
Crayfish breeding business plan. Home farm, or How to breed crayfish at home

crayfish breeding business planThere are tons of business ideas. One of the most profitable and cost-effective is the breeding of crayfish. The product is always in tremendous popularity and in great demand. Therefore, problems with its sales should not arise. The main thing here is to find sales channels, register as an individual entrepreneur, organize the growing process, and, of course, have an initial capital. Let's take a closer look at the crayfish breeding business plan.


The main areas of this business can be identified as follows:

  • growing arthropods in rented pools or ponds with their further sale;
  • organization of own farm (create an artificial reservoir);
  • breeding at home in aquarium tanks.

Undoubtedly, the most costly project is the improvement of one's own reservoir. It is within the reach of materially secure people. And to all the rest we offer crayfish breeding at home with minimal expenses.


crayfish farm

So, you seriously and for a long time decided to grow this delicate delicacy and get a good profit. Before you begin to translate the idea into reality, you should open an LLC or IE, while choosing the OKVED code 01.21 (for growing pets).

If you plan to engage in retail trade (to sell to wholesale dealers), then you must select 52.23.

Next, clearly prescribe a business plan for the breeding of crayfish, which should include every detail and calculate the estimate. The cultivation of arthropod animals at home is carried out through a large aquarium. You will also need a compressor and a pump for water treatment. Be sure to get stones and sand, as crabs like to equip minks.

Make sure the aquarium is in a well-heated room. Think about pet food. They feed on a variety of porridge, worms and fish, more on that later. Before breeding crayfish at home, we recommend reading information about these inhabitants. Pay attention to the fact that arthropods periodically drop their carapace and appear “dead”, refuse food. Do not worry about this. Finally, think about marketing your product.

Which crayfish to choose?

In captivity, river and lake crayfish are grown. Immediately make a reservation that arthropods of the river species love a warm climate - this should be taken into account. If your region is not Sochi, then we recommend that you breed a lake "pet". It is also called "blue", it quickly reaches marketable size and is distinguished by good taste.

crayfish farms

When growing them, you need to prepare females on legs with live caviar. For example, to breed a ton of crayfish, you will need at least 500 females, which are caught in ordinary reservoirs. Males live in separate containers and only in the fall they are planted with females (2 males have 1 male). As a result, you can get up to 100-150 larvae from one female.

How to organize a pond?

When compiling a business plan for breeding crayfish, be sure to include in it conditions of detention that mimic natural bodies of water. To do this, it is not necessary to dig deep holes and fill them with water, you can grow them in large containers. If you have a piece of land, then you can very well organize a pond on it, only with a roof and heating, so that the crayfish do not die in the cold. Of course, this is very time-consuming, so stop at the aquarium.

We get miracle “farms” for crayfish breeding - three bulk containers. Harmless containers made of plastic or plexiglass are quite suitable for these purposes. And the larger the volume of your artificial reservoirs, the better.So, in a 250-liter aquarium, you can plant 50 pieces of crayfish at a time.

We must say right away that it will not be possible to install them for decades, since they deteriorate once every four years. At first glance it will seem that no problems will arise, but this is only a deceptive impression. Get ready for anything. At least the first few years, try to establish a pond stationary.

Why do you need three containers?

Adult individuals quickly adapt to new conditions, in contrast to those just born, which is why it is required to plant them. Immediately after the appearance of a new batch of arthropods, transplant an adult from young animals. Within two days, water should not be changed, since in an artificial reservoir there are favorable conditions for development and growth. A crayfish farm in your home can be very profitable, and at minimal cost.

Maintenance and care

This business for the first time will require remarkable patience from you. You yourself will have to create optimal conditions for them to grow: clean, feed and monitor the temperature of the water. As mentioned above, crayfish are unpretentious to the conditions, quickly multiply and feed on everything in a row. Know that your pets should always be full, it’s better to overfeed them than underfed.

Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the reservoir, special filters will help in this. Do not forget to purchase devices for their catch. Now let's talk about how to feed cancer at home. You can buy bloodworms, earthworms, shrimp, scallops, beef heart, bread and seaweed for your “dear” pets (you can replace it with lettuce and spinach). In this case, the food can be dried, fresh and frozen. Giving food should be three times a day.

We sell goods

how to feed cancer at home

A home-based crayfish business plan isn’t as complicated as it sounds. We all perfectly understand that a product should bring real income, it must be realized.

But how to do it without dating? To begin, recommend the delicacy to friends, relatives and acquaintances, and they will tell their friends. So you will be able to find the first customers. Advertise on the sale of crayfish in the newspaper, on Internet portals.

