
How many square meters is required per person by law?

When buying your own home, the permissible footage of the apartment is limited only by the material capabilities and personal wishes of the owner. The situation is different with citizens living in public housing. The territory that a family can count on is limited and depends on the standards provided by law. So how many square meters are per person?

how many square meters should a person


The norm is established Housing Code of the Russian Federation, article 50 "The provision rate and the accounting rate of the area of ​​the living space." Under the norm is meant the minimum value of the total footage, relying on one citizen. That is, the allowable value should not be lower than the minimum. But significantly exceeding the standard is also unacceptable. How many square meters is required per person by law? In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, on average 12 square meters are relied on each person.

This value can be regulated by local authorities depending on the provision of the municipality with free housing. Moreover, the norm can be reduced, but not increased.

When calculating the required footage, sanitary and social standards are taken into account. Sanitary indicator - the minimum value that cannot be adjusted. It is six square meters per person.

The social norm depends on the number of family members, the degree of kinship between the tenants, the preferential category and other criteria. Complied with, if possible, with available housing in the local apartment fund. Thus, the state is trying to resettle its citizens in more comfortable conditions.

When is a regulatory calculation necessary?

1. Getting municipal housing. Depending on the number of family members, the state provides an apartment of the required area. How many square meters are laid on a person living alone? As a rule, in this case no more than 33 square meters are allocated.

2. Expansion of living space. Usually, such a need arises when replenishing a family - at the birth of a child or an increase in the number of registered people. Citizens occupying a territory smaller than prescribed by law also have the right to additional housing.

3. Forced resettlement. In cases where housing is subject to major repairs or demolitions (emergency homes, dilapidated), residents are provided with new apartments, the size of which must comply with the standards. Citizens who own privatized housing are provided with premises whose area should not be less than the previous apartment.

how many square meters per person is required by law

4. Accrual of rent. When calculating common house expenses, housing standards are taken into account, as well as the number of registered citizens. The larger the occupied space and the number of residents, the higher the utility bills.

5. Residence in the apartment. It is impossible to register for housing if the permissible limit of footage for all residents is exceeded. So, for example, in a dwelling of 25 squares, more than 4 citizens (6 square meters each) can not register.

Regulatory nuances

Upon receipt of the state apartment, the law must be taken into account, which stipulates how many square meters are laid per person. Standards are far from always minimized. Suppose you require housing for a family of 4 people, two of whom are children. In accordance with the minimum values, each is entitled to 6 square meters.

Consequently, an apartment of 24 squares can stand out for the whole family.But children need a separate room, and it is very difficult to find a “kopeck piece” with a similar area. Then social standards come into force, providing for situations in which family members need a separate room. Diverse children, for example, rely on different rooms. Such a family should live in a three-room apartment.
A family of two people relies no more than 42 squares of housing. However, if the residents are not relatives or spouses, they are provided with an apartment of at least 54 square meters.

how many square meters are required per person

Dormitory Standards

The hostel is provided to citizens for the duration of training at an educational institution, service or for the period of conclusion and validity of an employment contract. This is perhaps one of the few residential premises where it is possible to comply with the minimum sanitary standards due to the close and compact layout. How many square meters are laid on a person living in such housing? 6 squares - the set value for each citizen.

how many square meters per person

By the way, unscrupulous tenants of municipal premises who do not pay utility bills are often evicted to dormitories as a punishment measure. There the housing area is minimized.

How many square meters are per person in an apartment? It is interesting that even for residents of communal facilities the indicator is doubled - 12 square meters per settler. But the living conditions in these objects are practically the same.

Standards for military personnel

Defenders of the fatherland are under the tutelage of the state and are equated with the preferential category of citizens. Housing minimums are considered special for them - each family member has the right to claim a minimum of 18 square meters. This norm is not subject to reduction. But regional authorities can increase it, but by no more than 9 units.

How many square meters is laid on a person who is contracted in the army? The soldier himself is entitled to 25 squares. If the contractor lives alone, the area of ​​his apartment should not be less than 33 square meters.

Violation of housing standards

Not all residents of the country know how much square meters are supposed for a person. Therefore, families forced to live in compact apartments often face documentary problems. For example, a new family member cannot be registered in housing where square meters are not enough.

how much per person square meters in an apartment

In case of non-compliance with the minimum housing standards stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens have the right to demand resettlement or an increase in the area of ​​settlement. At the same time, they stand in line for housing and are considered as especially in need in the first order.

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