
Supermarket business plan. Necessary trading equipment for a supermarket. How much does it cost to open a supermarket?

how to open a supermarket

Food - this is the category of goods, the demand for which has always been, is and will be. In this regard, the opening of a grocery supermarket is a good way to make money. Judge for yourself: you can organize your own business, which will be profitable regardless of the changing seasons.

At the same time, it should be remembered that in this segment the competition is quite high. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for a supermarket, you need to think carefully about everything and take into account all the possible nuances.

Types of Supermarkets

The largest format is considered a superstore. This is an area of ​​20,000 square meters. m., of which at least 50% is the food group of goods.

Next up is the hypermarket. Such stores are usually located outside the settlements. They have an area of ​​4 to 10 thousand m2. Groceries here occupy about 70% of the production volume (the main stake is made on them).

The next format is the supermarket itself. Its area should be from 500 to 2,000 square meters. m. Supermarkets, as a rule, are located in densely populated neighborhoods, at the intersection of main streets, on a busy highway, on the market or near the metro. Of course, the better the location, the more revenue your store will bring.

The fourth option is a mini market. A similar outlet is called a store near the house. The area here is about 500 square meters. m. The main assortment - perishable products and consumer goods.

The last step is small, narrowly targeted shops. In our country, they are still not very popular, but quite significant in the West. For example, an institution sells exclusively milk, meat, etc.

Choice of premises

So how to open a supermarket? What to do and where to start? It is clear that first you need to choose a room or a place for it. According to statistics, if people need to go to the store for more than 10 minutes, they most likely will not reach and prefer to "overstock" somewhere closer. Based on this, you can open a supermarket near the complex of high-rise buildings, counting on the target audience in the form of residents from these houses.

Of course, in big cities (and especially in Moscow) it is quite difficult to find a good place for a large store, so many businessmen tend to acquire existing points of sale. The success of the supermarket will also depend heavily on the availability of parking and good access roads.

supermarket of household chemicals

Before buying or renting a room, it’s worthwhile to order a marketing analysis, within which you can find out empty niches in the selected area and decide on categories that are not covered by other retail chains. Thus, you can develop a concept for further advancement and determine the assortment.

Supermarket Size

As mentioned above, for the arrangement of a supermarket requires a premise with an area of ​​500-2000 square meters. m. If its area is less than 500 m2, it belongs to the grocery store, and if more than 2 thousand square meters. m. - to the hypermarket.

Often, stores that have a large area, sell, in addition to food products, various related products. However, the volume of such products, as a rule, does not exceed 20-30% of the total assortment.

Legal aspect

When compiling a business plan for a supermarket, all legal nuances must be taken into account.To conduct such a business, you need to acquire one of the following statuses:

  1. Limited Liability Company (LLC).
  2. Individual Entrepreneur (IP).

Please note: in order for the store to be able to trade in alcohol and tobacco products, you will need to register as an LLC and get the appropriate license. To open a supermarket, you also need to pass an inspection and obtain permits from the fire service and SES.

supermarket business plan


Naturally, the entrepreneur will need to purchase the necessary commercial equipment for supermarkets. In frequency, you can not do without cash registers, refrigerators and installations, all kinds of shelves, display cases and shelves.

You need to choose equipment based on the planned turnover. In addition, keep in mind that when installing refrigerators, the room temperature rises slightly, an unpleasant odor may appear.

Pay proper attention to the display case. It should be bright, clean and well read. If you plan to periodically hold promotions, then the sign should be informative and concise, so that you can clearly understand what kind of product there is a discount today.

Target contingent

As various studies show, all people shopping at the supermarket fall into three categories:

  • consumers who stock up on the goods they need about a week in advance. They buy products exclusively in large supermarkets, and in small stores they buy only bread, water and other trifles;
  • people who are inclined to make impulsive purchases. For example, they can come to the store for some specific thing, but actually buy much more than they intended;
  • Citizens who buy all the necessary goods at a supermarket near their home.

how to open a supermarket


To draw up a business plan for a supermarket, you must first analyze what products are most in demand. Of course, it’s hard to “come up with a bicycle” and sell extremely rare goods. To a greater extent, the assortment of products in your supermarket will repeat the set of products on the shelves of other stores.

This is normal. But at the same time, you need to think about expanding the range, including in it those categories of products that are in great demand, but are absent from competitors. For example, you can focus on products presented in other outlets in a small volume. In other words, if a nearby supermarket sells meat, then you need to more actively sell fish and seafood.

By the way, it is not necessary to trade in food products at all, you can open a supermarket for household chemicals. This segment also in incredible demand among the population. However, to begin with, it is worthwhile to conduct a detailed analysis of similar stores located nearby.

supermarket of household chemicals


Of course, you will need workers: cashiers, sellers, consultants, movers, etc. Before opening a supermarket, it will be useful to conduct a couple of trainings with sellers and introduce them to merchandisers. To prevent theft in supermarkets, you should hire security.

Also, you should not lose sight of your employees in order to minimize risks (after all, they can also engage in theft). In addition, you need to draw up internal rules, establish fines for various violations, develop job descriptions and so on and so forth. These responsibilities fall on the shoulders of human resources inspectors.

And who will keep the accounting? As you can see, you need a whole staff. The choice of employees must be approached with all responsibility. The administrative link should be qualified professionals.

Cost and Profitability

Many potential entrepreneurs, of course, are interested in the most important question: “How much does it cost to open a supermarket?” On average, the total costs in the first year of the store will be approximately 2.3 million rubles.Costs will include the following items:

  • how much does it cost to open a supermarketpaperwork;
  • rental and repair of premises;
  • staff salary;
  • purchase of goods;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • advertising.

Alternatively, you can immediately go under a well-known and well-known brand (this is called franchising). Today, there are many franchise companies.

Terms of cooperation in this format can be very different, but everyone will have their own disadvantages and advantages. The franchise fee varies from 100 thousand to 1-2 million dollars.

Opening a point of sale is not so simple, but if you have a competent supermarket business plan, then the business is almost doomed to success.

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