
What is education and how is it developed in different countries?

In recent years, an increasing number of our fellow citizens are trying to send their children to study abroad. Therefore, today the question more often arises: what is education and how is it developed in various world states? Our politicians and show business stars often arrange their heirs in educational institutions in Singapore, the USA, Japan and Switzerland. How are they guided and how do foreign educational institutions differ from domestic ones?

what is education

Singapore Education System

Those who are interested in what education is, it will be useful to find out that bilingualism is considered the main feature characteristic of this camp. Education in Singapore is conducted simultaneously in two languages ​​- Chinese and English. Thanks to this, even primary school students are free to communicate with foreigners.

Due to the fact that biomedicine and healthcare are actively developing in the country, the main emphasis here is placed not on the humanities, but on the technical sciences. Every graduate who successfully graduates from high school has the right to continue his studies. At will, he can receive secondary specialized or higher education. In order to be enrolled in a university or college, an applicant must pass the general exam, gaining a certain amount of points on it.

higher education

Features of studying in Switzerland

People who want to understand what education is in Swiss schools and universities will be very surprised to learn that education in this country begins at the age of four. Over the next six years, local children go to elementary school, after which they are fluent in not only the two official languages, but also English. Ten-year-olds go to high school, which implies two-level training for students. Moreover, children have the opportunity to choose one of the learning models adopted there. At will, students can study in the Swiss, Italian, German, French or Anglo-American systems.

Higher education in Switzerland implies the presence of two levels of study - undergraduate and graduate. The main emphasis is on research.

educational institutions

Features of the educational system of Italy

Eighteen-year-old graduates of Italian schools have the right to continue their studies at the university, after which they receive a bachelor's degree. Despite the fact that studying at a university is considered free, each student is required to pay a training tax, the amount of which is determined taking into account the total income of his family. For good academic performance, a student can be exempted from this tax.

Those who are trying to understand what education is in Italy and how it differs from domestic will be interested to know that a characteristic feature of local education is the complete absence of examination tickets. At the lectures, the student receives a minimum of knowledge on a particular subject, therefore, for high-quality preparation for the session, he must independently seek and study specialized literature. As a rule, only three out of ten applicants reach a diploma.

additional education

Features of studying in the USA

Most of our compatriots will be very surprised that in America there is no national educational system. Despite the fact that the lion's share of local schools is funded by the state budget, each state has its own elected council in charge of education.Its representatives are engaged in the development of curricula and supervise schooling, the quality of which largely depends on the place of residence that this or that family has chosen.

Teachers of a particular educational institution are directly responsible for the content and volume of materials that a student must learn; Therefore, the quality of knowledge acquired by the graduate depends solely on the responsibility, professional qualifications and degree of education of the teacher.

Tuition at American universities is paid. Its cost is quite high, because many citizens refuse to receive additional education. Most parents who are interested in their child continuing their education begin to save money long before the birth of the heir. Many graduates take a loan to study, so at the end of the university they have to work hard to pay off their debts.

Features of studying in Japan

The degrees of education in this country are similar to those used in Korea. Six-year-olds go to primary school, where they study until the age of twelve. Then they are transferred to a secondary school, the training in which lasts for two years. Sixteen-year-olds are enrolled in high school, at the end of which they are given the opportunity to continue their education at the university. The main feature is that high school is optional. But most Japanese still finish it. Local universities have practically no budget places, so you have to pay for higher education.

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