
What does the investigative committee do? The main tasks and principles of activity

The Investigative Committee is authority at the state level. On the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, he has powers in the field of legal proceedings, as well as other rights that are provided for by federal laws. A large number of problems were solved thanks to the employees of this department. What does the investigative committee do, what goals and objectives are set for its employees? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

Committee History

Ever since the time of Peter the Great, the history of the investigative committee has been going on. In 1713, the idea came up to create such a body that would help prevent crime and regulate order in the state. Only 4 years later, this idea came true and investigative offices appeared, subordinate only to the king. The duties of their employees included eliminating the most dangerous crimes.what does the investigative committee do

Until 1860, the chancellery did not have a high status; the authority acquired special significance only in the 20s of the 20th century. At that distant time, new posts appeared in the country, and after 5 years, the IC was transferred to the prosecution authorities. In the post-war period, the volume of solved cases grew very rapidly, and, as a result, the number of posts also increased. In 1963, a new position appeared - the Minister of Public Order. Over the years, the structure of investigative committees has been revised and changed. Stability appeared only a few years ago. What does the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation do, what are the goals for the employees of this department?

The main tasks assigned to the Investigative Committee

The body was created in order to perform the main tasks:

  • Promptly and efficiently investigate crimes in accordance with the established criminal and procedural laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Ensure compliance with laws when receiving all information on crimes received by the authority, as well as protect human rights and freedoms.
  • To exercise control over the work of investigative bodies and officials of the UK.
  • One of the tasks of the committee is to identify circumstances that help to complete the investigation of criminal acts and take all possible measures to eliminate them.
  • To carry out, within the framework of its authority, cooperation with bodies of other states in the field of legal proceedings.
  • To develop all measures for the implementation of policies in the state in the field of the implementation of legislation on criminal proceedings.
  • Improve legal regulation in the established field of activity.
  • Determine the procedure and submit reports on the conduct of investigative measures.
  • Organize events aimed at protecting the rights of a citizen.
  • To force citizens not only to know, but to observe and comply with all the laws of our state.
  • To exercise constant control over the work of downstream employees.

What does the investigative committee do and on what principles is the activity of this organization based?

what does the investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Principles of activity of a state body

Investigative bodies and institutions that are part of the investigative committee adhere to the following principles in their work:

  1. The head of all structures of the Investigative Committee is the Chairman of the Investigative Committee. He gives instructions to all lower-ranking employees who must be strictly followed. Further orders are brought to the investigators.
  2. The Investigative Committee must exercise its powers independently of state authorities or local self-government. And also various public organizations and associations cannot influence the work of the UK.
  3. Everything possible must be done so that the work of the investigating authorities was carried out in one direction, but at the same time it should not violate human rights and freedom.
  4. All the results of the work of the Investigative Committee should be reported to the federal government bodies.

But what matters does the Investigative Committee deal with, what requirements are presented to its employees? Let's consider this question further.

What are the affairs of the investigative committee?

The Investigative Committee has the right to consider any case of crimes that are provided for by applicable law, have previously been considered in the prosecutor's office or in the UK. If you ask a question, what does the investigative committee of the Republic of Belarus do, for example, then you can list the same cases:

  • The killings.
  • Rape
  • Intentional bodily harm a person who has been fatal.
  • Kidnapping.
  • Crimes committed by persons with special legal status, these include employees of internal organs, judges, lawyers, deputies, officials.
  • Tax crimes.

what matters does the investigative committee do

It is well known what issues the Investigative Committee deals with, but to solve them it is very important that employees with a certain set of personal qualities work in this department.

Requirements for committee members

If a person has decided to engage in investigative activities and work in the investigative committee, then he must understand that special requirements are placed on each employee. Among professional and personal qualities, the following can be noted:

  • Excellent knowledge of the legal framework.
  • Wide horizons.
  • Fluency in legal language.
  • Responsible attitude to their work.
  • Stress resistance.
  • The ability to work with information and highlight the main thing from it.
  • Discipline.
  • Ability to make contact with people.
  • Politeness.
  • Industriousness.
  • Selfless dedication.

