
Own business: production of plastic pipes. Business plan for the production of plastic pipes: the necessary equipment and a list of documents to start

plastic pipe production

Over the past few years, the production of plastic pipes has greatly improved and expanded in scope. More and more companies are opening their own workshops for the manufacture of these products.

Such popularity of the production of plastic pipes is caused by their widespread use. After all, these products are used for the construction of sewer, heating systems, for gas and water supply. This is not a complete list of all the possible applications of plastic pipes.

Due to such popularity of products in the Russian market, there is considerable competition among manufacturers. Therefore, manufacturing technology is constantly being improved. And in order to get around competitors, it is necessary to produce high-quality goods at an attractive price for buyers.

Manufacturing technology

The technology for manufacturing plastic pipes is simple and does not require careful study. But, before considering it, let's discuss the benefits of this product. Firstly, plastic pipes have a durable composition that will never rust or rot. The maximum withstand temperature reaches +170 degrees C. In contrast to metal, there are no lime deposits on plastic.

Shelf life with proper use is approximately 50 years. As you can see, there are many advantages. But back to the manufacture. The production of plastic pipes is based on the so-called extrusion. That is, the product itself is created by extrusion from molten raw materials. Production begins when the raw material is poured into the hopper-receiver of the extruder, where the material is melted using high temperature.

After that, the resulting mass enters the molding sector. There, the future parameters of the pipe are determined. Further, the product is subjected to cooling in a special bath. The calibrating form completes the stage of formation of the structure. At the very last moment, cutting and laying of finished pipes takes place.

equipment for the production of plastic pipes

Necessary equipment

The necessary equipment for the production of plastic pipes depends on the type of manufacture required. One of the main devices is an extruder. It can be of several types, namely: screwless, screw and combined. The operation of the extruder can be compared to a juicer. When the raw material enters it, it is completely crushed (melted).

The screwless device is equipped with a disk, where the bulk of the work takes place. This type of extruder can process mixed materials. But, as statistics show, in production such an opportunity is useless. Therefore, screw extruders are most often used.

The full production cycle additionally requires the use of certain devices, such as a conveyor belt, a feed system, a mixer, a pulling device, a vacuum moulder and a storage tank, bathtubs for calibrating and cooling the laying pipe, and a pipe cutting machine.

Each of these devices has its own personal performance indicators, on which the speed of work depends. The cost of a complete set of devices varies greatly depending on the exact characteristics of individual devices.According to the latest data, all equipment for the production of plastic pipes costs 400 thousand rubles (this is the lowest price).

Raw materials

The manufacture of plastic pipes can occur using various types of raw materials. Most often used are polymers (both high and low pressure), polybutene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc. The choice of raw materials depends on the type of production selected. When selecting materials, it is important to pay attention to quality and shelf life.

This is especially true for polymers. Polypropylene, as well as polyethylene have a huge shelf life (which attracts most manufacturers). The cost of raw materials depends on the quality and type. For example, polypropylene costs 50-70 rubles per kg. Polyethylene is a cheaper raw material - 32 rubles per kg. As a rule, at the stage of purchasing equipment, the main type of materials used should already be selected.

Choice of premises

There are no special requirements for the choice of premises. The main thing is to fit a machine for the production of plastic pipes and other necessary equipment. Of course, do not forget about the special room for the working staff. The building should also have a bathroom and a warehouse. To build such plants in the city is prohibited. For trucks, it is necessary to arrange a convenient entry. Depending on the amount of equipment, the building area should be from 40 to 200 square meters.

plastic pipe manufacturing


The plastic pipe production line must be serviced by at least three workers. The list of personnel includes a technologist, operator and assistant. If workers have never encountered such a technique, it is necessary to make an accurate briefing on all machines. At first, it may be necessary to control everything independently.

As a rule, the technologist receives 50 thousand rubles, the operator - 25-30 thousand rubles. But depending on the load and location, the numbers will vary. Also do not forget that you will need to hire several working groups that will work in shifts. In each of them it is necessary to appoint a leader. This will make it easier for you to manage staff.


The production of plastic pipes requires permission from a number of government agencies. If you have additional funds, you can use the services of specialized companies that help in collecting the necessary documents. Permission must be obtained from the State Supervision Service, Fire Inspection, Gas Service, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, local executive authorities.

In addition to the documents, there are a number of rules for the transportation and storage of plastic products. The conditions are established in accordance with GOST 18599-2001. Transportation of finished products is allowed only in closed transport. The pipes themselves should be fully enclosed in protective packaging and equipped with plugs. During transportation, it is not allowed to transport pipes longer than 5.5 meters and weighing more than 1.25 tons (including packaging).

During storage, the products must be in a horizontal position and away from sunlight. There are also requirements regarding the shelf life and stack height. If the pipes are in stock for more than 2 months, then their height should not exceed 2 meters. The total shelf life of finished products is not more than one year.


plastic pipe machineA plastic pipe business plan will help you make some profitability calculations. You will need to add up all the costs, including paying the rent of the premises for the first half of the year, wages to workers and other similar costs.

The amount received must be divided by net profit. The price per meter of pipe depends on the diameter, for example, 63 mm - 90 rubles, and 800 mm - 14 thousand rubles.

Of course, these figures are inaccurate. And you will need to do your own analysis of the local market. According to statistics, primary costs amount to 8-9 million rubles (including 100 tons of raw materials and employee wages).From this it follows that the payback period is 1.5-2 years. Profitability itself is very different in different areas (from 2% to 20%).

Collaboration and advertising

Every modern city has its own suppliers of plastic pipes. To win the competition, it is necessary to enter into a profitable cooperation. Offers need to offer firms that are involved in the installation of plastic pipes, or construction stores. So you provide yourself with regular customers. Naturally, you have to make some concessions in order to get profitable cooperation.

All kinds of bonuses and discounts must be developed in advance in the process of preparing a business plan. Particular attention should be paid to promotions. They are necessary not only at the beginning of the existence of the company, but also throughout its activities. Here, advertising banners around the city, flyers, announcements and other means come to the rescue. Do not forget about the possibilities of the World Wide Web.


The production of plastic pipes, like any other business, requires considerable work. It is necessary to correctly and accurately calculate every step you take. You can’t do things blindly. And, as already mentioned, one of the biggest problems that arise when setting up this business is huge competition, which can be fatal. Sometimes it’s worth abandoning the idea if production giants stand against you. And in some situations, there is a difficulty in selecting competent personnel.

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