
100,000 Business Idea: Breeding Crayfish

Crayfish breedingLet's talk about delicious, crayfish with beer, who does not like this combination? I think there weren’t any, now let's look at the breeding of crayfish from the entrepreneur. What are the advantages of this business and how to organize it correctly.

There are two approaches to this idea of ​​“artificial” cultivation in the natural environment, let’s take a closer look at these two options.

Breeding crayfish at home

This method involves growing crayfish at home in special aquariums, you need a filter to clean the water from chemistry, and the aquarium should be made so that if there is an iron frame, the water does not come into contact with it. When water and iron come into contact, the composition of the water changes and this has a bad effect on the microflora in the aquarium and the reproduction of crayfish.

If temperature conditions are maintained, crayfish can produce offspring after 3-4 months under natural conditions, this period is 7 months, just as the cancer does not fall asleep for the winter and drops the membrane 5-6 times a year. As you know, when the membrane is discarded, the cancer grows. The bottom of the aquarium is best divided into sections by plexiglass or in another way it promotes reproduction.

Breeding crayfish in ponds

This type of business is suitable for those who have a land plot near the house or a fenced area outside the city. What should be done? You will need to dig 3 holes measuring 5 by 10 meters in depth of 2 meters, the cancer does not like deep water. Such work can also be done manually, but it’s better to bring in the equipment.

After the holes are dug, you need to equip the bottom, it should be clay with stones. Around the pits you need to plant grass in order to bring it closer to the natural habitat. You can’t immediately throw crayfish into a pond, you need to put them next to them and, as you get used to the water, they will crawl themselves, thus, the percentage of suffocated will be reduced to zero.


And in the first case and in the second, you need to provide food for your wards, in this role can be the remains of vegetables, potatoes, meat, earthworms, fish food. In general, crayfish are not whimsical to food.

Water flow

This condition is not critical, it will be enough to change the water once every two weeks by no more than 20%, the microflora should not be affected.


For breeding, it is best to use wide-toed or long-toed crayfish, they are not whimsical and grow very quickly to the size needed for sales.

The financial side of the issue

For three ponds, we need about 600 crayfish, 200 each. For a year, from one individual it turns out 30. Now we’ll calculate 600 * 30 = 18000, on average one weighs 300 grams, and 6,000 kilograms for sale come out. One kilogram costs 200 rudders 6000 * 200 = 1200000 so your million comes out. The costs are much less significant construction of reservoirs 30,000 + initial population of 40,000. There is an opinion that one who regularly eats crayfish, has good health and long life, and even a good opportunity to become a millionaire.

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The idea is good! But not everything is taken into account here. Crayfish also have mortality, and the plant must be left.
But where did you see 300 grams of crayfish? The average cancer weighs 60 grams, 100 is already large!
1. For a year you will not grow 60 grams!
2. Why did you get the idea that all 600 crayfish will bring offspring, should males be there?
3.300 cubic meters in 30 thousand. nobody will dig you, but manually this is not real!
4. At home, in addition to swimming pools, you will need pumps, filters, separators, ultraviolet water disinfectants, and it would be nice to have a transformer in case of an unexpected power outage.
5. Still a lot of nuances.
Conclusion: in order to recoup equipment and construction, as well as grow conditioning crayfish, you need 2-3 years
It’s interesting to read about crayfish. In our city, I did not see them being sold somewhere. And I myself am afraid of them, probably this can also be claimed
Thanks so much for the article. But 18000 * 0.3 = 5400, not 6000. For 0.3 does not equal 1/3 ...
Olga Shabashova
Thank you Interesting. And I do leeches.


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