Go shopping, cafes, restaurants along with the goods. The strategy here is simple - offer prices below market. In order for your customers to stay with you for a long time, monitor the quality of the sold delicacy. Learn the intricacies of selling - praise more, compromise and give discounts. By the way, you can carry out delivery in the region. This will be a huge step forward!

Financial side

Now decide on the financial side. How much will crayfish breeding bring in the end? In each of the three artificially created reservoirs, we will launch 100 individuals (a total of 300 arthropods). For this we will pay about 15,000 rubles. Separately, we calculate the costs of landscaping aquariums - this is another 20,000 rubles. Total costs - 35,000 rubles.

We will calculate what we get at the output. Today's purchase price per kilogram of crayfish ranges from 200 rubles. One individual weighs about three hundred grams. With a full sale, your income will be at least 100,000 rubles per month. Financial calculations show - this is a real and profitable business with minimal investment.

Final part

The prospects for growing crayfish look very rosy, as livestock is bred quickly and does not require special care and huge investments. The only snag is finding a clientele, but with much desire and minimal competition, difficulties are unlikely to arise. You can quickly expand and acquire a real pond. The most important thing is to increase demand and find regular customers, then there will be more profit and the incentive will not run out.

It is difficult to give accurate universal calculations of the first investments to create a cancer economy, because much depends on the time of the start of cultivation, the method, conditions, number of arthropods, cost of the goods sold, and much more. But judging by the reviews of entrepreneurs who have been in this business for a long time, it can be clearly stated that the payback with maximum efforts will not be long in coming. Subject to all requirements and rules per year, you can get more than 200% of net income.

breeding cancers at home

In this technology, it is important to consider the moment of molting and hibernation of crayfish. Naturally, during this period, weight gain and growth are significantly slowed down, and with frequent molting, on the contrary, it accelerates.

In home production, you can easily increase the number of links to three times a year, and this is a very good indicator. Crayfish can be sold live, boiled-frozen and boiled.

But for their preparation you need equipment, because with large batches you can not do with ordinary refrigerators and gas stoves.

You will also need a car for transportation - we advise you to conclude an agreement with some freight carrier company. Onerous difficulties will arise with certification, labeling, packaging and veterinary certificate.

But all these points can be resolved if positive dynamics are observed, and grandiose prospects are visible. Remember - everyone has difficulties, especially at first. In fact, any activity requires maximum effort and patience, and the result directly depends on you. If you strive to become the owner of your own profitable business, then do not relax and be confident in your abilities.

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300-500 g of CANCER for the year of Nuno. At least 100 would be cool
I read a business plan for crayfish type AKKR. There they talked about cancers about 30 g / pc. Such cancers grow on average by 8 kg / m. square per year when planting 50 pcs. in the ultrasound. Those. at a cancer price of $ 10, revenue per year will be about 80 bucks from 1 meter square. Not tricky calculations, you can guess that to have a higher than average income. And not for the sake of a hobby, you need not have a garage / basement, but a whole hangar. Agree that an ordinary citizen does not have such an area! In addition, expenses on the production of crayfish must be taken away from revenue, and of course we need a sales market. As you can see, not so much comes out!
The man who wrote about the breeding of crayfish does not fumble at all, and before that he probably didn’t read anything anywhere, The largest crayfish Fri 150 grams and that’s two three years later. So the first income is not earlier than two years.
OKVED 01.21 - Breeding cattle, are you kidding?
Vitaly, it’s immediately obvious that you didn’t see any crayfish at all ... Crayfish at 300-500 grams are the most common ... and at 100-200 it’s a trifle ...
The size is really exaggerated. :)

In my opinion, the more promising direction is the “healing” of any existing water bodies - ponds, lakes, old ladies, dams, streams, gullies filled with water and spent quarries. Costs are minimal, but nature will take its toll. Ready to help.
Vitaly, you are right to answer the article.
Cancer more than 80 grams did not come across.
Lobsters in Canada bought 6 bucks a piece of raw.
Hello. The topic is very interesting. The links would be to the specifically necessary inexpensive equipment. And the maximum weight on sale that I saw is 140-150 grams. This one is from the farmers. Although a lot of people write about Cuban blue cancer. That 200 grams happens.
Hello everyone, a really interesting area for breeding crayfish) But there are also many nuances like any other business, but I’m sure if you start understanding it sooner or later!
I am looking for a specialist in the field of crayfish breeding, start-up, commissioning of equipment and maintenance of a crayfish breeding farm, I will consider a partnership.


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