But there is also what the SK employee does not have the right to:

  • An employee cannot enter a political association, nominate himself for an elected post and engage in public activities.
  • Combine work in the UK with other activities.
  • To be part of the governing bodies on the territory of the state

But what does the investigator of the investigative committee do, what powers are assigned to it?

Features of the investigator's work in the UK

The main goal of the investigator is to prevent and promptly disclose the acts of criminals. An investigator can quickly solve a complex crime, and it happens that it takes several months, and sometimes years, to conduct business without any leads on it.what does the investigator of the investigation department do

The activities of the investigator are very dangerous, as they have to deal with maniacs, drug dealers and killers. There are frequent threats to the employee of the committee or to members of his family, attempts and attempts to bribe.

The erroneous opinion is formed by those who believe that the work of the investigator is chasing, shooting, or ambush. He also has to review a lot of relevant information, write a lot progress reports, plans, protocols, and this is a routine work that takes a lot of time and effort.

How to characterize a good employee of the UK, what does the investigative department of the investigative committee do?

What qualities help in work

First of all, an employee of the investigative committee is required to be vigilant and attentive. He should see even the smallest details at the crime scene, which in the future can help quickly solve the case. He must have a well-developed intuition. what does the investigation department at the prosecutor’s office do

Currently, each employee of the investigative committee should be able to handle equipment and electronic devices that help in the work. Thanks to innovations, it is now easier to expose bandits.

It is very good if the investigator is also a good psychologist who can recognize by the facial expressions, reservations and habits of the criminal whether he is telling the truth or lying. Only a person who has an excellent profile and legal education can get a vacancy.

What the investigative committee does is understandable, but now we need to figure out which functional structures are subordinate to the UK.

Who reports to the investigative committee?

The central apparatus of the investigative committee includes many structures, not only the main departments, but also the secondary ones:

  • Investigative Department.
  • Organizational and Inspection Management.
  • Forensics Department.
  • Management support activities.
  • Investigative departments in federal districts.
  • Office of Procedural Control over the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases in the Federal Districts.
  • Military Investigation Department.

what issues does the investigative committee deal with

The Investigative Committee has additional structures that help in solving secondary issues. There are a huge number of structures throughout Russia, each of them knows what the Investigative Committee is doing and what tasks the president of the country sets before him.

Over the past year, employees of the Investigative Committee and other structures have uncovered many high-profile cases.

High-profile cases disclosed by the staff of the Investigative Committee

Every day, many crimes are committed on the territory of the country, many of which are minor and are immediately revealed in hot pursuit. But there are those who outrage the whole society and require a special approach to the investigation. What does the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do? The answer is simple: the most resonant and confusing cases. Recently, the following crimes have been uncovered:

  • The case of juvenile Nazis, when teenagers tore the victim’s body and mocked him.
  • A group was discovered, which was chased for more than 6 years, it was engaged in the robbery of truckers.
  • The case of an attack on a police officer.
  • The murder of an eight-year-old girl.what does the investigative department of the investigative committee do

It is possible to list this list ad infinitum, since every day the Investigative Committee officers find new evidence and witnesses on the most complicated cases and become one step closer to their disclosure.

Special dates and events

It is clear to everyone that what the Investigative Committee is doing at the prosecutor’s office is very important, therefore, such work should be encouraged. As a rule, workers in various industries receive well-deserved rewards on the days of their professional holidays. Employees of the UK also have these, every year employees celebrate two main dates:

  • July 25th. On this day, all the distinguished employees of the Investigative Committee are thanked for their courage and rewarded for their hard work.
  • October 19th. This is a professional holiday for forensic units.

But it is on their working days that the staff of the Investigative Committee do important work.


Summing up and answering the main question that interests many - what the UK does - it can be said for certain that the main task that is set for it is the disclosure of the most resonant crimes together with other structures law enforcement.

For all the time the staff of this structure reviewed many old unsolved cases and were able to bring them to their logical conclusion.

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