
What do the duties of the loader include?

Profession “loader” can be considered one of the ancient. After all, people began to transfer weights even before they began to melt metal and bake bread. But if earlier only physical training was required from the candidate, today he must know and be able to fulfill the duties of a loader.

Primary requirements

In almost any field of activity It requires workers who carry out assignments related to heavy physical exertion. This is where the name of the profession comes from. Indeed, the word "gravity" means "cargo". This work is not easy and is most often performed manually.

loader duties

True, sometimes for convenience, various devices are used. But here it all depends on how the employer prepared the workplace. Each new employee, passing the clearance stage, carefully examines the duties of the loader. They contain complete information about his future activities. Before starting work, a person must learn how, what and why he will need to do. The duties of the loader are part of a specially designed manual. In addition to the labor functions, it lists the basic requirements for the candidate, the rights of the employee and the responsibility that he bears for non-compliance with the instructions of the management.

Some details

Most people believe that anyone with a well-developed musculature can be a loader. Of course, for such work you need strong and physically prepared people. But this is only one of the requirements. For some reason, it is generally accepted that the loader absolutely does not need any education. It may have been so before, but in modern conditions one cannot agree with this statement. For example, at some enterprises a manual winch or hoist is used to perform loading work, therefore, the loader's job responsibilities require certain crane operator skills. In addition, large enterprises must be able to properly store products. This is not taught in special courses. Such knowledge is usually acquired with experience. Crayons of the company sometimes for reasons of economy of the wage fund do not have a driver on staff. Then the work on the car should also be done by a loader. Typically, such circumstances are agreed in advance at the interview.

Work in the warehouse

Each company has special requirements for its employees. The specifics of activity always leaves its mark. This is necessarily reflected in the instructions.

duties of a loader in a warehouse

For example, the duties of a loader in a warehouse are usually as follows:

  1. Unloading and loading of goods. These operations are basic.
  2. Stacking and sorting. For this packaging, goods must be moved manually or transported using the available auxiliary equipment (trolleys, wheelbarrows or conveyors). If they are not, then it is necessary to use improvised devices.
  3. In addition, products of various types must be stored separately. If it is packed in boxes or bags, then you still need to be able to correctly compose stacks.
  4. Bulky goods have to be unloaded using winches or use ordinary boards for the simplest rolling.
  5. It is the responsibility of the movers to open the doors, sides and hatches of the approaching vehicle.
  6. At the end of the work, remove everything inside the rolling stock, as well as clean the devices used and clean up the warehouse.

Work in the store

The duties of a loader in a store are not much different from similar work carried out in a large warehouse. Even if it is a food trading company, it is also required to:

  1. Perform loading and unloading operations in full.
  2. Store products and mix them if necessary throughout the store.
  3. To assist in the packaging of goods (gluing or assembling boxes).
  4. Perform any auxiliary and auxiliary work as directed by the manual.

Moreover, he must do this work very carefully and correctly. It should be noted that movers are not responsible for the integrity and safety of packaging.

job duties of a loader in a store

Sometimes during transportation it can be damaged. And the storekeeper will already be responsible for this, since he bears material responsibility for it. The instruction obliges all workers, in addition to their direct responsibilities, to comply with the rules and the existing safety standards at the enterprise and, of course, labor protection.

Necessary measure

Beginners or inexperienced managers sometimes believe that it is not necessary to draw up instructions for their employees and this should be done only because the law requires it. This opinion is erroneous. It is mandatory to do this only for employees of certain categories:

  • private security companies;
  • those involved in the production and processing of milk and dairy products;
  • health workers and pharmacy staff who sell drugs.

These enterprises are in no way associated with loading. For the rest, instruction is needed to simply limit the list of functional responsibilities.

Russian legislation, the loader performs the following duties

If the organization has loaders, it is advisable for them to draw up such a document. Otherwise, this entire list will need to be entered into the text of the contract (labor) or contract. You can list specific responsibilities or take a standard list. In accordance with the laws of Russia, the loader performs the following duties, which are listed in one of these documents. It is for them that the circle of responsibility for each of the employees will be determined.

In a manufacturing enterprise

The job responsibilities of the loader in the production are determined by management, based on specific conditions. In any case, they should include:

  1. Transportation of products through the territory of the enterprise manually, as well as using trolleys or car trucks.
  2. Warehousing of goods on pallets or racks. For this, hoists or auto-loaders can be used.
  3. goods to vehicles for shipment to retail outlets or to wholesale stores. Here, the employee is responsible for securing the goods so that there are no problems during transportation.
  4. Unloading rolling stock with raw materials necessary for production.
  5. Cleaning of the warehouse, flyover and the surrounding area.

job duties of a loader

If necessary, a team of movers can be involved in other work. For this, an appropriate instruction from the direct manager or administration of the enterprise is necessary. Each employee should be familiar with their instructions. He must sign it, after which the document will be stored in a personal file.

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