
What is required for large families by law

What is supposed for large families? A similar question is asked by almost every couple with more than three children, because their beloved offspring are not only great happiness, but also a significant responsibility, as well as a considerable expense item. Despite this, a large number of families are deciding on the birth of babies, because the state has a fairly successful social policy in relation to such cells of society. What does it consist of and what advantages does it give? We will try as much as possible to answer these questions.

Utility subsidies

To begin, discuss what is supposed large families at the expense of housing, as well as in the field of payment for housing services. If the parents of the children already have their own square meters, then they have the right to receive benefits for paying for utility bills for them. So, a discount of 50 percent or more is provided for gas, electricity, hot and cold water, heating and a number of other city-wide benefits. In the event that the family lives outside the city limits in their own home, the subsidy can extend to a number of other services.

How to get a house?

In the event that there is no own housing or if it is in unsatisfactory condition, has too little footage for living, the family has the opportunity to purchase a new apartment on fairly favorable terms. How exactly is this possible? The following programs exist:

  • Preferential mortgage. It is issued for a period of up to 30 years. It is characterized by the ability to pay the first tranche after a delayed period of time (up to 3 years). Part of the mandatory monthly payment can be repaid at the expense of state funds, appeals to the relevant state bodies.
  • Obtaining a housing certificate. It is issued not to every large family, for its receipt it is necessary to observe a number of conditions. The main ones include living in the country for 12 years, as well as having a work experience of 10 years or more.
  • Payment of part of the amount for the construction of a private house.
  • Getting new housing when demolished.

what should be for large families

Housing for a young family

What should a large young family have? The main nuances of this issue lie precisely in the plane of improving housing conditions. Especially for such a population group as young spouses, a federal program called the “Young Family” has been developed. A married couple with more than three children, under the terms of this proposal, has the right to receive credit benefits, the allocation of auxiliary financial resources, ensuring a long installment plan, the priority of receiving a certificate for housing.what should be given to large families with poor

Medical benefits

What does a large family have in the medical field? First of all, parents of babies should remember that changes to existing legislation are introduced quite quickly, so their rights are constantly changing. Here are the most popular benefits that this category of population can take advantage of:

  • Free medication.
  • Service in medical institutions out of line.
  • Increased priority in the distribution of places in the sanatorium and other institutions of a similar nature.
  • Seasonal production of vitamins for children, as well as their mother during another pregnancy.

what should be a large young family

Education Benefits

What is necessary for large families in the field of science and education? The benefits in this area are also quite significant and greatly simplify the lives of parents and their children. What can they claim? The main advantages are as follows:

  • The issuance of paid educational and teaching aids free of charge both in schools and in universities.
  • Obtaining free additional education in the field of culture and sports (circles, sections, etc.).
  • Priority in obtaining higher or secondary specialized education over other students who scored the same number of points based on the results of entrance examinations.
  • Obtaining an increased scholarship equal to half the size of the minimum wage (of course, subject to passing intermediate tests as “excellent” and “good”).
  • Discount on paid education in the amount of 50 percent of the amount.
  • Getting a place in kindergarten out of the general queue.
  • Free meals, as well as uniforms for general education.

what should be for large families in St. Petersburg

Help in paying for transportation costs

Answering the question about what is supposed to be a large family, it is impossible not to highlight the right to receive free travel for children on any type of transport that allows them to get to the school (including suburban trains). If there are five or more children in the family, the state is obliged to provide their parents with a Gazelle, however, in this case, the requirements regarding the length of stay and length of service remain valid. what should a large family have at the expense of housing

For those who want to open a business

If you want to organize your own business, the state also goes towards a large family. So, if parents plan to open a farm, they have the right to receive or rent land free of charge, as well as privileges to pay the necessary taxes. As for land plots, a similar category of citizens is also entitled to rely on a vegetable garden for growing the necessary food products.

When individual entrepreneurship is executed by the head of the family or his spouse, the requirement to pay tax can be partially or completely canceled.

Features of assistance in St. Petersburg

When answering the question about what is supposed to be a large family, it is necessary to take into account that, in addition to federal laws, local acts and regulations also apply in our country. This means that the rights and benefits of parents with a large number of babies may vary depending on the place of permanent residence. Let's look at this question with a few specific examples.

To begin with, we formulate what is supposed for large families in St. Petersburg. Residents of the northern capital have the right to rely on the following benefits:

  • A discount on utility bills in the amount of 30 to 50 percent depending on the number of children (the maximum amount if there are more than 7 offspring).
  • Priority admission to schools.
  • Getting housing out of turn with the simultaneous birth of three or more babies.
  • Assistance in the employment of parents.
  • Assistance and assistance in the organization of farms.
  • Provision of land for gardening.
  • Getting a minibus at no cost (for families with more than six children).

what should be for large families in the Perm region

Help for families in the Perm region

Significant state assistance is provided not only for residents of large cities, but also for those who live in regions remote from the center. What is supposed for large families in the Perm Territory? Benefits are:

  • Monthly payments in the amount of 160 rubles for each child in the family (charged up to 18 years, and when studying at a university on full-time basis - up to 23 years).
  • Free attendance at cultural events (once a month).
  • Compensation for a portion of the amount paid for utilities.
  • Priority for admission to educational institutions.
  • Providing free meals and school uniforms, much more.

Care for the poor

The issue of what is supposed to have many children deserves increased attention. low-income families. Our state takes care of this category of citizens separately, more carefully than usual.The described lists of benefits are not available to all couples with a large number of children, the main assistance is provided to those who do not have sufficient cash income. Who can fall into this category? The main criterion is that the amount of income for each family member (including the child) should not exceed the subsistence level. The status of the poor must be officially confirmed by the relevant state bodies (social protection).

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