
Methods and management models. Formation, analysis, features of management models

Management is to ensure effective management. Management models have been developed in various countries. At the same time, unique traditions are taken into account, as well as ways of establishing and developing a business.

Varieties of the main areas of management

Even from school, the division of the world into Asia, Europe and America is known. In accordance with this division, three main management models can be distinguished: Western (American), Eurasian and Asian (Japanese).

American model

The essence of such a management model is that the success of any business entity depends on factors that are within it. management modelsIn this case, the corporation should be considered as a closed system. Prosperity depends on the degree of rationality of the organization of production, the magnitude of the growth of labor productivity and the efficient use of all types of resources, and the level of cost reduction.

In the presence of the American management model, all conditions of the enterprise should be accepted as constant over a long period of time. The strategy of this model is based on continuous production growth. The organizational structure of this management model is built on a functional principle with a clear division of the management apparatus into services. This model is inherent in absolute control over all types of activities with the unconditional implementation of all orders and orders from above.

Features of the American model

American modern management models today are losing their leading position throughout the world. Recently, they are acquiring some features of Japanese management. The features of this model are largely due to the features of the Americans themselves, in particular, their ability to fight to the bitter end with the assertion of their own superiority and vitality. They always emphasize some exclusivity, the desire to achieve great and quick success. Particular attention is paid to their own business. They are characterized by a struggle for leadership.

Key Features of American Management

So far, America has been dominated by a one-man management style; enterprises have observed rather strict discipline with unquestioning subordination in the presence of external democracy.management model features

This management model is characterized by a combination of private shareholders in companies with an ever-increasing number of shareholders (known as “outsiders”) unrelated to the business entity. Also in this direction of management there is a clearly defined legislative framework that defines the rights and obligations of the main participants (shareholders, directors and managers).

The modern American model is based on the following premises:

  • industrial organization of production,
  • the presence of market relations,
  • the use of corporations as the main form of entrepreneurship.

Corporations have the status of legal entities, their shareholders are entitled to a certain part of the profit, which is distributed in proportion to the number of their shares. Such large enterprises replaced small firms, where ownership of them belonged only to owners of capital, which controlled the activities of employees.

The American model, which is developing in market conditions, involves a certain separation of control and ownership in large corporations. Such a separation from a legal point of view is quite important, both from a business and social point of view. In other words, investors with an investment of their own funds are not responsible for the activities of the corporation. They transfer managerial functions to managers who receive the corresponding salary for the performance of these functions. This fee for the separation of control and ownership is known as "agency services."

American business entities, using traditional principles of employee selection, pay special attention to professionalism and specialized knowledge. General criteria for the selection of personnel:

  • practice,
  • education,
  • psychological compatibility
  • ability to work in a team.

American companies focus mainly on narrow specialization. Thus, professionalism is inherent only in a narrow field of knowledge. Therefore, climbing the career ladder is possible only vertically. For example, an economist can only make a career in this area. This situation significantly limits the opportunities for advancement at managerial levels, which will lead to staff turnover their transfer from one enterprise to another.

Japanese model

This management model is the result of the specifics of culture and the economic system. It is generally accepted that it has the ability to provide mobility and harmony of a business entity.

management models brieflyFeatures of management models of this type are the availability of ways to manage human resources, finances, production and marketing.

The main characteristics of this model include:

  • lifetime employment system
  • career growth in accordance with age and length of service,
  • organization of teamwork,
  • differentiated wage system depending on age,
  • continuous learning system.

The specified model is formed under the influence of such factors:

- creative use of foreign experience in the field of management and organization;

- preservation of various national traditions.formation of management models

Therefore, among the main features of the Japanese orientation of management, the following can be distinguished:

  • restraint,
  • hard work
  • diplomacy,
  • thrift,
  • susceptibility to everything new.

Japan is characterized by a commitment to groupism (collective forms of labor organization). This type of work may require employees to work with people. In this case, we are talking about life experience and spiritual development of the individual.

In describing the Japanese management model, it is briefly necessary to note the inherent doctrine of paternalism, which “states” the condescending attitude of employers towards their employees. The tendency to various democratic trends in interaction in the process of labor activity can also be traced from here.


main management models

The characteristics of Japanese management that distinguish it from its Western counterparts include:

  • participation of absolutely all links in management - quality management at the enterprise level;
  • training personnel with training in basic management methods;
  • control of management activities;
  • application of statistical methods.

European model

This management model is characterized by:

  • respectful attitude
  • competence
  • stimulation of vocational training,
  • loyalty of managers
  • technical preparedness of employees
  • expanded scope of responsibility and authority,
  • effective labor relations
  • quality and innovation,
  • formalized production management.

The analysis of management models showed that the European variety occupies a certain intermediate position between other types of management: American and Japanese.

Description of management in Europe

A feature of the European management model is even more stringent management approach personnel than in Japan or the United States. In countries such as the Netherlands, Great Britain, Sweden and Norway, management principles were characterized by the provision of authority to the middle level of employees in deciding on issues related to company management.modern management models

The formation of management models occurred in the process of solving the issue of employee behavior in the team. In other words, the social character of a person interested managers in Europe much more than his personality. According to the founders of European management, monetary compensation is not the only factor motivating a person to work. In many cases, some efforts are determined by the psychological motives of people, on which their behavior depends. Therefore, the presence of the necessary amount of information material will lead to the adoption of balanced and informed decisions, and will also become an expression of professionalism.

The history of the formation of European management

Management methods and models in Western Europe were developed in the post-war period. It was during that period that quite significant and important managerial decisions were made that are associated with the restoration of industry, the economy, and agriculture.management methods and models

The founders of this model are considered to be the British. However, in fairness, it is necessary to note the participation of specialists from Germany, who first introduced the concept of “bureaucrat”. Therefore, it is safe to say that the development of European management is the merit of several countries.

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