
What is management? The concept and essence of management

We answer the question: "What is management?" First of all, you should decide on the term itself. The word "management" in translation from English (manaqament) means "management", "management". Today, this term is understood as the science of management carried out in a market economy.

Different views on management

You can answer the question in different ways about what management is. This concept is very broad. Simplified, it is interpreted as the ability to make people go about their business, achieve their goals. In a broader interpretation, it can be considered in several aspects at once. Firstly, management is a branch of knowledge that, with the help of the art of management, achieves success in the fields of economics, sociology, psychology, etc. The second possible answer to the question of what is management is as follows: it is ensuring harmony in the implementation of the activities of one or another firms, its effective functioning in the conditions of fierce competition. In general terms, this is the process of setting goals, forming resources to achieve set goals, further evaluating the effectiveness and determining further strategic actions.

essence of management

The content of management can be viewed from different angles:

  • As an art and management method.
  • As a type of activity, as well as a management decision-making process.
  • As a separate aspect of managing the activities of an organization.

Opening the question of what management is, it should be noted that this is not managing objects, but the organization and technique of people’s work in accordance with programs and principles.

management concept

Types and directions of management

There are various types and directions of management:

  • marketing, which deals with the distribution of goods;
  • production, personnel, financial;
  • transport, realizing the supply of goods;
  • administrative, which regulates the office work and internal communications of the business;
  • international, regulating foreign economic relations, import, export, scientific and technical cooperation and so on.

Management and management

management and management

As you can see, the concept of management is complex, fundamental. It reflects the most important properties and stable relationships in the processes of company management.

However, management and management are not the same thing. There are some differences between them. Management is a concept that includes the following components:

  • research and technological management;
  • marketing;
  • human resources management;
  • financial management;
  • management of the production process itself.

For many years in our country, the term "management" has been understood as the management of the production process as the main branch of the national economy. This understanding has not lost its significance today, but is already considered as part of management.

management is

History of Management Development

The concept of management has its own history of development, its concepts, theory and practice. It is believed that its occurrence dates back to the late XIX - early XX century. Over this period, the essence of management, its theory, concepts and goals have changed significantly. His national schools formed. The most significant were American, British, Japanese.

In the thirties of the twentieth century, the importance of management was especially recognized. This activity has become a separate profession, and the field of knowledge has become an independent discipline. Educational institutions for the training of management specialists were created.Management has captured almost the whole world, including developing countries. In 1964, the United States created an international body of managerial assistance to train specialists for many countries.

Japanese School of Management

Of interest is the essence of the management of the Japanese school, its characteristic features. This school originated in the late 50s of the XX century. The Japanese perceived management as the main driving force of progress. Currently, the Japanese school is one of the most effective in the world. Its success is determined by a number of factors. First of all, when it was created, the national mentality of the nation was taken into account. Further, the main emphasis is placed on the ability to work individually with people. At the same time, Japanese management focuses not on individual, but on group forms of labor organization. The companies create management teams that solve all production and marketing problems in order to increase production efficiency. The mechanism of collective responsibility is used when all members of the team participate in management decisions and, accordingly, bear equal responsibility.

Management today

At the current stage of the development of mankind with rapidly changing living conditions and activities in all areas of life, intensified competition, the importance of management is significantly increasing. In his studies, the achievements of various sciences are widely used: economics, mathematics, cybernetics, sociology, psychology and others, that is, modern management is becoming the field of application of scientific research knowledge of various directions. A systematic approach made it possible to integrate the achievements of all national management schools and use them in management theory and practice.

Organization in Management Theory

what is management

In management theory, “organization” is a concept that refers to any group of people who are united to implement specific goals. In order to talk about the organization, the created group of people must meet certain requirements:

  • the number of people in the group must be at least two;
  • the common goal is known to all members of this organization;
  • common and at the same time agreed with each other intentions to achieve the goals.

Thus, we can consider the organization in management as a social formation that unites many people with common aspirations to achieve a common goal. An organization is considered successful if it effectively achieves its goal.

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