate territory.


Technological woodworking tools always rotate quickly and have many sharp edges and edges. Almost all woodworking machines require a mandatory minimum level of qualification from the staff working for them.

The fact that the level of injuries in the woodworking industry is quite high is not news to anyone. And this circumstance requires the management of the enterprise to constantly monitor the production process and the state of discipline in the headed labor collective.According to the current legislation, the entrepreneur is responsible for ensuring the conditions of labor safety.

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