
Specialty "Management": duration of study and educational goals

The word “manager”, a bit strange for the ear of a Russian person, has quite firmly entered our lives. Managers are everywhere - in offices and banks, shops and warehouses. In fact, many people completely do not understand the true meaning of this word, and even students who choose the specialty “Management” for themselves are not always able to explain who it is and what its work is. So, the manager. Who is he? What does he do and how can he become one? Let's get it right.

Who is the manager?

Specialty Management is one of the most popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. specialty managementTranslated from English, this word means “manage,” that is, a manager is a person who is able to establish the effective work of other people and organize an uninterrupted high-quality process. Simply put, a manager is a person who receives money for the fact that the people under his command work well.

At present, the word "manager" for some reason has lost its original meaning. So they began to call everyone in a row, up to the cleaning lady, probably with the aim of raising the personal motivation of workers. Well, you must admit: a cleaning lady - it sounds somehow not very good, but a cleaning manager is another matter!

Here are a few professions most commonly associated with this specialty:

  • tourism manager;
  • Office Manager;
  • Advertising Manager
  • manager of logistick;
  • PR manager;
  • financial manager and so on.

Any of these vacancies, except for the corresponding education, implies that the applicant has certain qualities:

  • a responsibility;
  • logical thinking;
  • ability to make quick decisions;
  • emotional and volitional stability;
  • social activity;
  • ability to clearly and clearly express their thoughts;
  • good memory;
  • excellent communication skills and organizational skills.

Functions of a manager of any direction

The specialty Management is a rather broad concept and can be divided into several key industries. specialty management organizationNevertheless, the functions of such an employee in any organization are quite similar:

  1. Goal setting. In any organization, it is the manager who sets the goal, the direction of movement. Whether the desired will be achieved or not depends on the manager’s qualifications, his ability to correctly prioritize, convey their tasks to subordinates.
  2. Work organization. In this matter, it is very important to correctly evaluate the entire amount of work, break it down into specific processes and entrust employees with the performance of certain tasks. It is very important to timely analysis of the organization, the establishment of interagency relations.
  3. Performance assessment and control. Timely identification of deviations from a given vector, error correction, and corrective planning are also the responsibility of a manager of any level.
  4. Motivation. A specialist of this kind must be able to establish high-quality work in any team. For this, a system of punishments and rewards may be applied. By establishing contacts with employees of all levels, the manager forms a coordinated team and improves the quality of communication in the team.
  5. Development. In addition to constant self-education, the manager's function is to constantly develop his subordinates.

"Management" - specialty, disciplines

Today, "managers" prepares every second educational institution.What will students who have chosen the specialty "Management" study for themselves? Universities offer a fairly extensive list of disciplines, which in general can be divided into three main blocks:

  • GSE - humanitarian and socio-economic subjects of a general plan.
  • ENM - natural sciences and mathematical disciplines.
  • OPD - general professional disciplines.

The first include, for example:

  • Russian language;
  • foreign language;
  • sociology;
  • physical Culture;
  • story;
  • psychology and pedagogy;
  • political science;
  • culturology;
  • philosophy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • others.

The EN cycle usually includes mathematics, computer science, and natural science. And only from the second, or even the third year, students begin to comprehend professional disciplines:

  • accounting;
  • marketing basics;
  • economics;
  • management basics;
  • organization theory;
  • statistics
  • economic law;
  • finance and credit;
  • organizational behavior;
  • others.

specialty management universitiesDepending on the narrow specialization that students choose in their last courses of study, additional disciplines are included in the curriculum:

  • innovation management;
  • logistics;
  • crisis management;
  • management systems and technologies;
  • strategic management;
  • quality control other.

If the choice of an applicant fell on a more specialized management, then you will additionally have to study, for example:

  • fast food systems;
  • sanitary hygiene;
  • management of technical services of bars, restaurants and hotels;
  • protocol maintenance and so on.

Future financiers will also have to further study many special disciplines.

Organization Managers

One of the most popular and generalizing is the specialty "Organization Management". This direction takes one of the first places among the priorities of Russian applicants. The training program at such a faculty most often allows you to obtain knowledge sufficient to work in almost any field of management.management specialty discipline

Education in this specialty has been certified by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation since March 2000. After 5 years of training, graduates receive the qualification of "manager". During this period, they must acquire vast economic knowledge, both theoretical and practical, which gives reason to apply for a rather prestigious job.

Many graduates who have attended the course "Organization Management", in the future become successful directors of enterprises or leading leaders in certain areas. Some of them successfully open their own business.

Economic direction

The specialty "Economics and Management" involves an in-depth study of such disciplines as:

  • economic theory;
  • marketing;
  • organization economics;
  • foreign economic activity enterprises;
  • cash circulation and lending;
  • business planning;
  • psychology of personnel management;
  • strategic management and many others.

All students who choose this direction study English, and those who have chosen the specialty “Tourism Manager” are required to study at least one other foreign language of their choice.

Most often, university graduates who have gained knowledge in the field of economics and management become sales managers or economic planning managers. Usually, the duties of such a specialist include:

  • building effective enterprise management schemes;
  • development of a development strategy for a particular enterprise;
  • the study of the financial and economic activities of the organization;
  • assessment of the financial condition of the company according to accounting reports;
  • development of accounting policies;
  • verification and processing of primary accounting information;
  • assessment of the economic development of the enterprise;
  • establishing industrial and economic ties;
  • participation in the formation of the innovation policy of the company;
  • forecasting development and modernization options;
  • implementation of software products for managing various projects;
  • other tasks.

specialty management and management


If you intend to ensure uninterrupted financial activity of the enterprise in the future, then “Financial Management” is a specialty just for you. Most likely, a university graduate who has received such an education will not be hired to work in a bank; the specialty “Finance and Credit” or something similar is preferred there. But at the enterprise, a financial manager is one of the key figures in management. Such a specialist is responsible for analyzing the financial market, choosing an enterprise development strategy, and analyzing the feasibility of making certain decisions.

Training of financial managers is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of financial management, insurance and banking.

Future business financiers are studying:

  • stock and financial risks;
  • risk and investment management;
  • financial right;
  • credit management;
  • mergers and acquisitions of companies;
  • international Management.

Personnel Management

The specialty "Management and Management" is another facet of a more general direction. Applicants who choose this area for themselves, most often apply for the work of a HR manager, in other words, “personnel officer”. Obtaining such an education also allows you to qualify for the position of manager for insurance, real estate, labor protection and so on.
There are also several narrow-disciplinary disciplines, which are given great attention:

  • basics of social insurance;
  • psychologists and sociology of management;
  • organization theory;
  • organizational behavior;
  • labor law;
  • economic theory;
  • personnel Management;
  • management basics and statistics;
  • paperwork;
  • business ethics and conflict resolution;
  • labor safety basics and much more.

Career growth

Work in the specialty "Management" is one of the most sought-after positions in the labor market. When looking for a job, the main thing is to differentiate offers and make sure that the name "manager" does not mean the storekeeper or seller.

Today the market for middle managers is quite fluid, so finding a job is not difficult. Further career progression will depend only on the personal qualities, knowledge and skills of the employee.specialty economics and management

Choosing a similar specialty for yourself, it is worth remembering that at first the salary of the middle manager is not too high, and there are quite a lot of responsibilities for him. But if you manage to prove yourself and become a TOP specialist, your motivation will increase many times over, because good managers are worth its weight in gold.


As you can see, the specialty "Management" is multifaceted and allows you to get a fairly wide range of knowledge. In addition, it is an ideal education that will allow you to manage your own business. After all, someone who knows how to manage an enterprise is quite capable of organizing it independently.

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