
What is the FSO? Special Communication Federal Security Service of Russia

Today, in all countries there are structures of paramilitary bodies. Their main goal is to maintain order within the state, as well as its protection against attacks from outside. Moreover, service in such bodies has always been honorable and extremely dangerous. But from the entire structure of such departments, we can distinguish those that perform the most specific tasks. These include agencies that ensure the security of the most prominent individuals in the state. Such bodies exist in almost any country in the world. Their presence is simply necessary, since the security of the state apparatus, which actually manifests itself in the face of individuals, depends on the activities of such services, namely: ministers, directors of services, the president, etc.

what is fso

The Russian Federation is no exception. Our country also has a rather specific service, whose functions include ensuring the safety of the first people of the country. Thus, the article will discuss the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, as well as its structure and other features.

What is the FSO?

Most people base their knowledge on the agency represented only on the basis of the E-KX license plate, which is jokingly very often interpreted as "food as I want." However, the FSO of Russia is a federal structure, or rather, an executive authority. He exercises authority in the field of protection of private individuals, and also provides secure communication in the structure of the country's leadership. FSO of Russia is a special service. This means that this department is empowered to conduct operational-search activities.

FSO of Russia

Service in the body is performed both on a civilian and military basis. It should be noted that this department has a rather rich history that stretches from the time of the Soviet Union.

Appearance story

To answer the question about what the FSO is, one needs to recall the rather rich history of this body. The creation of the protection of the first state persons is correlated with a man named Artamanov Matvey Sergeevich. It was he who, in the 17th century, substantiated the existing need for the allocation of separate formations that would be engaged exclusively in royal protection. Since that time, the development of the state security service begins. The FSO adopted the greatest number of glorious traditions from its predecessor, the 9th Directorate of the State Security Committee. This department lasted until the collapse of the Soviet Union. Its successor was the Main Directorate of Security of the RSFSR, renamed the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in 1996.

The main functions of the department

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the course of its activities carries out functions that determine the scope of work of this agency. First of all, it should be noted that the FSO is an executive authority. That is, in his work he uses methods characteristic of this branch of state regulation, for example, coercion. In addition, the FSO ensures the implementation of legislation in general and its individual standards in the sector of its work.

special communication fso russia

The main functions of the federal guard include the following:

  • policy making in a specific area;
  • normative regulation of certain legal relations;
  • supervision and control in the field of state protection;
  • ensuring the security of government, presidential and other special communications.

As for the protection, it is implemented comprehensively, up to providing physical protection through the use of trained employees. Communications security is provided by such a structural agency as special communications of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Departmental tasks

Each employee of the FSO and the entire department as a whole implements its work in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to the body. According to the main regulatory act, which will be discussed later in the article, the federal security implements the following tasks:

  • Ensuring personal security of the first persons of the state.
  • Timely identification and elimination of threats to objects of protection.
  • Prevention of illegal encroachments on objects of protection.
  • The suppression of crimes carried out in relation to the objects of protection of the department.
  • Protection of objects of protection.
  • Participation in the fight against terrorism.
  • Securing special communications.
  • Policy development in the field of organizing global informatization of Russia.

fso moscow

Business principles

The Federal Security Service implements its activities in the legal field of the state. That is, the actions of the body do not go beyond what is permitted. This is evidenced by the principles on the basis of which the FSO works. These include:

  • legality;
  • observance and respect of the rights, freedoms of man and citizen;
  • centralization of the leadership of the Federal Security Service;
  • comprehensive interaction with other executive bodies for the most effective provision of state protection;
  • a combination of both vowel and unspoken methods;
  • FSO bodies are supervised in their activities.

In addition, the principles on which the activity of the body is based prove the existence of a certain regulatory framework, which will be discussed later.

FSO regulatory framework

The fact that the FSO of Russia is a legitimate executive authority proves the existence of a certain regulatory framework that directly regulates the activities of the service. The main legal source of activity of the federal guard is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Based on its provisions, the FSO implements its functions of providing security and special communications. In addition, the significance of the body’s activities is disclosed in the Regulation “On the FSO of Russia”.

fso employee

This normative act most fully reveals the functions and tasks of this structure, which gives it the opportunity to work effectively. "Point" issues arising from the direct work of the service, as a rule, govern the orders of the FSO. For example, on the basis of these normative acts, the moments associated with the admission to the academy of this department are coordinated.

Structure of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

In the organ system, there are many independent units. Wherein managment structure FSO is built on the basis of internal separation. The internal organ system is structured as follows:

  • Service management. This category includes the head of the FSO.
  • Presidential Security Service.
  • Security service.
  • Commandant service.
  • Special communication FSO of Russia.
  • Provision service.
  • Housekeeping Service.
  • Separate units of the FSO.
  • Educational institutions and research centers.

fso managementBased on the departments presented above, one can answer the question of what the FSO is. However, one specific element should be noted, namely the special communication service.

Special Communication of the Federal Guard

In the structure of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, there is such a department as special communications. It was created on the basis of the previously existing 8th KGB Directorate. Special communications agencies were abolished in 2003, and the eponymous service was created in the FSO structure. In its activity, this structural element exercises the authority to organize and ensure the protection of various types of government communications in Russia.That is, the service is responsible for the safety of communications in the system of the country's highest authorities.

In addition, the main tasks of special communications also include the modernization of this category. That is, the department is constantly working on the invention of new methods of safe communication within the state apparatus. It should be noted that fundamental research is also underway in this industry in such scientific and educational institutions as, for example, the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia. An important advantage of this organization is the fact that it trains professional personnel for the departments mentioned in the article.

Presidential Guard

Another important structural element of the FSO is the security service of the President of the Russian Federation. The department was organized in 1991 by issuing special decree No. 13. The service became part of the federal guard in 1996. In her work, she is engaged in the physical protection of the person of the President of the Russian Federation. The employees of this unit are highly qualified professionals. The president’s security activities are implemented on the basis of the Federal Law “On State Security”. In addition, the service also ensures the safety of the family of the main person in the country.

FSO orders

So, in the article, the author tried to answer the question of what the FSO is. In conclusion, it should be noted that this executive body performs extremely important functional tasks, on which the degree of security of the state apparatus depends. We analyzed the work of such a department as the FSO. Moscow is exactly the city in which the main service management building is located. And this is not surprising, because here the main people of the country conduct their activities.

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