
Profitable business: how to open a jewelry store. Jewelry store business plan

jewelry store business planWhich business is most often chosen by novice entrepreneurs, especially women? One that is not only profitable, but also pleasant for them personally. One of the most suitable options for such a business is selling jewelry.

This product is always popular with women. However, before you open a outlet, you need to study professional literature and understand how to sell jewelry, on which the success of trade depends.

Where to start?


jewelry sale

How to open a jewelry store? In any business, it is important to consider even subtle trifles. A successful sale consists of many factors, which will be taken into account by the business plan of a jewelry store. It is with him that you need to start. The beginning of the plan should be an original idea.

There is great competition in the jewelry market, so it will be very difficult to achieve success simply by opening a store and putting up cute trinkets for sale. The idea may be the original interior of the store, costumes of sellers, additional services, the production of their own jewelry or the minimum price of goods.

The second point of the plan should be the definition of the target audience. Important: the smaller the audience segment, the easier it is to convey your original idea to it. In order to correctly choose and sell a product, you need to make a collective portrait of potential buyers and understand how the idea is suitable for them, and then sweep away everything unnecessary.

What exactly to sell?

how to open a jewelry store

When an accurate portrait of the consumer audience is drawn up, it will be clear what kind of goods you need to put in the store, how to sell jewelry. Of course, most of the goods will be purchased at wholesale stores or discharged directly from jewelry manufacturing factories.

However, a jewelry store’s business plan may include working with local craftsmen or artists, purchasing handmade goods online, or making jewelry in their own workshops. In one of the cities of the country, baubles and bracelets were in great demand among teenagers, which were immediately worn in the store by two sixth-grade students in front of customers.

For these decorations whole lines lined up. Despite the minimum price (a bracelet cost about 250 rubles), such sales yielded significant profits and attracted many customers. Over time, a shop was opened at the store where teenagers made fashionable jewelry.

How to choose a name?

This item is not included in the business plan of a jewelry store, but it is one of the components of success. Professionals are engaged in naming. It was they who established that the name for the jewelry store should:

  • to be free. Given the competitiveness of the jewelry market, it is rather difficult to choose an original name that is not occupied by anyone;
  • “Catch” the soul of the target audience, set up spending certain amounts;
  • reflect the idea of ​​the store;
  • to be harmonious. The name for a jewelry store should not be repulsive. Names such as "Divakotka", "Glamurstroy" and the like not only do not cause associations with jewelry, but also sound unpleasant.

Special agencies are involved in naming. Spending on them can be added to the business plan of a jewelry store. However, it should be noted: if you contacted such a bureau, then you need to work with it to the end, that is, for the future. If there is no opportunity to cooperate with professionals, then you need to invent a name yourself. Half-hearted measures of success do not bring, but create unjustified costs.

Room and interior

It is better for novice entrepreneurs to open a small shop, renting an area for this in a supermarket, entertainment center, market, anywhere where there are a lot of people. To determine the approximate number of potential buyers, you will have to observe for several days what target audience awaits you, how many people go through the shopping center, and how to attract them.

Then you need to either look for a new place, or proceed with the design of the rented premises. Design costs are directly dependent on the amount of start-up capital and the intended target audience.

What is the interior of?

The easiest way to order the design is for professionals. If this is not possible, you will have to familiarize yourself with the basics of the design profession and create your own project. It should take into account:

  • quality and cost of all building materials.
  • color gamut.
  • equipment.
  • the presence of shop windows, installations, interior decorations.
  • furnishings.
  • lighting and additional lighting.

Do not overly save on the interior: buyers should be attracted not only by the range, but also by the original atmosphere of the store.

Jewelry Store Equipment

The equipment can be imported or Russian, but it must meet the main goal: to demonstrate the goods from all sides and in the most favorable light. To do this, you can use:

  • wall racks. They occupy a minimum of space, allow you to place a maximum of goods. However, shelving does not provide an opportunity to consider jewelry from all sides, without removing them from the hooks. The seller needs to be prepared for constant restoring order on the shelves. In addition, it is believed that it is the shelves that are the easiest to steal from;
  • glass display cases with regular or rotating shelves. They are relatively bulky, but the decorations in them look very attractive, especially with proper lighting;
  • glass counters;
  • coasters - they can be made in the form of parts of the human body, strange trees or ordinary racks. On coasters usually place the most valuable goods;
  • mirrors;
  • backlight.

In addition to shop windows and shelves for goods, you need to purchase tables and chairs for bookkeeping, counters for which you will make purchases, cleaning equipment.

Advertising activity

Advertising is best started by creating an presentation album. It should reflect all foreshortenings of the future store, its interior, etc. This album is most likely to be useful when renting a room: a shopping center usually rents out an area only for a finished project.

When opening a store, it is best to arrange a promotion for the first customers. You can attract their attention by distributing leaflets, making them buy goods with significant gift discounts. Advertisements can be placed on streamers and on the sides of vehicles, leaflets and flyers - to distribute in shopping centers, beauty salons, near educational institutions.

Mandatory colorful advertising in the media: it should create the image of the store as a solid, prosperous enterprise. It is good if the entrepreneur has his own style and uses it in different formats: on bags, staff clothes, office supplies. A recognizable style will allow customers to remember the brand, which will be useful when expanding the network.

Nice alternative

It is not necessary to trade jewelry at kiosks and shopping centers. This can be done over the Internet. As experience shows, this method allows you to save on renting a room, buying equipment. However, this involves other costs: creating your own website, online store, virtual advertising company.

For such work, you will also need a business plan. An online jewelry store can bring real income if professionals promote it. The assortment of an ordinary and an online store is formed in the same way:

  • depending on the target audience, the ratio of cheap, expensive and average cost jewelry in the assortment is determined;
  • in order to present goods of different styles and different prices in the store, you will have to visit many suppliers. You need to remember: collections usually fall in price within 2-3 months after release. Therefore, it makes sense to buy not the newest ones, but at a discount of 30% -70%.

Franchise and its features

business plan online jewelry storeFranchising a large company is another way to sell women’s jewelry. How to open a jewelry store using a franchise?

You need to pay an initial payment, acquire a franchise, and fulfill all its conditions. Usually it is required to open a kiosk with glass windows in a popular shopping center, to purchase a ready-made assortment from the company.

Franchise companies provide free training, internship new employees, provide them with the necessary instructions and regulatory documents.

Most often, the franchise allows you to return up to 20% of unsold goods, making the sale of jewelry becomes quite profitable. The negative sides of such a store is the inability to purchase jewelry from different suppliers, a relatively narrow range.

It is estimated that franchise costs pay off approximately 12-15 months after the opening of the outlet. During this time, ordinary points selling jewelry are paid off.

Beginner Tips

  • Focus on the sale of the cheapest jewelry is only at the very beginning.
  • To sell luxury jewelry, which is equal to gold jewelry at a price, you should be well versed in its manufacturers, fashion trends. Typically, such an experience does not come immediately, therefore, at the beginning of a business, it is not recommended to invest money in luxury jewelry.
  • Trade in jewelry - relatively seasonal business. This should be considered when preparing a sales plan and hiring staff.
  • The owner of the outlet must constantly monitor the work of sellers, the speed of sale of goods, the demand for the range.

Opening one point, you should immediately think about creating a chain of stores and invest most of the profits in its development.

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