
What is loyalty? Loyalty program

Each leader wants his subordinates to eagerly embark on their official duties. Indeed, I want them to come to work with joy, and to turn mountains during the working day. Therefore, it makes sense to ask what loyalty is. They should work exclusively for the idea and without worries about raising wages.

What is the concept of loyalty

Many managers, dreaming of a loyal employee, mean a trustworthy person. But these concepts are significantly different. Reliability is to follow the rules, laws and regulations that are adopted in the organization. But such actions can be just a formality. Loyalty is based on the goals and desires of employees, which must fully coincide with the aspirations of the company.

What is employee loyalty? This is the situation when every employee strives to achieve the goals of the company in his activities. This becomes possible if the aspirations coincide with his own vision of the future organization. Such a person is ready to put up with the requirements applicable in the company, as well as accept a number of others. If the company plans to work in the market for a long time, then it must take care of staff loyalty. This moment in the work should be one of the leading ones. It is very important to be able to motivate employees. Indeed, the success of the company depends to the greatest extent on how deeply the manager understands what loyalty of subordinates is. This is a very important quality. And in the absence of one, it needs to be developed.

what is loyalty

The undoubted benefits of loyal employees

Why is personnel loyalty so important for a company? It is necessary to increase the success of the organization. Loyal employees are people who are very much appreciated for a number of qualities. They have the following characteristics:

  1. Experiencing temporary difficulties of the company.
  2. Accept all organizational changes that occur in the organization.
  3. They value the workplace in a particular company.
  4. Try to do their job as best as possible.
  5. They use a creative approach in their work.
  6. Demonstrate responsibility.
  7. They make every effort to improve the work of the company.

The importance of trust in work

At the heart of all interpersonal relationships is trust. First you need to take care of him, and then figure out what loyalty is. In the workplace, trust is shown between the boss and the employee. After losing this quality, loyalty also decreases. Therefore, maintaining trust between direct managers, top managers and employees is of no small importance.

Now almost every person who enters the labor market chooses an employer. He independently searches for a suitable vacancy. In this case, a considerable number of criteria apply. As if the applicant should interest the employer with his candidacy. But this is not the only factor. The employer should also be interesting for the applicant. This is made possible by building mutual trusts. The company’s loyalty program is built on them. In addition, this process cannot occur instantly. It is characterized by long-term.

loyalty program

In the absence of trust, loyalty really decreases. Information is also essential in achieving self-giving from a person.The loyalty program of a successful company should form a clear idea among employees about the purpose of their work. A person experiences a desire to end an action that he finds aimless. When an employee has no idea about the goals of the company, the quality of his work is greatly reduced.

In addition, with high staff turnover and the absence of initiative among employees, the atmosphere in the team is significantly deteriorating. This leads to a decrease in the level of loyalty among colleagues. But if the company has an external agreement of employees with all existing standards, then this is a signal. It should be thought that such behavior does not in fact indicate a complete consonance of interests. Most likely, such an attitude indicates indifference to what is happening in the office.

The reciprocity of interests of the organization and employees

The leadership of any company must be, first of all, attentive to subordinates. In this case, employees see that their opinion is noticed. That is, management appreciates the vision of the situation by each of the employees. In this case, team members become bolder, think better, express their point of view. Here you do not need to fully accept their wishes. It is enough to listen to all opinions and tell what exactly will be implemented. If there is a disagreement of interests, you need to voice the reasons and make sure that the employees understood everything correctly. Thus, the loyalty system forms a feeling of involvement in what is happening in people. As a result, confidence levels increase. And the place of work in that organization where people are treated humanly is highly appreciated.

staff loyalty

The Importance of Personal Interests

Do not forget about the interests of employees. They usually work not for the idea, but for the sake of earning, career growth, a good entry in the work book, and gaining experience. The option of performing well-known duties in a “warm” place also has a right to exist. Therefore, an employer interested in the success of the company must take into account the personal wishes of its employees. Confidence in the organization will undoubtedly increase if the leader uses an individual approach to each person. Increasing loyalty fails if screen techniques are used. Employees see that they are treated like a faceless crowd. They quickly identify the behavior of top managers of the company. And in their behavior they simply adapt to the bosses. Nothing more is behind it.

 employee loyalty

Relations between employees

When working, attention should be paid to the relationship between colleagues. The more united the team, the better the performance of the department or the whole company as a result. In any organization there are problem workers, as well as employees representing a role model. But in this case, it is not necessary to identify the "axis of evil" and engage in its explicit elimination. This approach usually does not lead to the expected result. You need to understand the situation when communicating with people. They should understand that a leader is not a guard. A good boss is someone who knows about the goals of the company and how to implement them. Using the professional skills of each employee, a good manager will make the company truly successful. Employees see this approach and trust the organization more. They begin to become interested in what is happening, reflect and introduce fairly original ideas.

loyalty system

Incentive system

If the company has an incentive system, this is just great. Unless it is necessary to control that all promises really were kept. Otherwise, the leader must go to the people who have fulfilled the plan and say that there will be no increase in salary. He needs to explain the reason for what is happening.The immediate boss cannot say that at the central office it was decided not to pay this bonus. He must explain the situation, for example, the tough machinations of competitors. This moment is very unpleasant. And usually, such topics lead to a sharp decrease in employee confidence in the company. If everything that the manager promises is really implemented, then the employees work better. They trust the organization. Of course, they try best to earn as many bonuses as possible.

loyalty increase

That is, to generate employee loyalty for each company is a very real task. To do this, you need to show only a little attention to each subordinate in order to reveal his personal expectations from this company. And on the basis of this information to build a relationship between this employee and the organization.

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