
What should a picker do? Employee Responsibilities

At any enterprise, no matter what it does, there is a picker. The duties of such an employee are to create something whole from the individual components. His work can be both a part of the production process and a stage in the provision of a specific service.

The essence of the profession

There is no special educational institution that would train specialists in the profession of a picker. The duties of this kind are carried out by different employees at their workplaces. The essence of the process is that a single whole is formed from individual elements as a result of a special selection. These may be material products or goods. In modern enterprises, the concept of configuration is often used. It applies to both individual sections of production, and entire areas of industry.

picker duties

For example, in the conditions of work on the conveyor, there is also a picker, whose duties are to assemble an integral structure or a separate assembly from incoming parts. Later, another such specialist will make up the finished product from these units. By this principle, a lot of enterprises in the country work. A single item can be both an industrial procurement and a semi-finished food product.

Areas of use

Typically, staffing operations are carried out by employees at the final stage of the production process. They turn individual products into finished goods. What does the picker do in this case? His responsibilities are to select from the total mass of objects suitable for the required indicators, and to bring them together. It can be anything. To some extent, such an operation is akin to the profession of a collector. He also assembles the structure from individual blanks. The result is a product that comes with several components. This principle is sometimes used in trade. Independent goods are combined together according to a pre-prepared list. The new product gets its name, under which it goes on sale. This option is used, for example, in the preparation of New Year's gifts. On the invoice, such a product is already an independent and full-fledged unit, having its own specific price.

Picking at loading

Sometimes in the staff list of some companies there is such a position as a picker. The duties of such an employee are already understood by the very name of the profession. On the one hand, this is a person who is engaged in carrying heavy loads, and on the other, the one who selects goods according to a pre-compiled list for sending to the customer. Most often, he is an employee of the expedition.

loader picker duties

This is how goods are shipped on previously issued invoices. This document (list) is compiled by the employees of the sales department of the enterprise on an application received from the customer company. The picker must choose from the entire range of products available in stock, the desired position. A loader is obliged to transfer this product to the place of dispatch. It is clear that both of these operations are best performed simultaneously. Therefore, most often the profession of a picker and a loader are combined into one. Thus, the employee performs two functions and is fully responsible for the final result.

What should a picker do?

Each employee in the enterprise has his own specific range of responsibilities. It is clearly indicated in the instructions and is mandatory. What is the picker required to do in accordance with such a document?

The duties of this employee are as follows:

  1. Selection of necessary goods in accordance with the document provided to him.
  2. Check products by number of units, weight or footage.
  3. Selection of products of the same type for different characteristics: color, style, article, size, shape or model.
  4. Preparation of products for transfer from the workshop to the warehouse or further for shipment. Screening of products with pronounced defects.
  5. Arrangement of goods for the acquisition of the party.
  6. Accounting for transferred products.
  7. Carrying out preliminary weighing of goods (if necessary).
  8. Filling tags and labels.
  9. Formation of a consignment of goods and filling in the relevant documentation.
  10. Drawing up the necessary reporting.

The picker performs all these duties in close contact with other workers.

Stock Options

Each work should be performed only by a person who has certain knowledge and skills. The duties of the picker in the warehouse also include the availability of relevant knowledge in certain areas.

stock picker duties

An ordinary person from the street will not be able to cope with this work without prior preparation. Indeed, in the course of its production activities, the warehouse picker must:

  1. Conduct a selection of goods in accordance with the approved standards for packaging inventory items.
  2. Move the desired product, storing it in a separate place.
  3. Control the quality of the selected product, avoiding the presence of marriage and obvious defects. In the event of the discovery of such instances, it is necessary to immediately notify the warehouse manager and draw up an appropriate act.
  4. Monitor the amount of incoming and shipped products.
  5. It’s good to navigate indoors, knowing exactly where a particular product is located.

In addition, the picker usually takes part in ongoing inventories and daily balance calculations.

Additional Responsibilities

At a number of enterprises, where the staff is limited by small volumes, sometimes additional duties are imposed on one of the employees. Sometimes this is done for reasons of convenience and increased responsibility. That is how such a profession as a storekeeper-picker appeared.

storekeeper picker duties

The responsibilities of this specialist can be divided into several main areas:

  1. Receiving goods from production and placing them in the warehouse.
  2. Providing the conditions necessary for the storage of products.
  3. Packaging and subsequent sorting of incoming units.
  4. A complete set of goods according to the main features.
  5. Preparation of batches in accordance with incoming applications.
  6. Weighing the shipped goods and checking their safety.
  7. Maintaining required documentation and reporting.

Only a person with certain qualities can perform such work. To do this, you must be a neat, decent, attentive, assiduous and responsible employee. Otherwise, mistakes or even abuse of one’s capabilities are inevitable, and this always negatively affects the performance and reputation of the entire enterprise.

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