
Wallpaper business: how to open a wallpaper store? Wallpaper store business plan: advertising, equipment and necessary documents

If we talk about such a type of business as trade in building materials, one thing can be said: even despite the fact that this niche has long been firmly occupied, the risks of burning out are practically zero. This is especially true for the sale of products so often in demand for small and cosmetic repairs.

wallpaper store business plan

Wallpaper also belongs to the category of such building materials. Look: as a rule, wallpaper stores do not complain about the lack of buyers, which cannot be said about those outlets that offer consumers laminate, linoleum, tile, siding and other products.

Having decided to open your own business in the field of trade, you need to remember one thing: everything that can be sold will certainly make a profit. Only you need to competently approach this issue. The same goes for wallpaper trading. A reasonably drawn up business plan for the wallpaper store will serve as the key to the success of the venture, and will make it possible to make significant profits, even despite the presence of a huge number of competitors.

So let's discuss all the intricacies of the wallpaper business and talk about how to open our outlet for the sale of this popular, in good demand among consumers finishing materials.

Wallpaper trade as a business

In order for your business to bring good and stable income, you need to take it seriously already at the preparatory stage. What does it mean seriously? Draw up the correct business plan for the wallpaper store and be guided by it at all stages that immediately precede the very moment of opening the outlet.

It is necessary to reflect such moments as the size of the initial capital, its reasonable distribution, the range of products sold, rental costs (you don’t even need to think about building your own retail outlet at the initial stages), advertising, salaries to employees.

You also need to consider the system of discounts and attractive bonuses for the buyer, the optimal size of the margin on the product. If you correctly take into account all these details when drawing up a business plan for a wallpaper store, you can not only protect yourself from the appearance of so many problems, but also make your company profitable within a fairly short period of time.

wallpaper trade

Preparatory stage

Like any other type of activity, wallpaper business requires registration of permits. To get it you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. The first option is preferable in the sense that you don’t have to work hard on the accounting and tax reporting.

When registering with the tax office, it will be necessary to choose the right type for activities such as wallpaper trade, OKVED. Your option is 52.48.31. It involves retailing flooring, household cleaning products and wallpaper. Then you need to register with the social insurance fund and the Pension Fund. Licensing of activities is not required, which greatly facilitates the process of documentation.

When the "paper" issue is resolved, you can search for a suitable room. True, particularly far-sighted future entrepreneurs often start precisely from this, leaving the paperwork for later. By and large, nothing will change from the change, as they say, of the terms of the terms.At the moment, you can get a permit for entrepreneurial activity of this kind within a few days.


Of course, you need to look for it in crowded places, and be sure to take into account the presence of parking and good access roads. The presence of competing points near yours can be considered - on the one hand - a blessing, on the other - a fat minus. The first option will be good for you only if you intend to put a minimum margin on your product.

In this case, you can count on the fact that most of the potential customers of the competitor will be yours. But your neighbor may regard such an act as not entirely ethical, which is guaranteed to lead to the appearance of your worst enemy. In addition, the minimum markup on the product does not imply a ten-ruble discount on the tube of wallpaper compared to a competitor, but a really low price on the product. Which will inevitably affect profits. So, perhaps, it is better to choose a room in a place where your wallpaper store will be the only one in the area.

The optimal area of ​​a retail outlet of a similar plan is from fifty to one hundred squares. When choosing a room, remember the upcoming rent, which will increase in proportion to each extra square meter. In addition, when compiling a business plan for a wallpaper store, be sure to include in it the costs of the "communal" and the repair of the room, it - at least cosmetic - will be needed.


You will definitely need a counter table for the seller, a cash register, special racks and racks for goods. What equipment you will buy is up to you. By and large, if you search well, you can also get a pretty good "stuffing" that was already in use. And spend the saved amount to buy more goods. Because the wider the choice of wallpaper in the store, the more customers.


Assortment creation is the most important point. Both the trade turnover of the outlet and, of course, profit depend entirely on this. In principle, you can only trade exclusive types of wallpaper that cannot be found in other retail outlets. However, this way also involves some risks, because this type of product is aimed only at a wealthy buyer.

Therefore, the best option is to create an assortment in a wide price and species range so that not a single client leaves without a purchase. So, on the shelves of your store should be presented and cheap paper (albeit only 10-15 percent of the total), and more expensive vinyl and non-woven wallpapers. In addition, you need to constantly update the collection of wallpapers, taking into account demand and the emergence of new trends in design.

wallpaper business

A good move would be to add to the main assortment of related products necessary for repairs. Wallpaper glue, all kinds of rollers, brushes, tape measures, scissors - all this trifle, although it will not bring fabulous incomes, but will contribute to the influx of customers. Agree, it is much more convenient to buy everything at once in one place, and not to run around with tubes of wallpaper in your hands in search of the same pack of glue.

The business plan of the wallpaper store should include an item relating to the cost of the initial purchase of goods (this, as a rule, is the most expensive item), and also include additional working capital.


Of course, at first you can work alone, but this type of activity is associated with great physical exertion. You will have to choose and deliver new batches of goods, lay them out on shelves, and also stand on the trading floor for days on end. Therefore, it’s better not to save on staff, but first hire at least one seller.

Ideally, two. The loader also does not hurt, he is the driver, which is very useful if you decide to provide customers with such an attractive service as home delivery.It is extremely important that your seller is a competent person and can always advise the buyer on the type, color of wallpaper, new trends in interior design and help with the choice. As for the accountant, then keeping him as a permanent employee is useless. You can find a person who will provide these services as needed.


You need to take care of the promotion of your store at the initial stage. Therefore, the first thing would be nice to order your own website to a professional webmaster who would be engaged in its promotion. As practice shows, the presence of a wallpaper store site located in the first positions of search queries not only contributes to the influx of customers, but also significantly increases the image of the outlet itself.

Do not forget about advertising on social networks that are so popular today, and also do not lose sight of the traditional ads in newspapers, on radio, and television. Wallpaper advertising is very effective by means of a running line located directly above the entrance to the store. Such equipment is relatively inexpensive and well attracts the attention of buyers.

Wallpaper Store Name

It would seem that such a simple point. However, it is worth working on. Remember at least the same proverbial proverb about a boat, which, as you call, it will float. Therefore, the name of your outlet must be beautiful, easy to remember and speak for itself. That is, anyone who looks at the sign should immediately understand: it sells wallpaper, not clothes or, say, all kinds of building materials.

wallpaper advertisement

Cost and Profitability

As most experts testify, in order to open your own wallpaper store, you must have a sum of one and a half to two million rubles. Moreover, most of it will be spent on the purchase of goods, since only a good selection of this finishing material can attract a flow of customers. And - accordingly - contribute to making a profit.

As for the profitability of the business, provided that you prepared the right business plan at the preparatory stage and really followed each of its points, you can count on a monthly profit of one hundred and fifty - two hundred thousand rubles.

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