
Business plan selling draft beer. How to open a beer store: profitability calculation and store design

beer store business plan

In summer, on the streets of all cities, we can see many shops where draft beer is sold. Such outlets are a pretty profitable business project. Even considering the fact that bottled beer is sold in almost every supermarket, such shops almost never lack visitors, if the owner, of course, took into account the preferences of consumers.

If you also thought about opening such a store, then, first of all, you need to prepare a business plan for the sale of draft beer and take into account all the moments that affect the development of this business.

Legal Aspects

Naturally, in order to open a beer store, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur, determine the tax system and go through a long procedure to obtain permits. And the matter will not end only with the conclusion of a lease agreement and the passage of state registration.

The entrepreneur also needs to draw up an agreement with the company that will serve the store. In the local administration, a businessman is required by law to receive trade permit and purchase a cash register.

No less difficult will be the stage of obtaining documentation from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station (approval from these authorities will be needed if you are the owner of the premises). And only after all of the above procedures, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because the legal design of the beer store is over.

Room Standards

According to the new rules, which came into force in 2013, only those stores that have a total area of ​​50 square meters can sell beer. (meaning warehouse and premises). Therefore, renting a smaller place does not make sense.

It is also noted that beer shops located far from residential buildings, even if it is the central part of the city, close several times more often. The thing is that most people prefer to buy beer near their home, and in the center citizens mostly visit bars and restaurants or, in extreme cases, buy bottled beer.

Meanwhile, opening a beer shop in the basement of a house or in the yard is also not the best option. Even though the customers will be in close proximity, you will gain not so many fans, so many ill-wishers in the form of dissatisfied neighbors. After all, it is very likely that your customers will arrange a beer bar on the nearest bench in the yard.

Business start

It is difficult to say exactly about investments, because everything depends on the region. On average, the starting capital of a beer store is from 400 to 700 thousand rubles. This figure is taken from the cost of equipment, goods, rent, repair of the premises.

It is possible, for example, to reduce equipment costs by signing a contract with a distributor of a strictly one company. In this case, companies usually provide all the equipment and even its maintenance is absolutely free.

beer shop opening

Profit calculation

The calculation of margins and income from a beer store excites all novice businessmen no less than tax questions. Pricing in the live beer industry is now moving very well, so the payback for this activity can be pretty good.

As a rule, the increase in wholesale cost depends heavily on the price of the product and on the manufacturer.For example, you can make a margin of 100% on domestic beer, but its price for consumers will still be acceptable, which can’t be said about the Bavarian “gold”; .

The target audience

Before making a business plan for the sale of draft beer, decide on the contingent to which you will sell the drink. Make a social portrait of your client. Where does he go, how often does he drink beer, what is his income, how much he can spend every month on this drink. In accordance with this, you need to create an assortment and choose the interior for the room.

Shop Assortment

One of the most important points that should contain a business plan for the sale of draft beer is the selection of assortment. For your point of sale to be successful, it must be formed on the principle of "7 + 1". This means that for 7 varieties of different beer there is 1 type of kvass.

Regardless of the total number of varieties of the drink presented in the store, there should be 1-2 varieties of dark beer in the selection, at least one exotic kind of “amateur” and unfiltered living. Do not also discount fans of a soft drink. On average, one serving of beer will cost from 60 to 250 rubles.

In addition, you can sell related products: dried seafood, nuts, crackers, etc.


Of the equipment you need to have refrigerators, counters and taps for bottling. A beer delivery keg is usually a kega. If you buy equipment in the property, then it will cost about 200 thousand rubles and above. It should be borne in mind that cranes can often become clogged, so repair costs must be included in the business plan.

beer shop decoration

The nuances of the beer business

All spheres have their own subtleties, and the beer shop did not become an exception. The business plan of such an institution must necessarily include some points. A beer store can “burn out” for many reasons - these are questions about advertising, renting and pricing, etc.

The first feature of this activity is the quick spoilage of a living product. Such beer, as you know, unlike bottled beer, has a very short shelf life - only 5 days. Nothing can be done about such a phenomenon. In no case should you sell sour beer. Having sold it to at least one visitor, you will immediately lose a dozen customers. Word of mouth It works almost lightning fast.

The second thing that beer shop owners complain about is seasonality. If in the summer, the sale of draft beer brings enormous profit, then in the winter such stores are practically in a “canned” state. This feature must be taken into account, even if you plan to open a mini-beer. Part of the summer revenue should be put aside as a reserve, since in winter you may have a situation that there is not enough money even to rent a room.


In the first months, a store located in a residential area will be difficult, and you should not count on high income. Given the specifics, we can say that you can buy a living product in every residential area of ​​any Russian city. In order for residents of your city to learn about your “beer boutique”, you can advertise it on local television and in the press. Thus, you will provide yourself with a clientele not only from your area.

Great Alternative - Franchise

It is worth noting that many organizational issues can be avoided if you decide to acquire a franchise. That is, to become a co-owner of a company that has already managed to establish itself well. Many large companies in this segment often think about how to develop a beer business under their own brand.

A better option than a franchise has not yet been found.Yes, you have to pay for the right to bear the same name as the promoted “beer boutique” (different companies may ask for a great price), but in this way you will ease the task of purchasing equipment, advertising and compete seriously with other points of sale.


When composing even a business plan for the sale of draft beer, keep in mind that in the summer the costs will pay off within a couple of weeks, but in the winter this period will be very long. However, in general, they lay in the business plan payback period from 6 to 12 months.

beer shop revenue

Summing up, I would like to add that this type of activity is suitable for those who have significant experience in entrepreneurship or at least are a connoisseur and a great iconic beer. For novice businessmen opening a beer store risky occupation.

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